You Should Embrace This: Tarot Pick a Card
If you’ve been called to this reading, then the universe wants you to embrace something to make your life more amazing.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which lovely kitty stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Mystic Mondays Tarot and the Work Your Light Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out what you should embrace.
Pile 1: Teacup Kitty

Embrace the Divine Plan
Your first card is Anna, Grandmother of Jesus with the wisdom message of “Seeding the light. Laying foundations. Divine plan.” I normally read this card as the person preparing the plan, but in your case, I sense that a divine plan has been created for you.
This doesn’t negate your free will, but there’s a foundation and structure for your life that is available and will come as a relief if you decide to take it up. The universe wants you to have something positive to rely on and a guide that will carry you forward to your own personal paradise.
Of course, part of this plan is the universe’s plan: it’s your good, but also good for other people. So one way you can identify that you’re on the right path is to ask yourself this question: are you doing what feels right to you… and what is morally right?
If you don’t answer yes to both questions, you’re not on your divine path.
You Have More Than You Think
The second card here is Five of Cups. This is an interesting card because it’s about having something but ignoring it in the face of failure.
I think when it comes to your divine plan, you’re seeing things not going your way as confirmation that everything in your life could be worthless or is somehow inferior to what you once thought it was. That couldn’t be furthest from the truth.
We tend to compare ourselves to other people. This is so nefarious a trait that we’ll want what other people have which we wouldn’t even enjoy. That’s why so many people end up in jobs they don’t want, with people they dislike, or in lifestyles that drive them crazy.
I see this card as a sign that the universe is trying to give you what you truly want, but your desire to have what other people want is causing you to ignore that.
Focus Your Heart
Your last card, the Ten of Wands, Reversed, describes what you can do with your divine plan. This card is about dropping responsibilities that aren’t necessary for your life. This may take some time to think about, so here’s a small illustration of how someone can take on more than they have to.
Let’s say a person loves to be creative. They look at other creative people and see so many different types of creativity. They want to try them all. This is why they end up drawing, writing, singing, taking photos, and designing clothes. But while their urge to be creative is fulfilled in all of those activities, they soon find that they really only like one of them: taking photos. Yet they can’t abandon the other creative paths because it goes against the identity they’ve given themselves based on what other people who are creative do.
You’ve probably done something similar in your life. You identified an aspect of yourself and then tried out different paths which manifested that identity. But while exploration is good, it seems like you’re holding onto some of your life experiments and it’s only a burden to you. Letting go of what no longer brings you happiness and focusing on what does won’t erase your identity. It will only elevate it.
Your divine plan, what you feel truly drawn to on a soul level, is the universe’s way of telling you that you arrived at the place you were always seeking.
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Pile 2: Standing Kitty

