Obstacles to Love — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on obstacles to your love life. This works for those who are either single or in a relationship.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Santa Muerte Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to heal your obstacles to love.
Pile 1: Moth

Planning for the Heart
I see a person in your spread who is an obstacle to your love. But before we get to that, let’s lay down the groundwork.
The first card, Two of Wands, indicates you’re approaching your love life with a healthy sense of vision. Don’t change this – the card is upright, which is a positive thing. And since this card is a passionate card, you have the right idea when it comes to what you desire in love.
That doesn’t mean your desires are perfect or without frustration, but you don’t need to completely redefine your life to find love or make your love work.
Rather, your spread is a strong sign that the obstacles to your love is something outside of you. Something that’s disruptive to your reasonable plans.
In addition, this card is a two card which can be seen as a romantic pairing. If you’re single, this confirms you will eventually find someone you resonate with. If you’re in a relationship, this either confirms your current partner is the one or someone like them, but better, will arrive soon.
Divine Intervention
The second card in your spread is The Tower. This is a card of restructuring and it usually indicates an awesome event, bad or good, will or is occurring to you right now. This appears to be the obstacle to you, but it’s really the after-effects of the interloper in the third card.
The universe is going to intervene to set you on the right path. But, because of the free will of the interloper, it may require a lot of rearranging and discomfort to break that chain.
That’s what happens when the universe intervenes and has to go against someone’s free will: it can’t and must find side paths to help you manifest without taking control of the situation.
This could mean that the interloper isn’t accruing enough bad karma to warrant an immediate bad karmic reaction or that they’re so destructive a lot needs to be rearranged because many people’s free wills are involved.
Take heart though: you aren’t to blame for anything frustrating happening to you right now. Don’t question your best intentions with someone out there who has bad intentions, or effects, of their own.
Prioritize Love
Your third card is the court card King of Pentacles, Reversed. Now this could be a bad significant other or a cheater in your midst, but I want you to be open to another more likely possibility: sometimes, a romantic interloper is someone putting stress on your life which causes indirect stress on your relationships.
For most in this pile, this king figure is likely to be a boss, coworker, or family member who has a direct influence on your career, money, health, home, and so on. They’re probably older than you or at least in a position of authority to some degree.
This person could be someone you care about or someone you hate, but the effect is the same: their interference is causing you to focus less on relationships and more on your material life.
A way this could manifest is someone who is encouraged by the parents they care about to pursue their education first. However, a year after a Ph.D., they find themselves single and lacking experience in relationships. The universe might decide to block the person’s post-doc or move them far away from their parents so they can get back on track.
You need to put more focus on your love life if you want it to succeed. It needs to be a priority right now. Not later.
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Pile 2: Watch

Cupid’s Arrow is Blunt
There’s a positive person in your life and this could be your significant other or future significant other. The Knight of Wands is a passionate person – think a really exciting love interest or even a cupid figure who sets you up with someone.
However, their best intentions, and they have good intentions, are no match for the darker intentions people have around them. Trust them, but don’t assume they know everything that’s going on. People are not omniscient.
This would be like a friend setting you up with someone they think would be great for you, but this person has a toxic ex who will do everything to get back together with them.
Or, it could be a really interesting romantic partner who has terrible social connections and it really challenges your relationship with them.
So whoever you’re connected to or will be connected to is a great option – but there are troubles that need to be addressed if this relationship will have a future.
Social Problems
I see with the Three of Cups, Reversed that there’s some negative social energy. Because of the first and third cards, I think the love interest in question is fine, but their external environment has some problems that need to be fixed.
There are a few possibilities. The first is that your love interest is still connected to an ex or there’s someone interested in them. That person will do everything they can to sabotage your relationship. Some people are just crazy.
Another possibility is that your love interest’s social group is toxic. Perhaps they don’t like you, they have addictions (even something like video games), or someone is interested in criminal behavior and willing to pull your love interest down with them.
The final possibility is that your love interest is shy or more introverted than you’re used to. This could make it a challenge to take them places. And if you’re introverted yourself, you may be surprised to find someone more introverted than you exists out there.
You’ve Got This
That said, your third card, The Moon, Reversed, indicates this problem won’t be a secret for long to you and you’ll face it correctly. That’s a good sign in an obstacle reading – it seems to be almost a given you’ll succeed even without the forewarning of this reading.
That either means the obstacle isn’t that serious, but it exists, or that the approach you need to take even if it’s difficult is something you’ll intuitively know early on.
My recommendation after seeing your spread is to communicate with your significant other or future significant other and have patience. Don’t look at your partner and focus on the one broken piece: if everything else is good, then the broken piece isn’t going to be a significant problem once it’s addressed.
But it will require you to act differently than you’re used to. Perhaps you’ll need to draw a line with your love interest and their ex that you’ve never had to draw before. Or perhaps you’re going to need to demand a different social networking expectation of your partner. Or, if they’re introverted, compromise on how you socialize.
So, in summary, an obstacle you’re going to successfully confront because you’ll value and love your partner enough to justify the effort.
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Pile 3: Cards

