Your Career Passion — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on a way you could make money and enjoy it in the process. This works whether you’re looking for a new career or just want to know how to modify your current career with similar elements. Don’t see this as a path you must follow, but another option.
All you have to do is follow your intuition and pick the pile that sticks out to you the most.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Mystic Mondays Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out how you can make money doing what you love.
Pile 1: Monkey

Healing Hurt
Your spread is very interpersonal. The first card, Three of Swords, indicates that you’ll be working with or for people who’ve struggled in life. They might have had difficult relationships or some sort of setback. Either way, they’re feeling intense pain when you meet them.
Some in this pile may have similar histories or can empathize with others. Those with similar histories will be able to pull from their own traumatic experiences to help them heal.
However, not everyone in this pile has a tragic past. Some might be lightworkers or empaths and are deeply connected to the emotions of others, especially their suffering. You can’t help but feel drawn to their pain and desire to heal them. While you lack personal experience, your emotional stability will be very comforting.
I can see many in this pile doing well in something like social work, therapy, or coaching. There’s a strong one-on-one element in which you have a deep connection with a client.
Feel All the Feelings
While this spread indicates interpersonal relationships, not everyone will work directly with others even though there is still a strong one-to-one connection. That’s why the next card, Queen of Wands, suggests having a platform.
For some of you, your one-to-one connection is through creativity or production. You make something and then present it to be enjoyed by others. However, know that this is different from simply an information product: you put your heart and soul into the process of creation.
That’s why I lean more towards a true creative like a singer or creative writer rather than a blogger or non-fiction writer. The exception to the latter would be if you deal with personal issues such as memoirs or human relationships. So writing about love, yeah, that’s on-brand, but writing about programming? Nope.
You will do best at making money when you invoke an emotional response in someone else because you have an immense reservoir of emotions too.
Set Limits
The final card, Nine of Cups, suggests you are someone who provides solutions to problems. Or rather, you help people become their own heroes.
This is one of the reasons why I think you’ll do best tapping into emotions rather than concrete facts: you can inspire others to do what’s right for themselves.
That’s why I pulled the nine instead of ten of cups. You help people to go most of the way, but then you let go and detach so these people can live their lives.
This is much easier for a traditional creative since they can pool their emotions into a work and then step away.
However, for those in something like social work or coaching, you’re going to need to set boundaries. Your clients need to know their goal isn’t to be your friend but to walk away with tools to solve their problems within a specific time frame.
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Pile 2: Bee

Don’t Live in the Box
You don’t want to do what everyone else is doing. Your first card, The Devil, tells me you’ll love making money in a rebellious way.
You can do this in many careers, but I sense becoming an entrepreneur or pursuing a spiritual career is best. That’s because you’re independent from the standard path everyone else is pursuing.
But let me illustrate this with a hypothetical example: a Catholic wants to make their faith the center of their career. Becoming a priest or a nun would be the standard path. Instead, they would be better served by becoming a monk if they’re a man or a business owner if they’re a woman.
So no matter what you’re interested in, twist it a little to make it rebellious or out of the box from what society would normally expect of someone in your position.
Be in Control
The next card, King of Pentacles, emphasizes entrepreneurial work, but in general, indicates you’ll do best when you have career autonomy. That doesn’t always mean owning your own business.
For example, a psychic could work their own hours for a hotline and a journalist could be a freelancer or work from home.
There’s this overall sense of deep work and flow state. You need to be able to work without interruption of direct middle management.
However, others may find that this could be a sign you should be the boss yourself. Just know that hounding your employees on every detail wouldn’t be something you’d do well.
It’s not so much about perfection for you, but about depth. Shatter your desire to do things perfectly and instead focus on doing things your way. That is how you’ll enjoy making money the most, everyone else be damned.
Find Someone Trustworthy
Your last card feels very separate from the other two. This isn’t related to a type of career, but who you should work with. The Lovers suggests you’d enjoy a partnership with a spouse or close friend.
That isn’t to say you’ll always be working side-by-side, especially because you need uninterrupted deep work, but that I think having someone you trust will free you from a lot of concerns.
Perhaps this other person can deal with things you can’t or don’t want to, like oversight of employees or everyday business minutiae such as accounting or marketing.
It’s possible you can even give a current spouse or friend time to train or practice in these areas so they can join you later as your business grows.
So this person doesn’t have to be someone you talk to all day long, but someone you can trust to help you in your business in a way a stranger off the street never could.
Your success is their success and their success is your success. You aren’t just paychecks to each other. It’s personal.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Pig

You’re the Best
There’s a strong intellectual energy in your spread. The first card, King of Swords, suggests you have a good wit and can use it to make money.
My first impression of your spread is academia, but any career that requires a high IQ or expertise would qualify, from professor, to doctor, or skilled artisan.
You have the potential to be at the top of your field or be a luminary for others to look up to.
Just know that such a path usually requires a lot of leg work and patience. You may be frustrated by the time it takes to be recognized for your genius and talented offers to humanity.
That’s why you’ll naturally be attracted to safer paths such as academia. That doesn’t mean you should limit yourself to that though.
Communication is very much indicated in your spread. The Knight of Swords is often a card of writers or public speakers. While I think this is the majority of those who chose this pile, any communication, even art, would work.
But if it is something like art, it wouldn’t be popular art for the masses, but more niche art such as for galleries. Remember: you’re considered skilled so your audience may naturally be smaller and more elite.
So someone creating pop science videos on YouTube probably wouldn’t be indicated by this spread, but someone who specializes in a more niche field, like Jackson Crawford’s channel on Old Norse. And yes, he left academia and makes his living that way.
What you need to do is to find something you have an interest in, however niche, and then work to become an expert in that field so you can share your knowledge with others even if the audience is smaller. If what you have to offer is valuable enough, you’ll be able to make a living from it.
How to Handle Your Expertise
For most of you, I do sense being part of an organization would help you to feel more secure. The last card, The Hierophant, indicates a semblance of order and hierarchy is important.
That’s why something like academia resonates so well, but even working in an established field or institution, like medicine or journalism, would do.
If you want to be less tied to an organization, know that having a routine or building your own organization is called for. That’s because you need the structure to push you to keep learning and building expertise. Masters can always learn more. If you feel alone, you won’t be able to share your knowledge within a community or get better.
But when you do become an expert, your interest in hierarchy will naturally wane and you’ll become complacent. Mentoring will fill the gap this hole leaves and you can prepare a new visionary in the field to take your place when you’re gone.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
The Bee. It gave me goose bumps it resonated so much. And I’m just looking at a general direction right now, manifesting my own thing but this just spoke straight to me. Thank you so much!
I’m so glad it resonated! I hope you experience joy and abundance with your career.