The Next Week of Your Life: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading about the next week of your life. You can do this now or save this pick a card for a future week that is full of activity or importance.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Osho Zen Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out what’s coming your way over the next few days.
Pile 1: Wolf

You have a lot of fiery energy in your spread! That means the next week of your life could be full of passion and vitality. Some of you may also feel in good health or happy spirits.
The first card is Sharing. You’re going to benefit from sharing this energetic week with others. For the extroverts among you, this is a great time to celebrate with a party or get-together.
However, even introverts can share in their own way. See how the woman on this card has a plate of food? Enjoy a good meal with loved ones. You may also want to chat with someone online or do something nice for someone (even if you don’t talk to them directly). Donating to a local food bank could be an option.
A lot of research proves that spending time with others or doing nice things for others can also inspire happiness in ourselves. I think this week, more than usual, will be especially boosted by that kind of happy energy.
There’s just a lot of abundance here.
Truly Inspired
Nothing spells out passion like the next card, The Creator. This is an excellent week to tap into your creative juices. Write, paint, sing. If you’re someone who isn’t normally creative, pick up a coloring book or download a fun app.
What being creative does is let your spirit enter into a frame of mind where anything is possible. You’ll also feel less stress because you’ll be in a flow state.
This week is an excellent time to make progress on any creative projects you have. So if you have something like that, make sure to set aside dedicated time so you can make the most of it.
Also, I do think even those who are pursuing creative projects may benefit from novel creative projects that are hobbies. If you’re a writer, try drawing a picture even if it’s just for yourself. It doesn’t have to be good. You’ll get enjoyment from the process.
In a sense, being a child again will bring out The Creator within you. Too often, we let our creativity die as we get older because we lack the optimism and open-mindedness of children.
But you’re definitely feeling that youthful energy this week!
This will naturally translate to new ideas in all areas of life and likely help you have momentum on non-creative things you’re doing too.
Let Fun Be Normal For You
You probably aren’t surprised by the final card in your spread, Playfulness. If there are any responsibilities or chores that you can leave for next week, do so. Want to organize your closet? Skip it and instead enjoy a movie or a day at the park with someone you care about.
It’s always good to play and you should make room for it in your normal life. However, this week is an opportune time. You’re going to get more out of play than you usually do.
I don’t know why that is exactly. I have two theories: perhaps you’re having a difficult time and you just need it more now than usual.
But perhaps things are aligning in your life so that you can truly enjoy the play you’re engaging in. This is especially true if you’ve been really responsible lately and you’re caught up with anything urgent. So releasing some of your stress and getting back to “normal” instead of “survival mode” is the natural next step.
You may feel good right now anyway, but that doesn’t mean you won’t benefit from fun!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Giraffe

Not Much Happening
You have an interesting week because it seems rather void. On one hand, I can interpret this as being bad, but on the other, it could be a sign that you need to adjust your life circumstances so you have more control over what you do.
Let’s get into it. The first card is No-thingness. This is the start of your void energy. If you’re having a hard time, the voidness of this week might actually be a relief. Even if a lot of good things are happening to you, it can be exhausting and you’ll need time to decompress. Post-vacation syndrome is a real thing, after all.
So while I sense a lot of void here, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Regardless, you can use it as an empty space to make room for yourself.
But for some of you, this void is just disappointing. Perhaps you have goals and the lack of progress is stifling. Or you’re hoping to do something this week and the void is foreboding.
Either way, there’s unlikely to be a lot happening this week (good or bad). It’s aggressively neutral. So take this opportunity to relax.
Don’t Hide Who You Are
I think the reason nothing is happening this week is primarily due to your second card, Suppression. You’re ignoring some part of yourself to appease others or what you perceive you should be.
I’ll use two examples. The first social example would be someone who suppresses their interests among friends so nobody finds out they’re an adult who likes something like My Little Pony.
Look, that’s weird, but if you’re otherwise normal and not creepy the odd things about you are just fun quirks and you can usually share them and be accepted even if no one in your life wants to partake with you. It’s far more stressful to hide an aspect of yourself just so you appear perfect. Nobody believes you are anyway, so if you hide your imperfections, they’ll just stand out more when they leak.
But sometimes you suppress your motivations. I see this a lot with productivity. A person has a vision for themselves and they block out everything else in their lives to accomplish it. You’re a multifaceted person and you need to make room for all the nuances of your personality.
Yeah, you might really value being a parent, but if you don’t make time for yourself too, you’re eventually going to lose your mind.
This is essentially what suppression is: hiding a true part of yourself and putting on a show for the world. You can’t be in character all the time so don’t make that the foundation of how you approach life.
Decide to Do Something. Anything.
The third card is Participation. If you don’t want to live in void energy this week (and again, some of you will just to catch a break), then you need to embrace fully embedding yourself into an activity.
Even if nothing is happening in your personal life, there’s a wide world out there. For those who are largely homebound (like me) you have a lot of options with the internet to try and meet new people or try something new. It can be an excellent time for you to explore hobbies.
Just make sure you’re intentional and not passive about this activity.
As for those who can leave their home, you’ll quickly understand that there’s a lot possible outside of your little bubble. Try a new restaurant or a local tourist destination.
Did you know it’s not uncommon for New Yorkers to never see the Statue of Liberty? People often overlook local attractions and you might benefit from trying them out yourself. It’s a great way to have a mini-vacation without a lot of expense or travel.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Swan

Be the Better Person
This is going to be a good week for you, but it may not feel that way right now because of your first card, Morality. You’re going to be faced with an important decision that will have consequences for your life going forward.
That doesn’t mean you’re in for a bad week, just a week in which you’ll feel emotionally tired and perhaps overwhelmed because of the attention you’re going to have to give to this decision.
I’ll use an example: a person is faced with a coworker bullying another. They could stay quiet or report what’s happening. But they know that if they do, there’s a good chance the bully may begin targeting them or the boss won’t do anything about it.
And that means either accepting abuse or to begin looking for another job.
Taking the high road sometimes has an immediate reward – but not always. The decision you’ll be faced with could come with a cost. That’s not a guarantee as everything could go well, but the worry is on your mind.
You need to ask yourself what world you want to live in and then stay true to that. If not, you’ll regret your decision to act immorally later.
Think Before Acting
That said, your second card, Slowing Down, is asking you not to immediately react. Because what you’re being faced with will have serious consequences, you should figure out if there’s a way to address the situation without being hurt in the process.
For example, that person could gather evidence of the bullying to take to the boss or even a boss to that boss. It may even require giving evidence over to a lawyer.
While your situation is not as likely to be as dire, you do need to think with strategy. People often assume that doing the right thing is a simple path forward. However, you aren’t only responsible to society, but to yourself.
That’s because people assume that speaking up is the extent of acting out our morality. However, action and stability of that morality are essential to maintaining a good society.
By planning out your approach to moral conundrums, you can better apply your moral beliefs in a way that has a lasting effect.
This Is Your Week
Your last card is the fun card, Flowering. Seeds are going to be planted this week that will be harvested later. Some of you will even get to enjoy the effect now.
Use this week as a way to restructure your life to be morally consistent. Even if you aren’t taking immediate action, you can analyze your life and ask yourself what needs to change to be in better moral alignment.
Then you can take baby steps in that direction. Example: perhaps you aren’t always honest with your friends. By slowly transitioning into a more sincere person, you’re likely to feel less anxious about being caught in a lie and have more fulfilling relationships.
This is your week to plan to become the person or have the life you know you should rightfully have. And then as you start moving towards it, things are going to look up for you. This week, even if it feels difficult now, will be something you see in retrospect as a positive turning point in your life.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.