May 2023: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today we’re going to find out what May 2023 has in store for you. I sense a lot of positive energy this month for all the piles, which means there’s a lot of hope and opportunity even for those who may be encountering a challenge.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Everyday Witch Tarot and the Oracle of the Fairies decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to reveal your May 2023!
Pile 1: Whale

It seems like you have a strong foundation for a happy month. It’s not guaranteed, but as long as you’re mindful, I think you’ll be able to have a consistently joyful time.
Your first theme card, Celebration, has the wisdom message of “Get ready to let your hair down and celebrate! It’s time to go out to dance and play – an invitation could be on the way.” My impression of this card is that somebody in your life is going to have an important event.
While this event may not be celebrating you, I think the atmosphere that this invitation brings will uplift your spirit. Don’t turn down the opportunity to celebrate somebody’s birthday, achievement, or other happy event.
The second theme card is Protection with the wisdom message of “The Fairies of Protection are shielding you with a magical ring of love and light. Practice psychic protection before embarking on any spiritual work.” I sense that you may have an unusual streak of luck during this time. A spiritual force in your life, perhaps the fairies themselves, ancestors, or et cetera, are looking out for you.
This gives you a lot of options in life, but it may also give you spiritual protection to try new things. Want to go ghost hunting? You could probably do so without being afraid of bringing home a ghost. So if there’s something spiritually risky you want to try, now’s the month to do it.
As for your third theme card, Manifestation, you have the wisdom message of “Be very honest and clear about what you want to manifest in your life. Now write it down on paper: manifestation step one.”
I think this is a good month to start a new project or a new stage of a project that you really care about. There’s a lot of good energy surrounding you which will help supercharge your goals.
Week 1: May 1st to May 7th
The celebration I talked about earlier is most likely to happen this week according to the Three of Cups card. This is an especially friendly energy, but it could be related to a coworker or someone you have a platonic relationship with.
Don’t make the mistake of assuming every relationship needs to be deep. More casual relationships with the people in your life can be communal and meaningful without being “ride or die.” Use this week as a chance to be there for your social network. You may be surprised by how rewarding that can be.
Week 2: May 8th to May 14th
The second week card is Queen of Pentacles. This is the best week for you to manifest or plan the next stage of a project. You’re also likely to enjoy being at home or enjoying simple comforts.
Make sure to balance work and play this week so you don’t get burnt out.
I’m also really drawn to the dog on this card and it makes me think of your spiritual protectors. This is a good week to take risks and try something new spiritually.
Week 3: May 15th to May 21st
Your mid-month is marked by the Five of Wands, Reversed card. I think this is when you’re month starts to change energetically. It doesn’t have to turn for the worst, but I want you to realize that you may start to lack motivation or not feel as engaged.
Although I do think you’ll face less conflict during this time, it may cause you to get too comfortable and not seek your best circumstances. It’s okay to be a little uncomfortable if it motivates you to meet other people or try something exciting.
Week 4: May 22nd to May 31st
Your month ends with The Lovers, Reversed card. This is about not committing. Now it could refer to some sort of romantic problems, but the rest of your spread seems to indicate you’re not “buying in” to your own life.
I think you’re at risk of early success in the month and then discouragement when your manifestation is small. Know that you’re laying the foundation for greater manifestations later on. Have patience and understand that life requires commitment and investment into the things you want most.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Monkey

