When You Belong in History: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading on when you belong in history. This is a fun reading about a time in the past when your soul was either happiest or most in alignment with your higher purpose.
All you must do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which illustration inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Tarot of the Divine deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s go back in time.
Pile 1: Compass

Primal Times
Judging by the entire spread, you would’ve been really happy during hunter-gatherer times. This may come as a surprise to you, but it seems like your soul was able to make the most of the situation.
Your first card is The Hermit. When most people think of hunter-gatherer times, they think of social tribes. And while I do think your past life met with people on occasion, you spent a lot of time in the wilderness. Or, for some of you, in special spiritual locations like Göbekli Tepe or caves with prehistoric paintings.
This proximity to nature helped you to tap into your spirituality more. In turn, your tribe and perhaps other tribes would come to you for assistance.
In the modern world, you may find that introspection in nature helps you tap into the spiritual realm. Consider stepping away from the city or at least going to a park to commune with nature and tap into this inherent part of your spiritual power.
Deadly Perspective
The next card is the Page of Wands, Reversed. There’s a saying that hunter-gatherer times were “nasty, brutish, and short” because of the lack of civilization. Whether or not this was true, mortality from war, accidents, and disease would have been very common.
Your past lives during this period were likely marked by such tragedies. But in the past life that’s showing up in this spread, that mortality helped you to put things into perspective.
You were probably some kind of shaman and people relied upon your spiritual wisdom to guide their lives. Nowadays, spirituality is often relegated as an accessory even by the most sincerely religious.
That means your role as a shaman was one of respect and high honor.
Although this would be a difficult thing to emulate today, you can use your connection to spirituality to guide your life by principles. That, in turn, should make you someone that others respect. And you’ll also respect yourself more.
Your Lessons
The last card is The Hierophant, Reversed. Your time as a shaman in the hunter-gatherer era was not marked by religious dogmatism. The influence you had was personal, not organizational.
That meant your legacy was not written down on paper or even clearly defined in traditions. But you positively influenced the lives of the people of your tribe and those closest to you. While you didn’t create a bible, you probably influenced social attitudes that carried down for generations.
Ask yourself what aspects of spirituality you most identify with, especially those which have historical precedent. Chances are that your past self in hunter-gatherer times was teaching just those lessons.
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Pile 2: Suitcase

Born to Fight
It seems like your soul was at its best during a time of war, specifically a revolution. Perhaps your soul is meant to leave a mark on history and this serves as the best possible time.
Be aware that this doesn’t necessarily mean you fought in battle and died. Some revolutions have artists and thinkers who inspire the movement.
Your first card, Temperance, Reversed, indicates a chaotic time. Now there’s no specific period indicated in this reading so I would be tempted to say you should look at your ancestry. Where were your ancestors last that had a major revolution? Chances are that your past life may have been involved.
It’s also possible that a particular war or revolution that you’re weirdly interested in could be the conflict that your past life was in.
However, I primarily think this spread indicates that your soul often incarnates during turbulent times. This makes me slightly worried about the status of peace in your home country.
You Have a Powerful and Persuasive Mind
That said, the second card, Queen of Swords, makes me lean towards a political or cultural battle rather than a bloody war that you fought in. Queen cards are more introverted in their energy and more emotional. This lines up better with communication and art.
You may have been a journalist, writer, artist, political thinker, or even politician in a past life. And perhaps you’ll have a similar influence in this life. Your thoughts can change the world and have changed the world in the past.
If you want to continue making your mark on history, let yourself be opinionated and share those opinions. You’re frequently incarnated during times when people need your guidance when things are especially difficult.
Your role may not always be elevated to one that’s public facing. The more artistic ones who chose this pile will have work that speaks to the hearts and minds of others who then act on that inspiration.
It’s also possible that you were related to a powerful figure in history, either through marriage or family. Be very mindful in this life of how your influence on your loved ones could change the political and cultural landscape around you.
You’re a Revolutionary
Your final card is The World, Reversed. This can indicate that you were on the losing side of a war or revolution, but not always. Nobody expected the Americans to win their revolution or for their country to survive for so long after the fact.
But even losers of wars can change things. India had many attempted revolutions that initially failed but laid the groundwork for securing independence later. Sometimes revolutions gradually build up through incremental attempts.
Similarly, your past life’s influence may not have been immediately felt or been anonymous. Don’t assume that your current life isn’t changing the world as we speak. Sometimes change is subtle or delayed.
Your soul lights the spark for revolutions past, present, and future.
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Pile 3: Mortar and Pestle

What’s Bad Channeled Into Good
Your soul was at its best when it was in a position of power. I see this card representing you living in a time of nobility or mercantilism – so the later Middle Ages and Early Modern Period. I’m primarily thinking of Europe here, but any similar age in other cultures would apply, especially along the Silk Road.
There’s a slight polarity in this spread. Some of you who chose this pile were part of the nobility or even royalty while others were involved in trade. Either way, your past self had a position of immense influence.
Unfortunately, the King of Wands, Reversed card seems to indicate that you weren’t exactly a good person. Don’t feel bad about this now. Not all our past lives were moral paragons.
But what’s interesting about this spread is your higher self was still able to use this situation to help other people indirectly and sometimes because of your faults.
Popes were a good example of this: some of them were morally bankrupt but still respected formal theology or invested in the expansion of the church. The notorious Borgia Pope Alexander VI was just such a leader and was influential in the Renaissance.
You Need Comfort
The next card, Page of Swords, Reversed, means that you were a bit of a bumbling fool in this life. I think the primary reason you were so happy during this time was that you had everything you wanted from money to fulfilling relationships. So you had no incentive to be better like normal people.
However, your negative tendencies and immoral nature also weren’t effective or didn’t translate to your rule or trade. You weren’t driven by ambition and this sense of material security ended up being a good thing for the people around you.
I think your soul works best under conditions where you don’t live in fear or anxiety. Of course, this may not be your current reality in this life, but I do think it illustrates an important lesson.
Some people are motivated to act due to negative emotions. But your soul is better motivated by comfort and ease. No wonder you felt best when you were at the pinnacle of society in history. Things used to be really bad for poor people.
You need to treat yourself like royalty to let your higher self’s purpose be liberated and manifest in the world.
Untapped Potential
The last card in your spread is the Four of Coins. Take a close look at your flaws and do some shadow work. You can productively use these flaws. Easily angered? Channel that into activism. Materialistic? You’ll probably love sensory experiences like art. Worked for the Borgia Pope.
Once you identify your flaw, try to practice self-care so you live a life of ease. When that happens, you’re going to find that you can channel your excess energy into something good.
If you were able to do good things in a past life where you were a bad person… imagine what you could do in this life if you choose to be good too.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2 for me. The reading fits me like a glove. Deep in my bones I believe I was somehow connected to Sengoku Japan. Not as a fighter, but a confidante.
Maybe it’s just all in my head. My vivid imagination is quite impressive.
You were either there or you feeling so connected means it’s important on a soul level! Definitely worth exploring. 🙂