Are You Being Haunted?: Tarot Pick a Card
Most people are fortunate to escape the scary influence of hauntings. However, some misunderstand spiritual activity at work in their lives. Not every spirit is good. If you’ve been called to this reading by your intuition, then it’s because you either want clarity on confusing events in your life or you need to face the uncomfortable truth.
It’s easy to do that with this tarot pick a card. All you have to do is select one of the piles of cards above.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
In this reading, I’m using the Rider-Waite tarot and the Moonology oracle deck (these are affiliate links that support my tarot reading). I’ll be drawing three cards to best determine the spiritual energy in your life.
Now let’s find out if you’re being haunted.
Pile 1: Red Ghost

The primary energy around you right now is one of negativity. Your oracle card, the Full Moon in Scorpio, suggests that you need to cleanse your body from a negative influence. I believe a bad spirit has latched on to you and can influence your life wherever you go – not just your home.
What could this bad spirit be?
There’s an interesting conflict between your two tarot cards, the Six of Wands, Reversed and the Ace of Wands. I read the ace as you and the six as the spirit. This bad spirit feeds off your unhealthy emotions and tries to make you feel inferior.
Do you see how the Six of Wands, Reversed is upending the person’s glory? That’s the spirit at work. Not only do you feel bad, but it’s trying to make your life worse too. When it’s had its fill, it will move on to other people in your life and feel content knowing it can return at any time and enjoy your suffering.
Have you noticed things in your life going wrong for no logical reason? The bad spirit is responsible. I can’t sense any definitive type, so this may be different for each of you.
The good news is that this spirit is easily overpowered. The Ace of Wands card is a good omen for your ability to defeat this bad spirit and send it packing. The suit of wands in tarot has spiritual connections. Here, the card features a hand holding the wand, signifying magical power. Simply put, your spiritual power is stronger than the bad spirit’s. It doesn’t stand a chance.
I think that’s one of the reasons why it has been attracted to feed off your emotions. The more unstable you become, the more unstable your spiritual energy. This empowers the bad spirit and makes it stronger. I suspect this is how many minor spirits turn into more problematic hauntings over time. Those with a lot of spiritual energy need to be careful so they don’t attract bad spirits into their lives like a magnet.
So what should you do? Recognize that this bad spirit feeds on your insecurities. The Law of Attraction or prayer are excellent options you can do every day. I would advise against traditional meditation as clearing your mind may allow it a door to get in and cause your mind to wander in the worst ways.
There are other rituals you can do, such as magic spells, but whatever you choose needs to be something that empowers you directly. Simply cleansing the space or an exorcism is unlikely to bring the resolution you seek because the bad spirit has housed itself in your soul piece by piece.
Self-care and self-empowerment is the answer because it redirects your spiritual energy back into your body instead of into the environment for the bad spirit to feed off of.
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Pile 2: Blue Ghost

I sense ancient energy attached to your home. The Chariot card reminds me of historical eras, but I don’t believe it’s human energy exactly. Rather, I feel that the ancient energy in your home is more like a passing impression.
This can take many forms. The most familiar is a residual haunting. This is when a major event leaves a lasting imprint on a location. Most often, this is a crime or a spiritual person who leaves a part of their energy embedded in a location, but it can be a joyous event too. This type of haunting is probably the most common and gives that eerie feeling a person has when they enter an old building.
It’s also possible that it could be a portal haunting or another spirit. However, I don’t think the details matter. You probably sense that something is off about your home, but it doesn’t feel like an attack exactly.
Interestingly, I don’t feel this energy is negative, but it does increase the spiritual energy in your home. This can be dangerous because it attracts more beings into your space. This is why your oracle card, New Moon in Aries, advises you to take action. You should take steps now to prevent something negative from happening in the future.
That means cleansing your space. Blessing your home or using sage to smoke it out would be a good idea. Some of you may only need to do this once, while others will want to do this as part of a routine every few months to a year.
It’s also possible that you can exorcise the energy, but if you use spiritual power as part of your daily life, then I would recommend not doing this. That’s because your other tarot card, the Eight of Swords, Reversed, suggests that the restrictive feeling of this energy is just an illusion. Properly harnessed, you can use it to boost your spiritual abilities.
This is something that requires a lot of care and thought, so even if you do plan to do this, I suggest only doing so after significant research in that field of spiritual work first. I personally don’t make use of any residual spiritual energy in my home myself. I consider it a hassle to routinely cleanse and purify every time I read tarot, so I make sure it isn’t necessary in the first place. Plus, I don’t live alone.
But for those who do make that decision, you’ll find that your home serves as a spiritual portal that can empower your gifts and can help you reach out to beings on other planes. Proper cleansing helps to keep that energy positive and within your control. However, know that this is a difficult energy to control.
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Pile 3: Purple Ghost

There’s major energy in your life right now, so I feel as if a powerful and destructive spirit is at work. You will not leave this encounter unscathed.
First, let’s establish the most important thing you need to realize: spirits only have so much power in the material world, and most of that power is in what you give them. So I think the wounds you take away will primarily be that of memories and a shift of perspective.
The spirit in question is seen in the Page of Swords, Reversed card. It’s a feisty spirit whose play has turned dangerous for their target, so I sense the possibility of a poltergeist or non-human entity like the fae. That said, I don’t believe the energy is straight-up demonic even though it may feel that way to you.
Chances are, you feel uneasy in your home or in the world if it has latched onto your person or someone in your life. You probably feel helpless and unable to do anything of your own power. You’d be right.
Some spirits are more powerful than you can handle at your current phase of life. When this occurs, it’s best to take the advice of your oracle card, the Full Moon, and seek spiritual help. If you already have powerful spiritual gifts, then you can invoke help from your spirit guides or your perception of god. I wouldn’t advise using a power that doesn’t come from a stronger spiritual source than yourself.
A better option would be to enlist the help of another person who also has spiritual gifts. That’s because the poltergeist or non-human entity has so much power over you that you may not be able to channel your energy effectively. A friend who can cleanse the space and do a ritual for you would be great.
If you’re part of a traditional religion like Catholicism, then a professional blessing or an exorcism could be called for.
However, not all of you have established spiritual gifts or access to another person. This is why I think the Three of Swords is in this reading. Some of you will need to purify your space on your own.
This can be tricky, but it can be done.
First, avoid doing any spiritual activities where you could serve as a vessel, like meditation (though guided meditation is fine). Second, choose protective charms around your own, like crystals or religious symbols, and research rituals of interest. You should prefer those affiliated with spiritual beliefs you have, or, alternatively, the likely spiritual beliefs of the poltergeist.
Pace yourself and understand that it will take a lot of effort to overcome their power. If you or a person in your home is young, and especially a woman, they may have inadvertently called the energy into the home. Make sure that you do a thorough investigation of the situation before you act.
And please: avoid directly communicating with the spirit. This tends to empower and enrage them.
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