Who Your Soulmate Is: Tarot Pick a Card
Everyone has a soulmate out there for them who they can grow together with. The universe has directed you to this tarot pick a card to help you find this person or confirm whether the person you’re with is your romantic soul partner.
Spirit today decided not to take only an idealistic glimpse at your soulmate, but a holistic one. That means both good and bad traits will be shared with you. However, that should make it easier to spot them too!
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which romantic emoji stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Tarot of the Divine and the Angel Answers Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to find out who your soulmate is.
Pile 1: Heart Eyes Emoji

A Magnificent Person
I pulled three tarot cards to get some insight into the kind of person your soulmate is. The first card, The Sun, tells me that this person is creative or expressive. As this card is closely associated with the zodiac sign of Leo, it’s possible your soulmate may be a Leo or have intense Leo energy in their astrological chart.
Either way, they’re going to have some leonine features to them. I sense they may have blond hair or at least features that glimmer like gold in the sunlight (such as hazel or amber eyes).
However, Leo-like traits are not only physical or creative. They may have very magnificent or charismatic means of expression. This is the kind of person who could command a room either through speech, presence, or something they’ve created (if they’re introverted).
But Right Now, They’re Struggling
The next two cards, The Magician, Reversed and the Knight of Pentacles, Reversed seem to suggest your soulmate isn’t having a great time manifesting their goals. If they’re traditionally creative, it could be because they’re just starting their careers and it’s a difficult field.
But for most who choose this pile, your soulmate lacks the ability to structure their day. They think big, but they struggle to think pragmatically. Expect dramatic shows of affection that are sincere, but sometimes blow up in your face: such as your soulmate inviting you along for a night out but a reservation falls through or it rains because they didn’t check the forecast.
When You’ll Be With Them
Now that we know some of the good and bad traits about your soulmate so you can adequately pick them out in the world, let’s find out when you’re likely to meet them. For this, I pulled the A Year From Now card. You’re not quite ready to meet this person, or rather, they may not be ready to meet you. They seem to be going through some life lessons now and may not have the maturity to commit.
For those wondering about an existing relationship, this is an indication that things may be a bit rough for about a year or so, but you will reach a greater commitment. Hold strong and support your soulmate. Allow them to enjoy their ideas, but gently push them to build a stronger foundation to support them.
You’ll Like This Relationship
Your final card is Success. I read this in two ways. The first is that your soulmate does manage to succeed with their goals and will be in a better place in a year. This will make any relationship with them more fruitful and more committed.
However, for those looking to meet your soulmate for the first time or to successfully ask someone you know on a date, this does indicate you’ll succeed. Although it seems unlikely right now because of the work your soulmate needs to do on themselves, you can ask before then. Just be aware that they aren’t as mature as you’d like, so be prepared for a work-in-progress!
That said, I think you’ll be very happy with this person in the long run. This is someone who can be very generous with their affection.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Kissy Face Emoji

