Love Coming Your Way: Tarot Pick a Card
Singles, I sense love is coming your way. Take a look at the roses above. If you feel intuitively drawn to one, then that means the universe has a message for you!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
In this reading, I’m using the Everyday Tarot and Work Your Light oracle decks. I’ll be drawing three cards to get the best psychic insight.
Now let’s find out what kind of romance is part of the next chapter of your life.
Pile 1: Purple Rose

Saying No to Forever Alone
Your first two cards suggest that you’ve either been single for a long time or felt like you could never find someone who would love you the right way. The Hermit, Reversed comes up in a reading when it’s time to turn away from the solitary path and get closer to others. In this love reading, that means you aren’t going to be alone for much longer – you’re going to meet someone in the next one to three months.
I do sense this isn’t going to be easy for you at first. You’re probably a bit rusty when it comes to flirting, but you can approach meeting something new in so many ways. Try online dating, reaching out to an old friend you always thought was attractive, or going someplace you’re comfortable with. If you’re an introvert like me, that could be a library or bookstore.
The Fear Is Gone
The second card in your spread, Unbound, has the wisdom message of “releasing soul patterns, contracts, and past lives.” Other than indicating you’re going to do something new, there are some fun and fascinating elements here I’d like to discuss.
I believe that part of the reason you’ve struggled with relationships is a karmic memory from your past life. Even though we rarely remember our past lives, events can leave impressions that influence our personalities in the next. This is why we sometimes do things without knowing why which self-sabotage.
You’ve found a way to confront this wound in your soul in a constructive way, so you’re going to branch out in ways you haven’t before. This means you’re going to feel spiritual comfort and relief doing things that used to make you anxious.
Love Can Be Unexpected
A lot of the energy surrounding your love life in the next few months will be about breaking your karmic cycle. That means the universe is going to throw things your way that you won’t expect. Fortunately, that’s a good thing! Your last card, the Page of Cups, features a woman holding a goblet with a fish flopping around inside. This unusual imagery is quaint and joyful – and so too will be your surprises.
You need to grow from the painful experiences of your past, those which you lived in this life and those which you’ve lived in past lives. Now the universe could choose to make you confront this karma directly, but I sense that a different path has been chosen for you.
The universe wants you to feel at ease. Your spirit guides will guide you towards someone you would have never considered as a lover or in circumstances that are, to be frank, eccentric. This is all about breaking down the walls you’ve built and putting you in a new building entirely.
Don’t be alarmed if you have a series of hilarious in hindsight misadventures on the way to “the one” or you have a romantic comedy “meet cute” introduction to your soulmate. You need something worthy of a story.
Did your reading resonate with you? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to get e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. I also have a premium “When You’ll Meet Your Soulmate” pick a card available on Etsy that’s three times as long as this free pick a card!
Pile 2: Pink Rose

Regaining What You Lost
If you have “the one that got away” it’s time to consider reconnecting with them. Your first card, the Five of Cups, Reversed indicates that you’ll be overcoming loss. But this type of loss is very specific: do you see how the man is staring at spilled cups in front of him all the while unaware of the full cups behind him?
That upright meaning is changed, so as a reversal, that can either mean accepting that it’s time to move on or turning back. Because of your other cards, I lean more on turning back.
For some of you, this does mean an ex or a person you wanted to start a relationship with but was unable to. However, don’t discount that you may be connecting with a type of person you wrote off forever. The energy here isn’t specific, so only you know which one applies to you best.
Regaining What You Lost
The second card in your spread is Awakening with the wisdom message of “Energetic upgrades. A new way of being. Integration.” I interpret this card in relation to the last, and the “integration” message of the card is what pulls me in most.
The reason why your past relationship didn’t work out was that you and the other person weren’t in a position to be a match. When this happens, your spirit guides will do everything they can to get you back on the universe’s plan. That could mean personal growth – or it could mean ending the relationship.
But just because you didn’t match with someone at the time doesn’t mean you can’t match with them in the future. See your upcoming relationship as one where you feel connected in a way you never have with a person before. It’s going to seem like your each other’s missing half.
Drinking to Life Together
The last card in your spread continues the meaning of the previous. The Two of Cups is the card most similar to the major arcana of The Lovers. Some tarot readers even consider this minor arcana card more indicative of a romantic relationship. In a sense, I agree. The imagery in this card is more romantic than the other.
Your relationship with your future person is very heartfelt. You’ll be drawn to each other in ways that seem almost like a fairytale. Do you see the two-winged snakes intertwining together? You and your person are separate people, but together you’ll feel whole.
More than that, though, is how happy you’ll be together. Your relationship will feel like a celebration and a gift from the universe itself.
Did your reading resonate with you? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to get e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. I also have a premium “When You’ll Meet Your Soulmate” pick a card available on Etsy that’s three times as long as this free pick a card!
Pile 3: Blue Rose

You’re Emotionally Blocked
I’m going to start the reading with some bad news. Your first card is the Ace of Cups, Reversed. An ace represents the person the reading is about, and as a reversal, this indicates that there’s some negative association between emotions and relationships. Your flow with the universe has been disrupted.
You’re not ready for a relationship right now, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want one. It’s frustrating to know you shouldn’t fall in love, but your heart yearns for it.
The good news is that you are learning how to overcome this. The rest of your spread suggests your current state is not permanent. You will love again. And the way to do that?
Loving yourself first.
Understanding Who You Are
One of the reasons why people become emotionally blocked is because something about their life doesn’t ring true to them. Your second card, Align Your Life, has the wisdom message of “What is not aligned or needs to change?” The universe wants you to know that you need to fix how you treat yourself before you can truly love another person.
The woman on this card is shattered. By comparing it to your last card, I sense you have a complex relationship with your self-confidence. You probably beat yourself up and don’t think you’re worthy of love. Maybe this is true, or maybe it isn’t – regardless, the universe is telling me that you have the power to change this right now.
Look at your life. Look at how you view and treat yourself. What seems wrong or unnecessarily harsh? Make a change for the better and treat yourself like you would treat a lover. With respect and care.
Being the Master of Your Own Emotions
The last card in your spread is the Queen of Cups. She has an internal mastery over her emotions, so I sense that you will reach a level of emotional health that will inspire you to heights you’ve not experienced before.
Notice the magical touches to this card? There is a rainbow, stars, and an illustration of fish. I interpret this to mean that once you learn to love yourself, you’ll begin expressing sincere love into the world. This will make you a more attractive person, but also a more loveable one.
But I don’t mean this in a distant way where people will admire you from afar. Rather, I’m more interested in the way your future significant other will perceive you. What’s been blocking you from having a relationship worthy of your dreams is that you can’t act in such a way to pull that person towards you. Your real heart isn’t being shown to the world.
However, once you tend to yourself and learn how to practice self-love, the person you’re meant to be with will finally be able to see the warmth of your soul.
Did your reading resonate with you? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to get e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. I also have a premium “When You’ll Meet Your Soulmate” pick a card available on Etsy that’s three times as long as this free pick a card!