Who’s Coming Back for You: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading about who’s coming back for you. This is a person returning to your life for a reason.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Star Spinner Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out who this person is and what they want from you.
Pile 1: Bird

Who’s Coming Back
This spread has multiple meanings so be aware only one of these is likely to apply for you. The first card represents who is coming back into your life and with the card of Death there are a few possibilities.
The first is someone who was cut out of your life, such as an ex or someone you went no contact with. This relationship is one that ended on bad terms and you’re likely to view this person with suspicion because of that.
The second possibility is likely only relevant to a handful of you. There’s a concept called a spirit baby and it’s a whole spiritual trend I hate talking about, so I’m likely to be pretty biased on this topic. With that in mind, this spirit baby is the soul of a child you aborted or miscarried. They’re either returning in a future pregnancy or will be born to someone you know.
As for the last possibility, this one makes me uncomfortable but it’s death itself. For some of you, a close call with death is a threat you may be facing. Because this is something returning, it either refers to a second near-death experience or a similar near-death experience to one you had before. Please be careful, but I’m sensing avoiding death and not actually dying so you should be safe.
What They Want
Your next card references what this person wants and here we have The Lovers, Reversed. This person isn’t committed to you and may even be antagonistic to you. For some of you, this attitude may be easier to see, but for others and perhaps the person themselves, this may not manifest right away until it’s too late.
For those with an ex or a person returning to your life, be wary. Their intentions may be selfish or their approach may be hurtful. It’s okay if you give them a second chance, but if they mess it up… don’t give them a third chance. Respect yourself.
If your spread references a spirit baby, this child may be upset that they weren’t born before. That means it may be a difficult pregnancy and early childhood. If you or the baby suffer from poor attachment, be sure to seek the help you need to reverse course. This difficulty is not rare even when spirit baby returns aren’t involved.
And if this baby isn’t yours and you find a difficult relationship with this child, you may find it necessary to be patient if it’s a child you babysit often or step away until that baby’s soul pain eases.
As for those who are faced with a near-death experience, I think death may be upset you got away the first time. Perhaps you were meant to die, but somebody intervened. This isn’t a time to be scared (you got away the first time after all), but you may want to seek mindful activities or something to help keep you connected to your angels.
Event or Timing
Your last card is Judgment, Reversed. I see this as a free will element on your part that can make what happens next entirely within your control.
As of right now, you’re likely to make a bad decision. This doesn’t have to happen and you can turn the situation in your favor.
So if this spread is about an ex or someone you have difficulty with coming back into your life, the bad decision on your part may be letting them get too much access to you. It’s okay to protect yourself and limit how close they get until things change on their end and they become a better person (if they ever do).
With the spirit baby, I can’t even touch this one more than I have without deeply offending someone. Spirit told me to mention spirit babies, so it must be important despite my reluctance. My only advice is to make sure that any decision you make is one that’s tied to your values and love.
For those facing death – you can avoid it! Don’t worry about it. Really. But now’s not the time to go skydiving or hiking by yourself. Act reasonably and with proper caution in your life. I’m seeing a near-death experience here or something that reminds you of your mortality. I’m not seeing actual death. You can even avoid the scare of death by just being careful for awhile.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Deer

