January 2022: Tarot Pick a Card
Winter continues in the northern hemisphere with January, but that’s easy to forget with the hope of the new year ahead of us. This month is a time where new habits are formed and bad habits are broken. Because of that, how you spend the next few weeks is crucial to setting the tone for your year ahead.
Let’s use this tarot pick a card to tap into your intuition and find out what the universe has planned for you. It’s easy. All you have to do is pick one of the piles of cards above. Clear your mind and open your heart.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
In this reading, I’m using the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports my tarot reading). I’ll be drawing five cards, one for the theme of your month and one for each week.
Now it’s time to discover what January 2022 has in store for you!
Pile 1: Red

I’m going to be blunt – this isn’t going to be a good month for you. That’s because of the Queen of Swords, Reversed. The reasoning behind your decisions won’t be sound, causing a sequence of events in January that will be difficult to escape from once it gets started.
To lessen the pain of this month, seek external confirmation for any important decision you make. This can be through the advice of a trusted friend or family member, or you can use divination. I find that a simple “yes or no” check-in with my spirit guides by flipping a coin can save me a lot of grief. Try doing it yourself.
Week 1: January 1 to 9
Your first card in January is The Empress. I believe the reason why you’ll be led astray this month is because of the potential during this week. There’s a lot of hope in the new year and many believe they can set amazing goals that will help them manifest the life they want.
But like many who try to set a resolution, you won’t think it through correctly. I’m not saying you shouldn’t dream big and start a project, but don’t be so determined to create a plan you can’t happily modify and adjust later according to your needs and wants.
Week 2: January 10 to 16
If you’re not careful, what you began in the first week of January will lead you into ruin. Your card here, the Ten of Swords, features a man impaled in the back. I sense that you’ll be backstabbed by your own ambitions. This will likely discourage you, at least temporarily, and be emotionally upsetting.
If you can’t avoid this misfortune, take a deep breath and look back at the situation from a different perspective. What didn’t work out? Was there a clue as to why?
Hopefully, this will be a good week for you, so if you manage to overcome or avoid the Ten of Swords, allow yourself to take a break. You probably pushed yourself too hard the week before anyway.
Week 3: January 17 to 23
No matter how your previous week was, I’m sensing that you’re going to act impulsively in the third week of January. Here I pulled the card Knight of Swords, Reversed. This card has a lot of frantic energy that can easily burn someone out.
You’re prone to making a lot of inefficient decisions this month. Even if you manage to avoid complete ruin, you may have developed bad productivity habits. These can be sneaky, especially at the beginning of the year. Maybe you aren’t setting aside enough time to get your work done… or you’ve selected a productivity system that requires a significant amount of effort to make work.
In the evening or before bed, pause and ask yourself where you felt more exhausted than you should. If this happens too many days in a row, there’s something you’re doing that doesn’t match the pace your body needs to remain healthy. Make a change.
Week 4: January 24 to 31
For you, the month ends on the Six of Wands, Reversed. Traditionally seen as a glory card, you’re probably going to feel as if you aren’t getting the recognition you deserve. That’s because the public admiration is turned on its head.
Don’t work against this energy. Sometimes, it takes a while for your work to be recognized and that’s okay. Use this week instead to focus on yourself with some independent time. Be your biggest fan and don’t worry about standing on the stage right now. It’ll make it easier to accept yourself in the background if you enjoy the best parts of that energy instead. It’s nice to be incognito now and again.
Did your reading resonate with you? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to get e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. Don’t forget to check out your 2022 tarot reading here.
Pile 2: Orange

