Discover Yourself — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on discovering more about yourself.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Good Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Let’s allow the universe to peek into your life so you can know more about you.
Pile 1: Goat

Truly Creative
This is a very creative spread and it’s clear the universe believes you’re creative or able to manifest.
The first card, Page of Water, is about having a well of inspiration within you. This energy is unstable and at times juvenile, but also playful. That means it exists in a space without boundaries.
Like the girl in this card, you aren’t fully one thing, but many things, and these different parts of yourself make a unique person that doesn’t exist anywhere else.
One way to tap into that well is to be in alignment with your emotions. Now be careful here: poets, for example, are famously creative and notoriously unstable.
Getting in touch with your emotions will inspire you, but also pull the floor out from beneath you.
Pour Yourself Into Something
There’s a sense of disorder. The second card, The Hierophant, Reversed, suggests you do best without an external framework. This is pretty common for creatives, so you’re in good company.
I’m unusual in that all my personality tests and behavior indicate I don’t have this trait despite being creative. I have witnessed this lack of order ruin creative’s lives, but as an outsider, I can also tell you how to use it to your advantage.
All the successful creatives I’ve seen channel their feelings and experiences into their work. This allows them to put all the loose inspiring pieces into something that makes sense.
Even though the rest of their life might be chaotic, channeling that chaos into a creative work or something they’re trying to manifest allows them to give structure to their lives.
Just be aware that these same people tend to really focus on their personal projects and let other things fall to the wayside. But these people tend to be happier because they have organized purpose in their creativity. They may not be Type ‘A’, but I have noticed that they are able to use this baseline structure to get the important life maintenance done too.
Creativity without an outlet might lead to insanity or disappointment. Find an outlet and your life will fall into place when it matters most.
What Materializes Separates From You
The universe sees with the King of Earth card that you have a divine unity with the material world. That’s natural since you’re creative, but you may not understand the power of that connection.
Creatives use the material world to channel something on a spiritual level. Their ideas manifest into bodies of work.
Once you embody something with your creativity, you bring it to life and make it independent from you. That means you need to be able to detach from what you create. This is why writers are told to “kill their darlings” which is editing out the parts that aren’t good.
For you to really understand yourself and your creativity, you need to realize that what you create eventually walks away from you so others can enjoy it – and you need to be able to wave goodbye and let it take on a life of its own.
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Pile 2: Shark

Surviving Hardship
Your first card is one of the more interesting artistic renditions of this tarot card across all decks I’ve seen. The Nine of Fire is traditionally about surviving a struggle with potential backup. But this card doesn’t indicate a struggle at all – yet it does show divine inspiration.
I see this as a sign from the universe that you’re more supported in the turbulent life you live than you realize. However, that support is more spiritual than material and the spiritual support is primarily one of inspiration.
You’re driven to make a life for yourself, but you have to battle with the fears and anxieties that you face when encountering obstacles. The only way you can overcome it is to either accept your destiny or accept the guidance from the divine.
It’s because you want to feel as if your suffering has greater meaning than yourself. And honestly? It does. You do matter.
Help Along the Way
I think you’re either in the midst of a spiritually-infused journey or you’re about to start one. The Page of Fire tells me you’re on the road to something important.
Now it could be a sign of spiritual growth, but I think it’s more holistic than that. I see the tiger on this card as representing a spirit guide, perhaps a spirit animal, who will be by your side as you tackle a heroic journey.
There will be a lot to handle on that journey, but it’s going to be a very interesting story.
Your spirit guide will show up when you need them most. Sometimes they’ll give advice, deliver signs, or even protect you from harm.
This spirit guide may be temporary for some of you, and others lifelong. But I do get the sense that whatever journey you’re on isn’t exactly lifelong. It could be an important chapter or a specific quest you’re tackling.
Your Personal Trial
Your journey is one of consequence, but one thing the universe wants you to know right now is in the Temptation card. You’re going to be tempted.
I really sense the Hero’s Journey in your spread and this is something you’ll want to look into. But it appears you’re at the stage of meeting your spirit guide or the road of trials. But once you get to the road of trials, expect to face a temptation.
Rely upon your spirit guide for emotional and spiritual support to refuse this temptation. Some of you may struggle and give in, but keep pushing until you defeat that temptation.
Whatever this temptation will be for you, I do think it’ll stop your journey in its tracks. So if you break free from it, you’ll start to have progress again. That progress will lead to you crossing an important threshold and leaving your ordinary world into someplace new.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Chicken

Stuck? Not Really
It seems as if you’re struggling with the decision right now or you’re going to make a poor one. This isn’t your fault, so let’s see what’s happening and what the universe thinks you can do to manifest the life you want instead.
Your first card, Seven of Water, Reversed shows fewer options. You may become frustrated by this and either impulsively pick the wrong option or not do anything at all.
When it comes to this situation, it can help to go back and retrace your steps. As an example: imagine a college student who doesn’t realize they hate sociology until their last year of college. Unfortunately, they can’t afford to just take another year or two of school.
It can seem like in that situation that their future has been written. However, if they looked back, they’d realize they impulsively make decisions without all the answers and commit to it. That’s the real origin of their problems.
Realistically, this person could leave school to save up money for another few years, get a grad degree more closely related to what they want to do, or graduate with that sociology degree and work on pivoting from there through work experience.
Yes, you have limited options, but instead of committing to the path available, brainstorm some possible ways you can approach the situation in a non-traditional way.
Find Your Energy
The next card is the Messenger of Air. This is about thinking logically and seeing a rational path forward. It’s also a card of impulse, or in this case, positive motivation.
If you can’t feel what you need to feel emotionally or intuitively to make the right decisions for yourself, try to make decisions that you feel motivated and energized by instead. You may not be entirely ready for that path ahead, but if you’re motivated to go in that direction, you’ll learn what you need to along the way.
The funny thing is that you aren’t trying to increase the number of opportunities you can take. Any life well lived will become more narrow and specialized the older you get. Rather, it’s about finding yourself in a situation where the next step is more clearly defined and being excited by that.
So pursue motivation until everything else you’re not excited about falls away.
Don’t Limit Your Choices Ahead of Time
The last card is the Fool, Reversed. Everyone makes mistakes along the way, but some people, and I think you might be one of them, are so afraid of mistakes that they try to design their life without any friction.
But some of the best ways to learn is through experience. Most Americans would never eat octopus or chicken feet because they believe they would hate it. They don’t want to make the mistake of trying it and discovering they hate it.
However, that’s just a pre-conceived notion and many Americans, once they try new food, often end up enjoying it. Experience should be your teacher too.
So embrace the fact you’re going to make mistakes going forward and see those mistakes as a chance to adjust your life to be more enjoyable. You might be pleasantly surprised and motivated by what you discover about yourself.
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