You have an innocent energy for this month despite some very powerful cards. This combination is going to be spiritually powerful, but I think you can use it to your advantage.
Your first theme card is Inner Child with the wisdom message of “The Fairies of Playfulness remind you to make time to embrace your inner child – playing keeps us young at heart. Do something silly and fun, but stay safe.”
There’s a lot of risky energy this month for you that could go the wrong way. How you can avoid this and channel it into something amazing is to have a childlike energy. Think playfully and innocently. Have a heart of warmth and curiosity.
The next theme card is New Beginnings with the wisdom message of “The fairy godmother heralds joyous news of a new baby – or the birth of a cherished idea. Protect and nurture your ideas as you would a baby.”
There’s something you want for your life that is going to be an immense responsibility. However, that responsibility can bring a lot of joy too. And just like with a child, you need to approach that responsibility with true care. But care isn’t without fun: babies learn by playing.
Your last theme card is Fairy Spotting with the wisdom message of “It’s time to go fairy spotting! It’s said that seeing is believing, but in fact the opposite is true: believing is seeing.” Have a vision for yourself this month and optimism that you can achieve what you set out to do.
This is also a sign that there will be immense spiritual energy around you. If you want a greater manifestation of your spirit guides or some sign from the universe, it will happen if you open the door.
Week 1: May 1st to May 7th
Your month begins with the Seven of Pentacles card. This is one of investment and with your theme cards, I see a strong nurturing energy here. You have multiple opportunities available to you and you don’t have to pick yet. It’s okay to nurture them and let them grow before you make any final decisions.
So view this week as one of exploration and trying things out. You may learn something about yourself and what you really want by doing so.
Week 2: May 8th to May 14th
The second week card is The Tower. This is a powerful card and one I often associate with bad news or events. However, the rest of your spread doesn’t indicate that so I’m going to assume a secondary meaning to this card: revelation.
The universe is going to shake you to the core and it’s likely to be a positive revelation. However, your life is likely never going to be the same after this. So be prepared for a shift in your thinking this week.
Week 3: May 15th to May 21st
Your third-week card is Page of Cups. This is a happy card, but the torrential waves in conjunction with the last card tell me that some of the effects of last week will linger here.
Use your creativity and imagination to make the most of any situation you’re in. And be prepared for life to surprise you in a good way. You’re likely going to start something new.
Week 4: May 22nd to May 31st
The month’s final card is Seven of Swords, Reversed. I see this card as overcoming theft or some minor misfortune. Perhaps you even avoid it entirely.
This could also be a sign that whatever big event from The Tower this month concludes its energy this week and you’re able to level things out and start afresh. Again, I don’t sense anything bad exactly, but I do think you may be overwhelmed by something.
Some of you may also have a spiritual awakening or some sort of mental shift. So this week may mark you realizing how something in your past no longer serves you.
I think a minority of you will also have something “bad” happen, but this month is about turning that bad into something good. I just don’t see you ending this month on a bad note regardless of what happens throughout the month, so don’t be nervous. Things are working out in the end for you anyway.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Octopus

You’re going to be given an amazing offer this month, but you won’t accept it. Pay close attention to your heart so you can either accept or reject this opportunity without regret. As an aside, I don’t see anything in your cards indicating a bad month, just that you let yourself get too comfortable and miss a great opportunity. And that’s something you can turn around.
Your first theme card is Believe in Magic with the wisdom message of “Open your eyes and see the magic that’s all around in nature. The Fairy of the Northern Lights says you are part of nature, so you are magical too.”
There’s this saying that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” The world is enchanted by the pace of opportunities in the modern world makes it difficult to see that we’re part of a manifesting energy. Believe everything is possible because you can make it possible with the right tools.
The next theme card for the month is Magical Gateway with the wisdom message of “It takes courage and trust to venture into the unknown, yet this is where the greatest rewards are. It’s time to step boldly forward without looking back.”
Your opportunity this month is one you’re afraid to take despite the potential it gives you. Analyze what your anxieties are about improving your life because some of them may not be reasonable or not as bad as you think.
As for your third theme card, we have Friendship with the wisdom message of “Fairies and humans alike need friends. Now is the time to seek out those who will support and encourage you on your journey to fulfill your dreams.”
You probably feel like you need permission to do things for yourself. Although I want you to be self-empowered, I think in the interim you need reassurance from someone you trust to encourage you to reach for things. Ask a friend for their advice and emotional support for the things you secretly want but feel you aren’t good enough to seek out. You are. You just need to be reminded of this.
Week 1: May 1st to May 7th
I see that your month begins with the Two of Pentacles card. You’re going to weigh different decisions and try to balance a lot of things at once. This week it’s going to be something you can handle, but I think your lack of commitment to prioritization is short-sighted.
You can do multiple things at once, but one thing should be getting the lion’s share of your effort and heart. Make sure that thing is aligned with your higher purpose and personal dreams.
Week 2: May 8th to May 14th
The next card is Nine of Pentacles. This is a card of hobbies, but also of isolation. You’re going to retreat into yourself. It’ll feel good at the time, but know you aren’t doing what you need to empower yourself: seeking the emotional support of others.
The fact is that you aren’t achieving all that you want because you’re being too cautious and afraid. You need to break out of your shell and your loved ones can help you do that. Try asking them, “What one thing I could do that would help me make my dreams come true? Be honest.” And seriously consider what they say.
Week 3: May 15th to May 21st
Things will look up for you this week, especially if you’ve been spending time with friends or family. I see a lot of happy social energy. Here we have the King of Cups card. I also get the sense of a mentor.
While it would be great for you to have a real mentor that you have an active relationship, those who don’t can find a role model that you can look up to who has achieved what you dream of. You’re going to do things differently with your life goals, but start looking for people who have succeeded so you can get reassurance from the universe that such dreams are possible.
Week 4: May 22nd to May 31st
Your last week is the Four of Cups card. This is the offer card. You’re definitely going to be faced with an opportunity and this is when you’re most likely to turn it down.
I want you to accept this opportunity to change your life if you can. If you’re not emotionally there yet, then decide with your rejection of this offer that you’re going to change something about your life so you will have confidence in the future.
Otherwise, this month is a positive one and you’re really just battling with yourself on the inside to make it reach heights you haven’t let yourself reach yet.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.