I sense that you’re going on a spiritual journey this month. Your theme card, the Six of Swords, features refugees sailing off to a new and better land. But, after looking at the rest of your cards, I feel this journey is more spiritual than physical.
The water that’s being crossed is the collective unconscious. You’re going to venture into spiritual waters you’ve never been before. That can be scary, but I believe you’ll be aided by spirit. This may be through god, a spirit guide, or your ancestors.
If you feel a positive energy around you this month, that’s their protective energy shielding you with their spirit. You’ll be able to achieve a lot in your spiritual awakening because of it.
Week 1: January 1 to 9
The first card in your spread is the Five of Pentacles. While this is traditionally seen as a bad luck card, I interpret it as the beginning of a difficult spiritual journey. In the background, we see the stained-glass window of a church. The beggars aren’t yet aware that help is closer than they realize. And neither will you.
This is the week where you’ll begin to feel spirit’s protective energy around you. This may be a new experience for you and you may have trouble understanding the messages they send your way. Have patience – establishing a spiritual connection isn’t easy as you have to guide your intuition to the right vibrations.
I find that meditation, Law of Attraction, prayer, or even self-care can do a lot to get you into the right mindset to receive divine communication. Light a candle and open your heart.
Week 2: January 10 to 16
Your first attempts to bond with spirit won’t go well. As someone with a dominant earth energy myself, I’m more comfortable with the material world than the spiritual. That’s why you need to figure out which energy you’re more comfortable with so you know how to channel it effectively.
The card here is The Magician, Reversed. The common saying attributed to this card is “as above, so below” meaning the magician has the power to manifest what’s in the spiritual world in the material world.
Work on grounding or controlling your spiritual energy through meditation. I find that guided meditations on YouTube or through podcasts are good for this, but you can also use visualization to guide spiritual energy through your body. This is especially useful if you’re trying to manifest something into your life.
Week 3: January 17 to 23
You may be disappointed with your spiritual awakening progress in the third week of January. Don’t be. The Five of Cups card shows a man mourning the loss of his spilled cups – but he doesn’t realize he still has two full cups behind him.
You’re going to make measurable progress, but it may not be in the amount or manner that you expected. This is probably because of January. We all tend to set big goals for ourselves. I’ve heard that it’s around this time of January most resolutions are abandoned once the reality of our big goals requiring more work becomes realized.
See your spiritual awakening not as a single event, but as a continuous and fulfilling spiritual growth.
Week 4: January 24 to 31
I bet you’re excited about your last card. The Moon in tarot has very clear supernatural connotations. That means you’re going to reach a major moment in your spiritual awakening that will leave a lasting impression.
You’re likely to feel this more than directly observe it, so be sure to have a journal handy on paper or on the computer that you can jot down notes. You can spend a few minutes over the course of a day each day recording your thoughts and the spiritual energy you feel. Also do this when you wake up and before you go to bed.
Accept the depths of spirituality you’ll experience. Some of it will be wild and untamed like the wolf, while others you’ll have more control over like the domesticated dog.
Did your reading resonate with you? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to get e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. Don’t forget to check out your 2022 tarot reading here.
Pile 3: Yellow

January is going to be a tumultuous month for you. That’s because of the conflicting symbols on the Nine of Wands, Reversed card and associated weekly cards. When upright, this card can be interpreted as being exhausted, but also strong – the person is still standing. But as a reversal, I can interpret this as overcoming that exhaustion or falling to it.
I sense that you’re going to experience both highs and lows this week. You’re going to struggle with your emotions because of it, but remember whatever you feel one week won’t last.
Try to avoid starting any plans which require you to pursue them daily. Instead, plan to act in bursts. That way, you’ll be able to flow with the energy of the month instead of against it.
Week 1: January 1 to 9
Your first card in January is the Wheel of Fortune. What a way to start the year! This is a card of good luck, but it’s also one of temporary luck.
I sense that much in your life is going to come into happy alignment this week. Try not to focus so much on shifts in fortune and feel blessed with what you currently have.
The reason why your fortune is temporary is that what you’re experiencing requires a lot of things to go right simultaneously. I believe you’ll experience unplanned and unexpected good fortune, which means you also won’t be able to control it.
However, you can observe the good that happens to you and see if any patterns can be repeated in the future. You may have just not had the right insight before to replicate that level of success.
Week 2: January 10 to 16
The second week in January will be when your fortune turns for the worst. That’s because your card here is the Ten of Pentacles, Reversed. This is my favorite card in the tarot because of what it promises: a materially successful legacy. But as a reversal, that’s not happening for you this week.
Something is going to disrupt your plans and endanger your long-term goals. You may feel like you’ll never achieve anything.
Instead of focusing on this disruption, look within at your intrinsic motivations. Find what it is you do in life that you enjoy the act of doing, not just the act of completion. This might be something as simple as watching television or something as complex as programming an app. Everyone is different.
Think carefully about what’s yours and see if you can spend more time on that this week.
Week 3: January 17 to 23
This part of the month is usually a challenge for most people, but you’re going to celebrate. That’s because your card here is the Three of Cups. Do you see the women dancing happily around in a circle, drunk on wine? It’s a merry occasion to let go and enjoy life.
Your previous week may have been a bit depressing, but if you did the right soul-searching to discover what intrinsically motivates you, then you’ll be able to channel that motivation this week to increase your happiness. When someone does what they love, it’s not work even when they need to take a break sometimes. It’s fulfillment. It’s contentment. Not a burden. Not an obstacle.
Allow that contentment to wash over you and soothe your spirit like a healing balm. Then celebrate this good mood with whatever leisure activities you enjoy most.
Week 4: January 24 to 31
January ends on the King of Pentacles, Reversed card. This matches the earlier material loss of the Ten of Pentacles, Reversed. I sense you won’t make a lot of progress in your career or financial life this month, and that’s okay.
A lot is going on in the world economy right now, so you may not even be responsible for your current circumstances. See yourself like the Nine of Wands and recognize that you may be tired, but you don’t have to be defeated.
Save what you can and live moderately. Don’t spend your money on things you don’t need, and try not to take too many risks at work. Focus instead on what brings you fulfillment and give more of your energy and time to that wherever possible – not the material world. Not on things. Unless you’re a collector – then collect away (in a financially responsible way, of course!).
Did your reading resonate with you? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to get e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. Don’t forget to check out your 2022 tarot reading here.