Who’s Coming Back
With your first card being The Lovers, Reversed, it seems like an ex or someone you have feelings for in the past will be in your life again. This is likely to make your heart skip a beat even if your feelings for them seemed to have faded. Don’t forget something attracted you to them in the first place.
Judging from the rest of this spread, this person has benevolent intentions or at least intentions that shouldn’t be concerning on the surface.
However, you need to be aware that what this person wants and what you want may be entirely different things. The person doesn’t have to be a bad person for them to be bad for you.
That doesn’t mean you can’t be in a relationship or friendship with this person if that’s what you want. However, their coming back into your life will cause you to face a new perspective that you’re likely unprepared for.
What They Want
I can’t see exactly what this person wants from you in the next card, but I can determine the attitude. Here we have The Hierophant which is a card of order and tradition.
This person wants to set things right or to act in a morally upright way. If this person hurt you in the past, expect an apology or a change of behavior. This is well deserved for you.
But this attitude may infuriate you. People who were previously wrong and then learned from their mistakes can be moral perfectionists. They now hold themselves, and others, to high and even impossible standards.
This can cause a lot of drama and internal distress. Eventually, a person learns to moderate this tendency, but I think this ex or previous crush of yours is still in the midst of that moralistic drive.
It’s going to trigger you and probably in ways you don’t like. This person has grown a lot and you may want to compare yourself to them. That may or may not be appropriate, but I don’t think that’s necessarily relevant to your relationship with them.
That’s because what was previously unknown about this person is about to be revealed. And this may determine if you can ever romantically like this person again or not. Don’t assume the person from your past is the same person or even that they were who you thought they were in the past.
Event or Timing
Your final card is the Ace of Chalices, Reversed. I’m going to be honest – I’m not confident in you pursuing this relationship. This is a card of emotional blockages or choosing not to start a new relationship.
From what I discussed previously it’s fairly clear why. You were attracted to this person in the past for a reason. On the surface that attraction will still seem to be there.
But this person is more complex than you thought and may not be a match for you after all. Or, if they are, you may be unsettled by the fact you’re attracted to this new trait that’s being revealed.
I don’t think you can make an impulsive decision to get back together with this person. It’s okay to meet with them and go on a date, but hold off on exclusivity or calling each other partners. And certainly do not move in with each other quite yet.
For those who are separated from spouses or former partners, it’s not inconceivable that they’ll come home and I’m not saying that’s bad. But if this person is moving back after separation, then you may want to have separate sleeping arrangements for a little while. You two have a lot to learn about each other and you don’t want sex to get in the way of emotions.
Overall, I sense some pain especially the sort of personal realization. You’re going to be increasingly uncomfortable being around this person because of the way they trigger you, for both good and bad reasons. You’re going to need time and space to listen to your heart.
First impressions can be revealing, but don’t let them dominate you right now. Let this person reveal themselves to you gradually so you can gradually discover the depths of your true feelings and perspectives about them. I bet you’ll be surprised one way or another.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Raccoon

Who’s Coming Back
This is a positive reunion judging by your spread and it’s going to be very beneficial to you. The first card, Nine of Wands, suggests to me a humbled fool will present themselves.
This person is someone who made a mistake or transgression, perhaps to you or in their lives in general. They know they did wrong and suffered the consequences. But they’re not defeated. They have desires and hopes for manifesting their best life possible.
That makes this person a powerful ally. If they’re a romantic partner, you’re going to find conflicts or life challenges easier to navigate now. If this is a family member, they’re going to be closer to you and help you navigate family drama. Friends have a similar energy.
However, I think the most powerful and most likely situation is a coworker, boss, or business partner (especially if it’s a spouse). This person wants to succeed in life and they see you as the right companion to make that happen.
This isn’t selfishness. They see how valuable you are and admire that. They want to work with you because of your competence.
But be aware of this: I got an intuitive download of a puppet on puppet strings. This person isn’t fully autonomous and may have obligations or relationships that will challenge their ability to do things.
What They Want
I see this next card as this person in their best role for right now. This card, Knight of Coins, indicates someone willing to put in the time and effort to achieve big things. At times they may be stubborn in the face of failure and it may seem like they aren’t progressing, but know they will eventually succeed.
This person is an investment in your future.
If this person is a romantic partner, they aren’t going to be scared and give up when things get tough in your relationship or life. They will be very persistent. So if this person previously ignored something like therapy, they’re going to take it more seriously now. Trust that this person’s heart has changed.
Family members and friends are going to be more detailed-oriented when it comes to their social networks. Expect this person to try harder putting people together to get along. There may be parties or get-togethers in the future and you may find it worthwhile to help them plan it. Magical things are likely to happen as more and more of these take place.
But coworkers and such, the best and brightest relationship in this spread, are going to get down to business. If this person was previously lazy, they’re not anymore but understand that intentions don’t equal instant competence. Hold this person to a high standard but give them the time to reach that point. Build them up instead of striking them down. You may become their mentor in some facet.
Their efforts aren’t going to manifest right away, but you should start seeing incremental changes soon.
How You’ll Experience This
The third card is the Page of Coins and I see this card as representing you. Notice how the second and third cards are of the same suit and facing each other in this spread. This person is the perfect companion for you right now.
Unless this person is already in a romantic relationship with you, this companionship is more about working together to create something. But for those who this is talking about a romantic partner, this could be a great time to have a child, move in together or buy a home, and start a business.
You’re going to have a lot of good ideas regardless if this person is a romantic partner or someone who is just creating something with you (like social harmony or success on the job). The other person is likely to not be so inspired and need help brainstorming which is where you come in.
Because this person struggled to do things right in the past they’re going to be a bit wary of their own ideas and more open to yours. This is going to be exciting for you because this person may not have let you be the initiator in the past or the person with ideas. Your creativity is going to get a chance to shine.
Use this opportunity to start something that matters alongside someone who wants to succeed with you. They aren’t trying to take advantage of you. You’ll work nicely together and be satisfied with each you achieve as allies.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.