Why People Admire You: Tarot Pick a Card
We all need to hear what there is about us that other people admire. When you know this, you can use this trait to your advantage throughout life. And with this tarot pick a card, you can find out exactly what that admirable trait is.
It’s easy: all you must do is select one of the piles above that sticks out to you the most. That’s your intuition speaking and letting you know what message you need to hear from the universe.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile.
In this reading, I’m using the Rider-Waite and the Everyday Tarot decks. I’ll be asking three questions from spirit: what people admire about you, why that matters, and how you can make the most of this going forward.
Now onto your reading!
Pile 1

You’ve got a very admirable and powerful personality, so I sense that a lot of people in your life are likely to respect you. But you may not know it. Why?
Let’s find out.
What People Admire About You
Look at the Strength card carefully and consider what you see. A woman leans down and pets a lion. Most would expect to see a physically strong man on this card, but that’s the point: strength isn’t about your body, but your mind.
The woman in the card is aware of the danger the lion poses, but she’s able to keep the animal calm. She’s confident and in control – and the lion doesn’t even know it! He’s at peace.
That’s your power. People admire that you’re able to step into any situation and calmly deal with a crisis, no matter how dangerous. But you do this in such a subtle way that it’s likely to go unnoticed by others and yourself unless you’ve been presented with a really dramatic event.
Why That Matters
The second tarot card in your spread, Four of Wands, Reversed, speaks about the subtle way you address external conflict. When upright, this card is about social harmony and can indicate a happy life celebration, such as a wedding. But in reverse, it’s about the ordinary turmoil of life. For instance, we may love our family, but sometimes, we also hate them.
It’s easy to step on each other’s toes when we’re so close to someone.
The amazing thing about your strength is that its subtle approach makes it perfect to defuse tense social situations. If you decide to step into a social battle, you can manipulate (in a nice way!) the outcome to be one that promotes harmony. And you can do this without hurting anyone’s feelings in the long term.
How to Make the Most of It
Your final card, the King of Swords, Reversed, is in the suit known for rational communication. Fitting for your spread, wouldn’t you agree? In its reversed position, this card is about quiet power. You are, in essence, an introvert with a full awareness of your social strengths or an extrovert who knows how to listen.
But there is a word of warning here that you need to realize. This card, and your overall spread, suggest you could easily use your power for bad reasons. That’s one of the tricky things about being able to manipulate a social situation: it’s a great responsibility that can be easily abused because you can get away with it.
You’ll want to have a personal policy to always be honest and not use your power for your own benefit. These traits are best paired with your strength because it allows who you are at your best to shine brilliantly. And that will cause people to admire you even more.
However, this isn’t just about admiration. Because you can be so careful and effective, you can help people in your life repair their relationships that were previously severed. At work, you can also use these skills to smooth over difficult crises. There’s a lot of potential for you to do good that most people would never be able to do themselves. You’re needed in this world so it’s a better place to live in.
Pile 2