Life is Chaotic
There are two people or forces at odds. This could very well be you and your love interest, but because I’m not seeing the normal female/male polarity, it’s probably going to be your love interest and something they’re dealing with external to you and your relationship.
The first card, The Hierophant, Reversed is in stark contrast to your third card which I believe represents your love interest. This Hierophant figure is an oppressive system or authority figure, perhaps even a religious or academic one, that is turning your love interest’s life upside down.
Always remember that an obstacle to love might not be something in your life, but in your partner’s life. And this obstacle may not be something you can directly address.
That said, I think you can provide support. Whether single or in a relationship, you can provide advice from an objective position that your love interest needs to navigate the situation. But it’s going to be up to your love interest to act.
Levels of Intimacy
The next card, Two of Swords shows that your love interest doesn’t know how to make a decision. You likely won’t either until you get enough information.
I suggest you look into the issue objectively and then encourage your love interest to do the same. When they seem to be ready, you can give your advice or even have a discussion about it.
Just be aware that your input will have a different weight depending on the status of your relationship. If you’re married or cohabiting, your partner is likely to weigh your advice because their life directly affects you economically and see everything important decision they make as needing your input too.
If you’re dating or just starting a relationship, your partner will accept your advice, but they’ll assume it only affects you so much and care about their own opinion more.
Giving advice is a lot trickier if you aren’t currently in a relationship. If this person is a crush, you might only be able to give a stray comment now and again in an almost shallow way.
However, some in this pile may find that this love interest is so compelled by your advice that it turns into a relationship. Indeed, some in this pile may not initially be interested in this person but talking about this issue ends up leading to a date.
In other words, how right your advice is could determine whether the relationship increases in commitment. Those already married or cohabiting may find that their incorrect advice is received with more sympathy by their partner because they may lean more on you emotionally.
Show How Much You Care
The last card is The Emperor, Reversed. The mindset your love interest is in will not be a healthy one. They’re doubting themselves and they’re seeing evidence of disorder in their life. They may struggle with work even if the issue has nothing to do with work just because everything is falling apart.
It can negatively affect a relationship if it isn’t addressed because it is a major life issue for them. Have sympathy for their situation and help out where you can in areas unrelated to advice. Can you make their life easier somehow? If so, do it.
That could mean volunteering to help a crush out to picking up more household chores if you’re in a more committed relationship. Live apart? Meal prepping and stocking their fridge could be very well received. Just make sure what you volunteer to do is appropriate and relevant to your current stage of intimacy.
Acts of service when someone is struggling is a powerful way to display your love – and it’s going to be appreciated. If their life is a bit easier, they’re more likely to solve their problem because their stress is just lower. It also means they have more mental bandwidth to be engaged in romantic activity.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.