A Passionate Person
The first three cards in your pile describe your soulmate. The theme here is fiery, inner strength. Because of this association, I suspect that your soulmate has red or brown hair. That there are two wand cards also confirms this, and I suspect they’re on the lean side.
This person is strong, but not in the traditional sense. Here, the Strength, Reversed card seems to indicate this person is someone who has deep and passionate thoughts even though they may act quickly and seemingly impulsively. It seems like they’re trying to control and wield the wildness within them. This also makes them a fascinating romantic partner!
Burning Fast
The second tarot card sticks out to me as it’s the story of John Henry. This is an American folk hero who was able to beat a machine by hammering into a rock – but only at the cost of his own life. Your soulmate is a person who burns brightly, but can’t control his fire. I wouldn’t doubt that you would love them at first sight and then wonder if you’re really meant to be together because you’ll likely fight and make up, fight and makeup again and again.
Your soulmate is constantly trying to conquer their own life and may be overwhelming at times. The last tarot card, Knight of Wands, suggests a hasty energy. I think they may be the one to ask you out first but won’t commit first. That’s not out of a lack of interest – your soulmate may self-sabotage themselves at times. Their head is crowded with a lot of thoughts and ideas.
A True Connection
Your next card is In the Near Future and it represents when you’ll meet this person or whether the person you’re currently with can commit to you. Despite all the unfocused energy in your soulmate’s life, I do sense that you can secure the relationship rather quickly.
Just be aware that, like the angels on this card, you’ll lose your footing and fly into the sky. A relationship with this soulmate is going to be a little wild and adventurous. If you’re introverted or prefer to be a homebody, this may make you nervous.
Don’t be. See how the angels are embracing each other here? Your soulmate is a team player and the impulsiveness of their actions hides the depth of their character. No matter your own personality, there’s something about this person that you’ll be able to deeply connect with.
Love Story Reloaded
The final card is No Need to Worry. I’m going to be frank with you: life with your soulmate isn’t going to be easy. Passionate people sometimes lead to passionate fights. However, the chemistry and ease of resolution to squabbles mean that anything which goes wrong will be corrected.
Your soulmate has the capacity for intense love. Due to the capacity of their intense thought, this isn’t a superficial love even though you may think so at first. The universe wants you to know that, despite the challenges which will show themselves, your love story is one for the ages. It just may be more dramatic and cinematic than most. That said, it’s also bound to be more interesting!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Hearts Everywhere Emoji

A Nice, But Not (Yet) Serious Person
Your first three cards represent traits about your soulmate. The first card, Ace of Cups, indicates that this person is a true romantic who is just starting their romantic journey. This means that they’re a bit juvenile and have a lot to learn, though they mean well.
This person likely has light hair for their ethnicity and looks friendly. They’re probably attractive and good-natured too. But their charisma will attract others, so they may not be ready for a commitment right now.
Confused About What They Want
The next tarot cards are The High Priestess and Nine of Pentacles. Both cards indicate that this person is a bit of a lone wolf right now. I think they’re playing the field, or if you’re currently in a relationship with them, wanting to enjoy things as they are for what they are right now and nothing more.
Their ideals about romance are very personal and not yet something they want to share with another person. If your soulmate is young, it’s because they’re still trying to figure out what they want in a relationship. They need experience. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll date around, but they’ll certainly want to explore. That can be with just one person. So in essence, expect this person to be curious and not all of their curiosities lasting.
Such as wanting to go hiking for a date, and then realizing they hate hiking (but still like you)!
A Wall Is Up
It shouldn’t be a surprise that the next card is Not the Right Time. If you’ve yet to meet your soulmate, then this person isn’t going to be in a place for commitment when you first spot them if it’s anytime soon. Perhaps the universe will keep you separated so you don’t come together and then they become confused by their desire to explore and leave you.
But if you’re already in a relationship, don’t despair: this is just a temporary indication that your soulmate needs time and space to learn more about themselves. Everyone needs time to grow, and your soulmate needs that right now.
They may be a bit vague about future commitments, or if you’re already in a committed relationship, a little ambiguous about their interest in future plans you have together, such as buying a house or having children. They just need to research more is all. It’s not that they don’t love you.
Being Curious Together
Although it may seem like you’re powerless in this situation, that’s not the case. There are many reasons why you’re being told about your soulmate right now. If you’re currently single, it’s to help explain why you’re not able to attract someone. The universe wants to keep you available for your soulmate when they do eventually come into your life.
But if you’re in a relationship and wondering why things seem to not be perfect, it’s because your soulmate is having a personal soul journey. While most of this journey is private and their responsibility, the universe thinks you can help.
Figure out what they want to explore and be there for them. Not everything they want to try is going to be something you like, or ultimately they like, but showing your support will go a long way and will likely be a favor returned to you by your soulmate in the future.
And for those singles out there, I sense that your soulmate will still be at the tail-end of their exploration phase when you do meet them. Make sure to say yes to playful adventures. You might be surprised by how much you enjoy them!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.