Decouple Your Identity
The first card in your spread is Unbound with the wisdom message of “Releasing soul patterns, contracts, and past lives.” It seems like you’re suffering from karma or spiritual connections which are now weighing heavily on you. This can be quite normal if you’re on your spiritual path or if you’re dealing with struggles in your life.
Letting go isn’t always easy. Some of you who chose this pile may even want this already and are trying it. However, you may be negating the spiritual aspects of unbinding yourself from this past. It’s a liberation beyond the physical. It’s mental and emotional too.
What you need to realize about letting go here is that the pattern you’ve created has been etched into your soul in such a way that you’ve begun to identify with that past. For example, you may have a disability (like I do). The disability may never physically go away, but if you say “I’m disabled” instead of “I have a BLANK disability” you live that disability instead of it being one aspect of you.
For those who chose this spread, your own binding may be different, but if you alter the way you think about it to not be your sole identity, you’ll notice some changes. Who you are transcends any one trait about you.
Write Your Story
The second card in your spread is Ace of Cups. See how the hand reaches up out of the water? The cup is a part of the hand, and that cup of water is meant to represent an emotional beginning.
I see this as you embracing a new path. This means fully accepting within your heart a need for a change. Of course, that’s easier said than done. There are a few exercises you can do to help you with this, but one is storytelling. Get out a piece of paper or open a word document. Respond to this prompt, “My life up until now had this story…” and then on the next page, “But my life going forward will be this story…”
It can help to narrate your life because you can treat yourself as the protagonist. You can’t change the past, but you can alter how you view it by responding to it. And for you, that response is the future you’ll be choosing for yourself.
At times you may be tempted to look back, but try not to live in the past. Think instead of the story you wrote and only look at those events as a story that happened. Yes, it happened to you, but you’re on a new chapter now. And you’re the author.
Claim Your Identity
The last card in your spread is Six of Pentacles, Reversed. I see this as you needing to buy into the future you’ve envisioned for yourself.
What are some things you need to do to be closer to that future? Know that the future is always shifting depending on your circumstances and preferences, but altering your present to better fit that possible future will help you to get closer to it and unbind yourself from living in the past.
For example, let’s say you’re trying to decouple from a past of abuse. One of the things you need to do to be in a future where that’s no longer a concern for you may be seeing a therapist, making friends, starting a new relationship, having a hobby, moving into your own apartment – the list could be endless, so pick which you feel most comfortable with at the moment and go in that direction.
This is about claiming your future self in the present. You’re allowed to be that person. Now it’s time to buy into that vision with tangible, in the moment actions.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Package Kitty

You’re Going to Do Something Good
Your first card is Pleiades with the wisdom message of “Double mission. Channeling and uplifting humanity.” I sense that what you want has a hidden, altruistic component you don’t yet realize. Even if you’re doing something which seems focused only on you, you’re going to find a way to include others.
Here’s an example: let’s say someone wants to try trading crypto to increase their wealth. But, once they earn that wealth, they use some of it to support a charity or cause they care about. Because of this, their personal goal uplifted others.
No matter what it is you want to do with your life, there’s some way that you can help others, either through monetary support, your time, or through activism. Some in this pile may even pursue a life path where the support is direct through a particular job.
Regardless, you’re going to feel an additional divine inspiration to continue on this path because you’ll know it’s doing some good.
Stronger Emotional Connections
The second card in your spread is Ten of Cups. Here, I sense the culmination of domestic happiness or community integration. Whether your altruism is public or private, it’s going to have a profound effect on your social relationships.
Giving tends to make a person happy. It also tends to make them more socially open and optimistic about the world. There are a lot of reasons for this, but the spiritual one is this: you’ll see how we’re all divinely connected and will be transformed by that revelation.
See how the cups on the card are connected with what appears to be sacred geometry? Your altruism will reveal to you how you’re emotionally connected to your loved ones, your friends, your community, the world, and even to other realms.
This will be an enlightening experience for you and will contribute to your spiritual awakening. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself with stronger psychic gifts than you had previously, especially in the clair of clairempathy. You’ll know what others are feeling better than anyone else around you.
A Balancing Act
Something you’ll need to prepare yourself for down this path is the amount of emotional information you’re going to experience. Your clairempathy won’t be developed immediately, and you may be overwhelmed with some of the psychic messages you get at first.
It may be challenging to sort between your rational and emotional thoughts. You may even be confused as to what are your feelings and someone else’s. Have patience for yourself during this time, as your last card, Two of Swords, Reversed, does indicate you’ll struggle with decision-making.
This is natural, and it’s something you’ll overcome as you practice using your clairempathy. Don’t be afraid to rely on your rational mind at first. You can slowly integrate both your mind and your heart until you have a powerful tool to use in your daily life.
But you will get overwhelmed. When that happens, it’s okay to take a step back. You may even need to tell people that you’ve got a lot going on and need time to think. Try not to take on too many responsibilities either – I do think you’re at risk of being a “yes” person who will do whatever somebody asks of them.
You’re already on the path to doing something good. It’s okay to be a little selfish sometimes. You need “you” time as well.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.