When Is Your Next Love?: Tarot Pick a Card
Are you single and want to change that? If you’ve been pulled towards this tarot reading, then the universe has a message for you about your love life.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Light Seer’s Tarot and the Angel Answers Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out when your next love is.
Pile 1: Hippo

Love Coming Soon
To start, I pulled a timing card and yours is Within the Next Few Weeks. That means right now until the next two or three weeks is the perfect time to seek out true love.
Some of you who chose this pile may be scared by this timing. But what the universe is truly saying in your spread is that there’s a connection you can forge during this period that won’t exist further down the road. It’s still possible you’ll find love otherwise, but this particular opportunity may not exist again. The universe thinks this one is especially worth it.
So what does this mean for you? If you’re in a good position right now to start or rekindle a romantic relationship, you should prepare yourself for meeting a potential soulmate. Because it’s more than possible that you will meet a person you can have a committed relationship with rather quickly.
An Attractive Person
Your second card is The Devil, Reversed. Your potential love interest is someone who wasn’t a good option in the past. They may have skeletons in their closet or your previous impressions of them weren’t so good. Being around them would have also been somewhat toxic.
However, things have changed. This person has grown and transformed to become a better person and a better lover. Don’t be so hasty to reject them just because of their past. Instead, see how they’re living in the present.
You’ll know you’ve met the right person when they have the charisma of a “handsome devil” but without all the baggage. You’ll feel liberated when you’re around them. There’s just something about them that uplifts your spirit.
But be prepared that this person may have a few rough edges. Even though they’re a great catch, there’s going to be something about them in which your first impression will think they’re interesting, but not serious relationship material. Don’t fall for it.
There are a lot of amazing depths to this person and if you choose to let yourself discover them, you’ll have a powerful and intriguing romance. Don’t let naysayers, including yourself, let you turn down a good thing.
Flash From the Past
Your final card is the Eight of Cups, Reversed. This is a card of return. Because of this card and the rest of your spread, I get a strong indication that your next love is either an ex, a former crush, or someone from your past.
This is likely to be the “one who got away.” For some of you, your previous relationship with them may not have worked out. A few of you may even be on a break with this person so you aren’t really single and the universe wants you to get back together.
But your opportunity to rekindle this past flame is limited. The other person is growing so much that they’re going to start going in an entirely different direction from you.
So take a moment and reconsider any past connection that may be worth seeing again. If you’re not entirely sure who this person is, then it may be an indicating of returning to a specific place, such as a hometown, and seeking out a relationship with someone there.
But hurry!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Elephant

Something Needs to Change First
Your first card is Not the Right Time. Judging by the rest of your spread, it seems like you’re not in a position right now to make the most of any romantic opportunity that comes your way. Something is blocking you from making an emotional connection.
This would result in most of your dates going poorly or you receiving the wrong signals from a potential partner.
But there’s some good news in this spread. Even though now is not the right time, it seems like your ability to change that is entirely within your control. What needs to be done isn’t waiting for fate to change your circumstances, but you to change your perspective.
This is always my favorite type of reading as it means the person who receives it is the opposite of helpless. They’re empowered by knowing the future.
That means finding your next love is entirely based on your own pace. You could change this rather quickly or take however much time you need to enact a personal transformation.
Work On Yourself
The second card in your spread is the Six of Wands, Reversed. It seems like the best parts of you aren’t going to be on display. That means any potential partner may not see you for who you are. If you aren’t going to be properly appreciated, a true relationship can’t form.
For most people who chose this pile, I get two distinct impressions. The first is that your confidence is low. You don’t feel as if you’re attractive enough or that you don’t act charmingly.
Here’s something you need to know: ugly people find love every day (and sometimes with pretty people). Instead of comparing yourself with others, compare yourself with the type of person you would want to be in the privacy of your own home. Because that’s the space you’d share with a romantic partner.
Be yourself. Be comfortable. If there are aspects of yourself you don’t like, appearance, personality, or achievements, then make those changes, but do it so you can be yourself with the person you hope to love one day.
The second impression is that you’re going through a rough time. Perhaps things aren’t going well at work or you’re ill. In this case, you need to wait out the rough patch or seek help to overcome that obstacle.
But because of this rough patch, you don’t really have the time or space for a romantic partner. Sometimes it’s okay to just wait until you’re ready.
Be Decisive
The third and last card is the Ace of Swords, Reversed. This indicates that you’re either making poor decisions or you aren’t thinking with clarity. There’s a maze in your mind and you can’t get through it.
I believe this is coming from the problems in the previous card. Although you may overcome those obstacles mentioned, you need to make sure that you’re acting with a clear head before proceeding with finding a romantic partner. So you may need some decompression time.
I don’t want you to be in a position where you’re confused so you pick someone who you aren’t compatible with or someone who could be abusive. I do think you’re at risk of just accepting whoever comes along if they show interest.
Make sure that you know who you are and what you want before you start dating.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Hedgehog

Waiting Game
With your first card being A Year From Now, you may be concerned that your chance to find love is too far away. However, the rest of your spread seems to indicate that a soulmate is not currently available for you.
I believe that everyone has multiple soulmates. A soulmate is just someone you can grow with and stay committed to. The hard part is finding someone.
There may be a few reasons why a soulmate is not available right now. You may be a unique person who needs another unique type of person to be happy. Ask yourself what it is about who you are and your life that would make it necessary for you to be more selective.
It’s not bad to be selective, either. Your romantic partner would have a significant effect on your happiness, so it’s a decision you should take seriously. There are only so many compromises a person can make when it comes to love.
The fact that there is some time until that happens means things in your life (or theirs) need to shift to make you both ready to pursue romance.
Make Openings in Your Schedule
The second card is Eight of Swords, Reversed. In your spread, most of the energy I see is about your soulmate. Right now, this person is in a tough position and is very restricted.
For some of you, this may mean they’re in a relationship that has to end so they can be with you. For others, they may be busy with work. And for some, they simply aren’t physically near you and a move is required.
However, whatever restriction they have is going to fade with time. When you meet them (or if you already know them), they won’t have any obstacles to romance and will likely be very enthusiastic during dating.
That means they’ll likely spend a significant amount of time getting to know you. My suggestion is that you be ready for this level of time commitment because it’s going to be a lot of fun. You’re going to have their undivided attention and it’s really going to feel as if they’re your other half.
So if there is any big project you’re working on in your life… make sure that you put enough effort into it that you can devote more time to dating a year from now.
Be the Magnet
Your last card is The Star. There’s something very fated about meeting this other person. In romance stories, there’s something called a “meet cute” where the love interests unexpectedly encounter each other. I sense that’s going to happen to you.
Live your normal life and you’ll likely meet an attractive stranger or be reintroduced to someone that makes your heart skip a beat. Of course, it’ll be harder for the universe to make that kind of introduction if you’re holed up at home like it’s a fallout shelter.
My suggestion to you is simple: make sure that you’re out in the world a year from now and being receptive with your energy. Allow people to interact and flirt with you. Your soulmate will karmically respond to that energy and be attracted to you.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.