Add Magic to Your Life: Tarot Pick a Card
You’ve been drawn to this reading because the universe thinks you’re ready to manifest more in your life through magic. Magic is a mysterious force that alters the world around us in a supernatural way and it can take many forms, some obvious and some more subtle. Using spiritual elements, here’s how you can empower yourself and manifest to improve your life.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Is there a witch that stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Modern Witch Tarot and the Moonology Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out how you can add magic to your life.
Pile 1: Cat
Success On the Horizon
Your first card is Gibbous Moon with the wisdom message of “You’re very close to achieving your goal.” This lunar phase is the period before a Full Moon. I sense that you’re very close to manifesting something in your life that you’ve dreamed about for a while.
You’ve probably put a lot of effort or time into achieving this goal and need a final oomph to manifest it. Because success is so close or because you see that it’s possible on the horizon, you’re in a really good mindset for achievement.
How you perceive your goals is one of the most important elements in success but also in magic. Magic can be negatively influenced by lack of belief because it doesn’t allow your soul to connect with the energies around you.
This means that failure is unlikely unless an unexpected obstacle comes your way.
Your Words Are Powerful
The second card in your spread is Ace of Swords. When I looked at this card, I was drawn to the sunny, fiery energy behind the wielded sword. This is passionate and is directly connected to your magic power.
When combined with the intellectual and thus wordy elements of a sword card, I sense that speech or writing is how you should use magic. Common ways that this can be done include scripting, journaling, and automatic writing. Once, I tried meditating and recorded my thoughts as they came to me on a recording app on my phone.
Words have a lot of power. They help to symbolize and express the complex ideas that humans have in a way that can be shared with others – including the universe. Many religions and spiritual practices see the power in language for that reason: thus spells.
You’re welcome to use traditional magic spells too, including the fun rhyming ones, but those often include physical accessories which I think will detract from the focus of this energy in your spread. Use your words to manifest your goal.
Manifest the Present
The last card in your spread, Six of Cups, Reversed, reminded me of very common advice when using the Law of Attraction: don’t speak in the past tense (or future tense). Rather, you should use the present tense.
A good example would be this. Say you wanted to manifest a new job. Saying, “I had a job” implies you lost it. Saying, “I will have a job” means you don’t have it right now. But saying, “I have a job,” tells the universe that is the energy you’re embodying at that moment.
One of the foundational ways that magic operations are through like attracts like. So if you tell the universe you already have the job you want, it’s more likely to come your way because that’s the place it “belongs.”
So keep this in mind when you use your words to manifest the success of your goal. It’s something you have now.
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Pile 2: Girl
Follow the Moon
Your first card is New Moon with the wisdom message of “A new start is coming!” I sense that using the energy of the lunar cycle will be powerful for you. The Moon does have a magical effect on the world and you can make use of that.
Find out when the next New Moon is and make it a priority to follow at least the New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full Moon, and Last Quarter Moon cycles.
I find it beneficial to mark these dates on my calendar. When a New Moon starts, I put a special emphasis on one project or goal until the next. During the First Quarter Moon, I modify any plans I have or introspect to see how it’s gone. While at the Full Moon, I celebrate whatever success I had or do some sort of Law of Attraction ritual to amplify the culminating energy of that phase. The Last Quarter Moon is a time for reflection.
Some people take a very magical approach to these dates with traditional spells, but most people seem to follow self-care and self-improvement rituals that border between magic and personal development. Law of Attraction or journaling is very popular.
The reason I sense following the lunar cycle would be useful for you is that there’s something in your life you haven’t given the attention it needs. Putting special emphasis on it for a month or so will help you tangibly manifest in that area.
Free Your Passions
The second card is the Knight of Wands, Reversed. This is a card of passion that has been limited and slowed down. I sense that you’ve been focused on certain things that have mattered to you more lately, but this hasn’t given you time for other areas of your life that you value, such as a particular hobby.
Humans are complex creatures and we like variety. While it can be good to have a singular focus at times, it usually means you’re denying some part of yourself in the process. Following a lunar cycle will help you get in touch with the variety of your life and learn how to integrate it into your lifestyle more effectively.
This should help speed up all your passions and help you feel more fulfilled within your soul.
Your Psyche Needs Time
However, your last card, The Magician, Reversed, indicates that you can’t expect a major manifestation of whatever it is you choose to emphasize. Perhaps you want to write a book, but it’s unlikely you can finish it and publish it in just a month. Make sure that your goal is reasonable and that what you manifest makes logical sense.
As many who chose this pile likely have deeply held dreams, you may have something with a long-term goal. In that case, accept that the manifestation won’t happen right away, so you need to get comfortable with enjoying the process.
This is another reason why the lunar cycle can be very helpful. It breaks down the magical manifestation of a goal into psychological units that can be better understood and appreciated.
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Pile 3: Owl
Add a Little Aquarius to Your Life
I see that the first card in your spread is Full Moon in Aquarius with the wisdom message of “Show the world the real you.” Of all the spreads in the reading today, yours is the most complex and asks you to embody more subtle magical principles. Here we have a card that calls you to be more visibly yourself in the world. You must wear your magic as a persona.
However, this won’t be easy. Aquarius is a zodiac sign that is often seen as weird so you may feel as if being yourself won’t be accepted. However, Aquarian energy is often humanitarian and quite social: I’ve known many, many truly bizarre people with a lot of friends. Being different doesn’t make you unlikable. Caring about others and being interested in them is what makes you likable.
Even though Aquarius is an air sign and often has this rational energy about it, most people can’t help but think of the water that the water bearer pours out onto the world. You’re able to harness your personal energy and manifest it in a helpful way that refreshes the people around you. That is very special magic indeed and worthy of you embracing even if you’re not an Aquarius yourself.
Understand Your Social Presentation
That said, your second card, Eight of Swords, does indicate that you need to willingly limit yourself in some manner. While you should express yourself, you should know how to appropriately express yourself and where. Social interactions are contextual, and recognizing and adapting to that context is crucial.
Notice how the woman in the card is blindfolded? This evokes two ideas: blind justice and intuition.
There’s a lot more you know about life than you realize. Perhaps your experiences or education has taught you how a person should act around others. You can use that information, paired with your soul’s intuition, to personalize your self-expression appropriately.
A useful example would be this: an artist loves to dress dramatically. However, when dressing for a family member’s funeral, they choose a more modest expression of that aesthetic. And when showing up for an art show, they allow themselves to be a work of art.
Fashion is a really good and tangible way to see Aquarian energy in action. There’s a time and place for every style. However, with some care, you can honor your style in any situation. That’s the magic you need to embody.
Fight For Your Place
The final card in your spread is Knight of Swords. Although this reading may seem like you have to hold back, that’s not really the case. See how the knight in this card is charging ahead with all his energy? This is also a swords card, which I think pairs with all the air energy in your spread, indicating that who you are inside is worthy to be seen – even if it’s a bit overwhelming at times.
That said, this knight is very focused on a goal, and I feel that every Aquarius does best when they are around like-minded souls. One of the best ways for you to enjoy the proper context of your personality is to put yourself into social groups or situations where you can be your full self on display.
This can be a very intentional decision and help you to manifest with more strength. You’ll find that you’ll “fit in” without having to compromise by copying other people.
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