Create a Life You Love — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how you can create a life you love. I think you deserve more joy and peace.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Believe In Your Own Magic deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to create a life you love.
Pile 1: Castle

The Virtue of Forgiveness
There’s someone in your life who has wronged you or made things difficult. You’re angry or frustrated with them. Perhaps you stopped talking with them.
However, the universe has the Red card here with the wisdom message of “Forgive.” This isn’t about someone who did something criminal or unforgivable, so don’t assume it’s that relationship.
Instead, it refers to a more mild transgression or to a relationship you value so highly you don’t actually want to part from them.
And that’s why this card is showing up today: you’re letting your desire for revenge trump justice and reconciliation. Every relationship has thorns and I can guarantee you’ve pricked them too. Maybe not as much or as deep.
But it’s time to let go of that anger and disappointment so you can work on building a positive emotional attachment instead.
Things Can’t Remain the Same
Understand that forgiveness doesn’t mean reconciliation without transformation. The second card in your spread is Sword with the wisdom message of “Make the change.”
A good example of the energy in this spread at work would be two people with different political beliefs. Living in a modern democracy requires accepting a difference in values in the people around you and the right to pursue those values through voting and support of a candidate.
But making the change doesn’t mean agreeing with them or supporting their values. What it would require would be working through how to interact with them to prevent arguments. It might mean not bringing up politics in each other’s company.
No matter what the particular issue in your relationship is, understand that reconciliation will require a change of behavior either in the other person, you, or both of you in order to keep the connection going forward in the future. Important and heartfelt discussions need to be had.
The Importance of Clarity
The third card in your spread, Raindrops, has the wisdom message of “Take a chance on them.” Note that the universe can’t promise the other person is going to meet your expectations – but there’s a strong possibility they will.
Whether this relationship is romantic, familial, friendly, or professional, it seems as if should this issue be resolved, you can really build a meaningful connection that’s worth having.
The rain on this card can be a little sad, but it’s also cleansing. Whatever caused you to mistrust this person, the full truth will be revealed and the relationship going forward will not be tainted by the paranoia that it’ll happen again and you’ll be victimized.
That means this relationship will either be redeemed or you can walk away knowing that everything was done to try and save it. You can be proud of that. This is how you create a life you love – by ensuring you try to save the relationships that matter even through difficulty.
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Pile 2: Dragon

A Time to Let Go
You’re feeling bad about something you shouldn’t feel that way on anymore. The first card here, Clover, has the wisdom message of “Release your guilt.” Maybe you’re the origin of the problem. Maybe not.
Either way, beating yourself up about it isn’t going to make you feel better or resolve the problem either. You can’t create a life you love if you dwell in misery. And you don’t deserve to be sad.
Releasing guilt in this card is indicated by a ritual of letting go. There are a lot of ways to do this such as writing what you want to let go of and burning it. I dislike setting things on fire, so another option is to disintegrate it into water, bury it, or throw it away.
I particularly like writing what I want to let go on three pieces of paper and then braiding it into a cord. Then I cut the cord with scissors and throw it away. This helps sever the energetic attachment I have to the thing and signal to the universe I’m ready to move on. Give it a try.
Life Is Better Elsewhere
There’s something particularly toxic about the situation or issue you’re dealing with right now. The second card, Shark, has the wisdom message of “Swim away from this situation.” I’m a confrontational person so I’m used to facing things head-on, but even I know that’s not appropriate in every case. And now’s the time it isn’t the right call.
There could be a person that’s out to get you or isn’t doing things in your favor. This could also be a situation or system.
But it’s not something you can change, at least right now, so putting distance between you and it will save you a lot of grief. It’ll also help you to let go and learn to love yourself again.
I don’t think you realize how bad and toxic this thing actually is. You’re like a frog boiling in a pot. Life can be so much better if you just step away. The toxicity isn’t everywhere.
You’re Powerful and Awesome
One of the best ways for you to create a life you love is to see this moment from now on as the first chapter in a book you write about your life. And that story can be exciting and have a happy ending. You’re the main character.
The third card in your spread is Library with the wisdom message of “Take control of your own narrative.” You’re living in the third dimension, but some part of you is a higher-dimensional being which means you have a level of power over your life that can be magical.
See your body as the avatar that you direct to experience the best parts of life. Detach yourself from the perception you’re powerless, and instead see the choices you make not as a reaction to the world, but the omniscient direction of your higher self.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Portal

Choose Your Sugar State
You might be tempted to see the first card of Evil Queen with the wisdom message of “You deserve sugar, not salt” as referencing someone else. And it can do that too. But creating a life you love here is recognizing that there’s an evil queen inside of you that’s sabotaging your potential.
Fairy tales don’t tend to have happy endings for villains. And villains, especially evil queens, are filled with bitterness about others they’re jealous of and try to live out their revenge fantasies.
Even if you’ve been wronged, I want you to focus on a positive framework for your goals and desires. Don’t compete, but instead create, and that will begin to transform the possible opportunities that come your way. Don’t try to one-up anyone. Instead, create joy for yourself.
Bake Your Cake
One of the ways you can re-orient yourself is to place yourself into the present. The second card, Nostalgia, has the wisdom message of “Focus on the in and now.” It’s nice to think of the past or imagine the future, but wishes without actions are fleeting fancies.
I want you to identify something you’ve been thinking a lot about recently but haven’t been acting on. You don’t need to list all these things, just one, and then I want you to meditate or brainstorm how you could do one thing right now to live out that thought.
If you’re stuck in the past, perhaps you constantly think about that time you were embarrassed while public speaking, you could spend some time over the next few weeks practicing talking to strangers.
And if you’re stuck in the future, perhaps always fantasizing about your dream home, you could research what it would take to finance or build such a property.
Even if it’s not something you can manifest right now to its fullest, taking action on your non-present thoughts will begin to empower you to always seek actions and opportunities when it comes to mind.
You’re Sugar, Not Salt
The last thing I want you to do is simple, but special and immediately actionable. It’s permission to splurge on your time. This final card is Homeward with the wisdom message of “Take yourself out on a date.”
Dates are special events for couples, but it can also be a special event for an individual too. The goal is to do something that sounds interesting and is different from your daily experience. However, the point isn’t just to have fun, but to build a better relationship with yourself.
What is it you need to feel more at peace with who you are? That’s how you create a life you love.
Maybe it’s going bowling. Or perhaps a walk through the woods. Maybe you really want to jump out of a plane and skydive – it’s your choice. It’s the promise of how you can create love in your personal experience of self.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Thank you!
Many blessings to you! 🙂