Open Your Third Eye — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how you can open your third eye. That will help you to be more psychic than you currently are.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Keepers of the Light Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to activate your intuition and awaken your psychic powers.
Pile 1: Witch

Be Receptive to the Universe
You have a very strong latent psychic ability that is demanding to be unleashed. Your first card, Lady Venus: Downloads and Understanding has the wisdom message of “Truth is being revealed. Deep insights are coming from heaven and the astral realm.”
Because we have Venus here that means there’s a lot of feminine or yin energy at work. You may be too much into your masculine or yang energy, even if you’re a man or you naturally have that energy preference.
Everyone should tap into both energies and it seems as if you’re ignoring the receptive attitude necessary to have psychic downloads.
One way to practice this is to try divination, automatic writing, or channeling. Divination is probably the easiest, especially oracle cards like this deck so you don’t have to learn tarot.
However, some of you may like meditating and then writing down the thoughts that come to mind.
Family, Past and Present, Can Help
I think that psychic abilities are common in your family line or you have an ancestor who was particularly powerful with their intuition. The second card, White Eagle: Ancestor Spirit, has the wisdom message of “Connect to your lineage. A family wound or pattern can be healed now.”
You may be too much into your yang energy to compensate for a painful trauma or due to family karma. People seek out yang, like productivity, to orient themselves on the right path. And that works for a lot of things.
However, connecting with your lineage is a yin act. You’re trying to download a spiritual connection either through research or ritual.
I want you to either reach out to living family members, learn about your genealogy, or your heritage. Remember: your heritage is both blood and culture, so be open to the idea of looking far into the past, or if you’re adopted or immigrated, looking into your adopted culture as well.
There’s something there you need to learn that will open the door to receiving intuitive downloads.
Be Mindful
I don’t know when it was, but a few years ago I noticed that I stopped just laying back and being alone with my thoughts to daydream. This led to me constantly consuming media or entertainment instead of just existing with myself.
You may be like this too. The third card, Master Buddha: Increased Awareness, has the wisdom message of “Deep connection. Trust your inner voice.”
Now I have an outlet through spirituality, but if you don’t have an outlet, then you aren’t trusting your inner voice and really connecting with your intuition.
You can start this through mindfulness practices (daydreaming is included!) or through divination.
The point is that you’re focused and present with what’s in front of you instead of passively receiving it. That’s what yin really is: active reception, not mindless reception.
Do that and you will open your third eye.
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Pile 2: Snow

Try Something
You have a very action-oriented spread. The first card, Commander Ashtar: Call to Action, has the wisdom message of “Take charge. Lead by example. Walk your talk.” There is a possibility that your psychic ability isn’t what you expect or is non-traditional.
Something you’re already doing is connected to your particular brand of psychic ability. It can come in many forms, but, generally, clairvoyance (sight), clairaudience (sound), clairsentience (feeling in an emotional sense), claircognizance (knowing), clairgustance (taste), clairalience (smell), and clairtangency (touch).
Pretty much every skilled cook has clairgustance and probably clairalience, yet are probably unaware of it. Similarly, you’ve already activated one of these clairs but don’t realize you have because you assume psychic ability is a narrowly defined thing.
Try to experiment with each of the clairs by activating that particular sense. You may not need to practice it that much once you identify which one works for you. You’ve probably just ignored a lot of intuitive messages you’ve been receiving as imagination or paranoia.
Things Making Sense
Once you start using your psychic ability, you’ll find that your spirituality opens up. The second card, Mahavatar Babaji: Soul Expansion, has the wisdom message of “Your consciousness is expanding. You understand the connections between all things.”
It’s not so much you’re getting better at your psychic gift, but that you’ll use it more intentionally and be able to fill the gaps in your experience.
This will let you perceive things in the real world and the spiritual world that you didn’t get the chance to previously.
You’ll be tempted to go back and review things you already learned about because you know you’ll see things from a different perspective: a more all-knowing perspective.
In general, you’ll also start to put the jigsaw pieces of the puzzle together. A lot of pieces are in front of you and you don’t realize you could actually get the answer you seek if you intentionally instead of just accidentally used your third eye.
Filled With Love
I do think your heart is blocked. The final card, Lady Nada: Heart Awakening, has the wisdom message of “Awaken to acceptance and divine love. Give and receive in balance.” When I say your heart is blocked, I mean the heart chakra.
Your heart chakra represents the bridge between your higher self and your lower self. While your third eye is one of the higher chakras, being unable to use it effectively means some part of you is out of balance. Your soul desires a bridge between the spiritual and material world.
You may not realize it, but using your third eye is necessary to your health and happiness. It might also be related to your life purpose. There’s something very emotionally charged about using your psychic abilities.
It’s possible you may end up using these gifts to heal and love others.
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Pile 3: Flowers

Relationships Matter to You
Opening your third eye seems dependent right now on your relationships to others. That may be because you’ll be more interested in using your psychic ability on people in your life.
The first card, Radha: Soul Flame, has the wisdom message of “Rediscover a lost part of yourself. Experience relationship harmony and healing.” This means you’ll really benefit by using your third eye with or for karmically significant connections.
Some tarot readers will read politics, others pop culture, some like me for strangers over the internet, others for strangers in-person, and some only for themselves and their family and friends.
You fall into the last category either strongly or more so than most people. These psychic gifts tend to be best employed in traditional careers where you interact with the same people frequently.
I think you also have really strong soulmate, soul family, and soul connections and the universe will attract these people to you. If you sense that someone was in your past life or has a divine connection to you now – you’re right.
Depth Instead of Breadth
It may seem like there’s no real reason to use your third eye if it’s relationship-oriented and not career or spirituality-oriented, but that’s not true. The second card in your spread, Serapis Bey: Ascension, has the wisdom message of “Move into your true self. Rise above the darkness – the light is there.” I sense that your third eye will help you to make the decisions to put your life on the best course.
Although your psychic gift is more limited in scope, I think it’s more powerful in depth and when applied to near things, like yourself or your relationships, you’ll see amazing progress in your life trajectory. That’s because you’ll be able to live out your destiny and modify it better than most psychics.
In essence, you see more options for yourself and can act on them. Fate is rarely a fatalistic endeavor for you, but something with many doors.
Self-care and self-improvement are crucial for you. I wouldn’t be surprised if your best intuitive leaps occur when you’re indulging in yourself or taking care of others. Journaling, or something closely related, would be especially beneficial to you.
Good Things Will Happen
The third card in your spread, The Holy Spirit: Expect Miracles, has the wisdom message of “Remember that only love is real. Miracles will occur naturally. Spirit has your back.” This is a sign that you’re divinely protected and cherished by the universe and your spirit guides.
Some in this pile may be able to have a strong relationship with these entities while others will feel as if they’re silent. That’s the nature of having a more personal psychic ability instead of a broad one. However, you are just as valued and it even seems as if the universe wants to gift you with blessings that other people don’t often get the chance to have.
You need to have trust and be open to receiving these gifts. You likely give off a very strong energetic signature and this will influence what you attract to yourself. The Law of Attraction or manifestation will be especially useful to you because of this.
I think you may also make some other psychics tired. That’s because your soul is a very bright light. You have an extraordinary radiance. But it can be blinding and overwhelming.
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