Meet Your Higher Self: Tarot Pick a Card
Everyone has a higher self. This concept differs from culture to culture, religion to religion, but it’s essentially the part of your being that transcends your body. This consciousness has a deep connection to the universe and serves to elevate your vibrations and life experience.
Having a closer relationship with your higher self is a key to your spiritual growth. It’s both separate from you and someone you can embody in your daily life.
Today we’re going to use a tarot pick a card to get to know your higher self better. It’s easy: all you have to do is meditate on the piles of cards above and allow that higher self to speak to you through your intuition. If you feel pulled to a certain card, then that’s your higher self ready for a further introduction.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Everyday Tarot and the Work Your Light oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase).
Now let’s get to know your higher self.
Pile 1: Blue Star

An Interesting Contrast
The tarot card in your spread is very interesting because of the accompanying oracle cards. The Nine of Pentacles features a woman in a setting of abundance. This card is often viewed as one of self-sufficiency – that means your higher self can help you manifest the life you always wanted and do so without being reliant on others.
However, the Share Your Voice card has the wisdom message of “Come out of the cave. Persecution. Expression.” This indicates your self-sufficiency isn’t about isolation. This is confirmed by your third card, the Sisterhood of the Rose with its wisdom message of “Beauty and devotion. Priestess. Mystic. Teacher.”
Notice that not being isolated doesn’t mean you don’t stand apart. I think your higher self wants you to achieve great things and be recognized. They want you to have peers, mentors, and become a mentor yourself.
However, your higher self wants you to be able to step away from this social abundance and enjoy your life independently at times too.
Have you ever felt like there was a part of you clawing its way out? You may have even said or done things without realizing it. I think this is your higher self at work. They’re trying to help push you out of the cave and put yourself out there. At times, this may be uncomfortable. You may even face persecution.
But your higher self knows that it’s for the best. Your higher self sees what you don’t: you’re surrounded by shadows of the real thing and not the real thing itself. Like the allegory of Plato’s Cave, the only way to truly live your life is to go through a fundamental change.
Expect a lot of pushes and prods from your higher self that can be real spiritual and material trials.
Developing Relationships
Although I think you’re higher self may leave an impression instead of a distinct persona in your life, I do think you’ll have a stronger relationship with your higher self than most. You may feel your higher self as a non-distinct energy or spirit guide at work in your life. They may also contact and have close relationships with other spiritual entities.
This can cause some confusing spiritual noise. Your spirit guides may have expectations of your behavior that you don’t remember agreeing to. You may also find that relationships in your real-life seem more structured and connected spiritually than you realized at first.
Your higher self probably works to create relationships with other people’s higher selves. You’ll feel a pull towards people and spirits even without having direct communication with them. See where that pull leads you: your higher self believes there’s a potential relationship, platonic and potentially romantic, that you should pursue when this happens.
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Pile 2: Yellow Star

A Tale of Twos
My first impression of your spread is two. We see the Two of Wands, two arches, and two meditating women. In numerology, this number can mean partnerships, feminine energy, and unity. I believe your higher self wants to embed itself within your body fully so you can work together for your common good. That means you likely have a strong spiritual purpose and mission in this life to be that integrated.
But you’re also being called to better understand the sacred feminine. If you’re a woman, tap into your inner femininity, and if you’re a man, seek to better understand femininity in the world and take on qualities that seem a fit for you.
I think we see a good example of this in the tarot card Two of Wands. Not every two card in tarot is represented by a woman. In this deck, we see a woman looking at a globe as if in thought. It reminds me of pregnancy and waiting for what has been conceived to manifest in the real world.
That is the embodiment of your higher self.
You’re Still Individual Energies
Even though I sense that your higher self wants to unite with you, remember that a pair is two people. Look at the card Inner Temple with its wisdom message of “Devotion. Tune in to the portal of your heart.”
Here we see two identical women working together within that inner sanctum, yet faced apart. Even though they appear to be the same person, they’re distinct. Understand that you and your higher self are distinct beings with two different experiences – and that’s okay.
You’re not going to be fully aware of the spiritual world and I think your higher self may not be fully aware of the physical world. Together, you bridge the gap between those two experiences to create one life and one soul.
Love your higher self and love yourself. You need that to fully embrace this relationship.
Two Doors, One Path
To expand on the different lived experiences of your higher self and your physical self, look at the card Take a Break with its wisdom message of “A life’s work, not a season. Get off the treadmill.” I interpret this card in your spread as another representation of the Inner Temple. But here, we see your physical self stepping outside that inner temple and enjoying the world for what it is.
You don’t see your higher self in this picture because your higher self doesn’t live your physical life in the same way. Make sure that you aren’t discounting your physical self in your search to better understand your higher self. The life you live right now is just as important as your spiritual journey.
Take a break, pursue the simple and complex pleasures of life, and enjoy the experience of living. Your higher self will be there for all your lives – but your physical self now is unique in the moment.
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Pile 3: Pink Star

A Lot Is Going On
With your tarot card being the Eight of Wands, I sense that a lot is going on in your life right now. This can be a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing, depending on the circumstances of the moment. And your fortune can easily change because of all the moving pieces.
Perhaps that’s why your higher self is sending me the message of Protection. This oracle card has the wisdom message of “Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul retrieval.”
Some part of you is getting away in this chaos and you may feel as if you don’t truly know who you are. This is a normal, but very disheartening experience when things are happening all at once.
I do sense that a lot of what is going on either is bad or has the potential to go bad. These two cards paired together suggest your higher self is working to keep you safe.
They’re building a wall around you to prevent difficulties as much as possible. But when things do go bad, feel confident they will stay with you until the end. See the two white birds falling alongside the wands? That’s your higher self, and possibly your other spirit guides, making sure you’re never really alone.
Trust Their Power
While I don’t think your higher self can challenge intense situations or energies which are overwhelmingly powerful, they do have the ability to protect you in most situations. I sense they work a bit like an overseer with your spirit guides to help ground you and keep your soul healthy.
There’s a lot you can do too, like meditating or shadow work, but I think your higher self at this point in time is comfortable taking the lead. Trust that they’re making the right decisions and keeping your vibrations strong. When you experience flashes of insight, that may be your higher self checking in.
I also get the impression they may lean on shadows of your past self that exist within you, the karmic patterns that haven’t gone away, because it represents a previous tie you had with them. If you ever get the feeling of deja vu, that might be your higher self “retrieving” parts of your soul for their work.
Right Now, Relax
What your higher self really wants you to do at this part of your life is let loose. Your final card, Play, has the wisdom message of “Have fun. Celebrate. Don’t be so serious.” With so much movement in your life, you may be tempted to focus on that. However, the reason your higher self is taking on so much spiritual responsibility is so you have one less thing to worry about until things calm down.
When you get overwhelmed, it’s okay to take a break and do something fun. You may also find that having fun in a spiritual sense is a good investment in your future too. Be a little less strict with your spiritual routines and habits and try new things that interest you.
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