You’re a fountain of creativity and it’s something that people notice, even if you haven’t yet established yourself in a creative career.
Here’s why you should be excited about your future and the way others will perceive your work.
What People Admire About You
Whenever a page card is pulled, there is a sense of youthfulness and play. That is especially apparent in the Page of Wands, Reversed card. You are an unlimited source of creative inspiration, no doubt directly from the universe itself, and have a lot of potential to bring something novel into existence.
This may be frustrating to hear, and I think I know why: as a reversed card, you might have so many ideas that you don’t know what to do with them!
But while you may still be working out how to focus your creativity, other people are noticing that you have a creative spark other people don’t. Make sure that you listen to their praise when it’s directed your way because that can give you a sign of what creative ideas you have that are the most awe-inspiring.
Because I believe that’s what you’re waiting for: the kind of creative work which will stun everyone you meet. You’re so creative that you want to go all the way.
Why That Matters
The next card in your spread is The Hanged Man, Reversed. You need to know how creative you are because, as it turns out, one of your past ideas has more potential than you realized. Take some time to pause and look back at your portfolio of work. That’s what this card is all about – the pause before action.
Ask yourself: what was received best and why?
But don’t just assume your most applauded work is the direction you should go in. When I was younger, I got the most attention for my artwork and that’s the reason I spent so much time drawing. However, I didn’t actually like drawing – I just liked being recognized as creative! Oops.
To avoid a situation like this, make sure you’re only looking back at acts of creativity you enjoyed doing and really consider among those what was best received.
Why people admire your creativity is one of the best ways to determine which has the best legs for a career. Because as a creative, there’s a good chance you want an audience, so try to find a happy match between your creative spark and their wonder.
How to Make the Most of It
The last card in your spread, the Four of Cups, may seem like a punch in the gut for this reading. The man in the card is being offered a cup and he doesn’t seem happy with it. As a creative, this is a feeling you probably know all too well!
You have so many ideas, but you favor some over others. You’re also unhappy with your current progress as a creative professional and feel like something is missing in what you can do. This is a pretty natural aspect of a creative personality, and it’s designed by the universe to make you consider your options carefully and only pursue what’s meaningful.
Understand that people admire your creativity because you can bring so much into the world, but you also need to be proud of what you make. Your audience isn’t the creator, you are, so make sure that their praise only informs, but does not determine which projects you pursue and how you create them.
Make sure that your creative spark is what breathes life into your ideas. After all, that’s what your audience is looking for. Your creativity, not theirs. They may want a certain type of genre with tropes, but they still want to be pleasantly surprised too – and that surprise is your own creative flair!
Pile 3

I see in you a survivor. The tough lessons you’ve learned in life may have really hurt you, but it’s given you a perspective that other people admire and respect.
You’re starting a new chapter in your life and this is why it’s important.
What People Admire About You
The first card in your spread, the Five of Cups, Reversed, may seem like a disappointing message from the universe. You’ve suffered a lot of setbacks and experienced pain that people didn’t understand at the time.
So why is the universe telling you that’s what people admire about you?
It’s because you’ve transformed or perhaps even spiritually awakened. Your soul is different now and has matured. Like the man in the card, you stand before disaster upset and unsettled. But notice too he stands tall and is cloaked in a powerful black cape – and he still has two cups behind him. Not all is lost, and something was gained.
You may have been hurt by the trials of your life, but you didn’t come away empty-handed. Because of that, people look towards you with admiration and respect since they know you’re someone that can be relied on and trusted upon in a difficult situation. You’re a survivor, not a victim, and survivors are the people who set the tone going forward.
Why That Matters
Nobody likes to see a Ten of Wands in their reading because it normally means bad news, but in your spread, it explains why you suffered in the past and is not a message on what you’re about to face.
You were overwhelmed with a difficult situation in your past, but you were able to overcome it and become stronger. Now you’ve learned how to shoulder burdens and those ten heavy wands don’t seem as heavy. Your bad cycle has ended.
Yes, you’ve faced and will continue to face disappointing challenges – that’s just life. But unlike most people, you aren’t going to fall apart anymore and can have grace under pressure. That gives you a lot of room and opportunity to turn bad situations to your advantage.
You’re already the person people can look to in a crisis, but also use this message as a sign to be that person for yourself too. When the world is falling apart around you, you can improve your own life because of your survivor personality. You are your own hero first.
How to Make the Most of It
Something a lot of survivors do is isolate themselves from the world. But you shouldn’t do that, as The Hermit, Reversed card indicates. Notice how the man carries a lantern? That is a light in the darkness and it’s not just shining for you, but anyone who is following in your footsteps.
What you experienced in the past may have seemed like too much at the time, but it was part of your life journey and your spiritual awakening. That lesson that made you into a strong survivor is meant to be shared with the world in whatever way you think is most appropriate.
This can be public advocacy or a more quiet approach, such as being a leader among your peers or family.
People admire you because they sense that the maturity you gained from your life experiences is special. You may be able to prevent other people from experiencing the same pain, or if they did so, recover and seek prosperity – which is your life path too.