The Next Chapter of Your Life: Tarot Pick a Card
The universe has directed you to this tarot reading because something’s about to happen to you. The good news is that it’s positive. So let’s figure out how to make the most of it.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Wild Unknown Tarot and the Psychic Tarot Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to open the book of your life and discover the next chapter.
Pile 1: Chicken
You’re Getting Something You Want
Your first card is Fulfillment of Wishes. Notice how the man is standing on a large leaf, signaling abundance and fertility. Something that you’ve wished for is going to come to pass in the most wonderful way.
One thing I thought about when I pulled this card is the fruit peach. I think it’s the soft coloring of pink at the bottom between the two waterfalls. Peaches are sweet, and in English, some people call a person they love their peach.
Things are really flowing here, so I suspect the next chapter of your life to be very positive. It may be turbulent at first: perhaps you’ll come flooding down the river of your life until you crest over a waterfall. I that’s the case, take a deep breath: but know that after the fall, things are going to get a lot easier.
There’s a treasure waiting for you in the next chapter of your life. Don’t be scared to accept it.
Friendship or Hope on the Horizon
Interestingly, the second card, the Nine of Pentacles, Reversed, does indicate that what you’ll receive isn’t of monetary value. Despite the treasure chest imagery of the last card, what you’re going to receive isn’t of material gain. I suspect the other meaning of this card is that you aren’t going to be alone anymore.
I sense an amazing relationship, romantic or platonic, may be coming. I lean slightly more to the platonic, so you may likely encounter a new friend or enjoy a sense of belonging that you didn’t have previously.
Another meaning I derive from the first two cards is hope. The treasure chest made me think of Pandora’s Box. Perhaps you’re having a really hard time right now, but you’re about to get a definitive sign of true hope that things are going to change.
Happy Surprises
The final card, Son of Pentacles, Reversed, means that things are going to get a little wild. This is a reversal that can be good or bad. If you were stuck in a boring or painful loop, then a little bit of chaos may disrupt some harmful patterns.
This isn’t going to be a slow time and it’s likely to be unpredictable. But, just like Pandora’s Box, not everything unpredictable is bad.
I sense that this card also refers to something at the end of this current chapter of your life. That means there’s going to be an unexpected, positive surprise coming your way. I don’t think it’s something you can anticipate. So get comfortable with the chaos that’s going to occur as it’ll make it easier to accept the positive surprise coming your way at the end.
There’s a lot obscured in your pile and I think that’s just the nature of the surprising element of your reading. That said, know there’s something good in that mystery, even if some aspects of it may be challenging.
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Pile 2: Alligator
Abundance Is Yours
I see that the first card in your spread is Material Harvest. This indicates that you’re going to have a lot of abundance coming your way in the next chapter of your life. Think of money, career opportunities, or something that you physically receive. For some of you, it might also be better health or having a child.
This is a happy card and it likely comes at the tail-end of some effort on your part. See the farming rows? You likely had to do something to “earn” what you’re about to receive.
However, the background is most interesting to me here. It’s ghost images of classical architecture. I think you’re slightly influenced by cultural expectations, so it’s possible that what you’re about to receive is what you think you should want. Not what you actually want.
In that case, you may encounter a lot of materialism and all the ills that come with it.
See Beyond What You Have
Your next card is The World. See the round shape? I sense completion or fulfillment. You will be very happy with what you receive. This next chapter should come as a relief. Even if other areas of your life are a struggle, it will seem easier since the material aspects are taken care of.
Enjoy this period. It’s likely to give you a lot of hope and room to explore. See the stars in the sky? I sense you’ll feel expansive, even though your world is self-contained. Some of your exploration may be spiritual or psychological, but don’t be afraid to travel either.
That said, I can’t help but think of an ouroboros here: the snake that eats itself. Material things eventually decay, so I want you to recognize that, without continued effort, what you have will disappear.
Which gets into the next card.
Don’t Be Tempted
Your next chapter is a happy one, but the one after that is more uncertain. Your final card, The Devil, explains why. This is a card of temptation and oppression. I think you’re at risk of living beyond your means or resting on your laurels.
Think of a person who receives a bonus at work and then uses it on a downpayment for a house… but the house they choose is too expensive. They won’t be able to make the monthly payments forever.
Or the person who becomes so tempted by the pleasures of life that they become addicted to a drug.
I’m not saying these things are what can happen to you, but an indication of what can go wrong when materialism runs rampant. The reason why you have abundance in the next chapter of your life is because of the hard work you did. If you stop working or don’t recognize that more work is required to have abundance beyond what you currently enjoy, then your fields of life will become barren.
How much of what you worked for and enjoy the fruits of are culturally determined? Make sure that you’re only working to a degree you can handle and for things you truly want. Don’t try to work for abundance so you can compare yourself to others. That’s a dangerous temptation.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Bear
Your Personal Glory
Your first card is Triumph. See how the horserider is hoisting a flag into the air? That’s you. Red is also a color of passion. Something you care about is going to succeed and it’s going to fill you with pride.
This is likely to be something you’re working on, such as a project. You may also get a promotion. However, this success may not be monetary. For some of you, it’s an amazingly creative idea or a new relationship.
I do sense that what’s being referred to in this card is singular. It matters to you, but it’s only one thing. Other areas of your life may not be faring the same. It’s irrelevant to the next chapter of your life, though. This one success will define this period of life and likely become your focus. It’s going to be what you remember of this time ten years from now.
A Great Time for You
The second card in your spread is The Sun. This is a card for personal expression and even vulnerability. Every part of you is exposed. Fortunately, your brilliance is also exposed, so this next chapter of your life will be a great time to be yourself.
You may feel especially creative or charismatic. This means you’ll feel empowered to use your creative ability on projects or to pursue romance and friendship.
But know you may be a little aggressive and forward. You may overwhelm others, so be mindful of your power at this time and use it appropriately.
I do sense that this overall sense of being will extend to many areas of your life. So even though your personal triumph is limited, your self-worth may encourage you to try things elsewhere in life. You should encourage this. Not everything will succeed, but you’re bound to have some more successes born of this one triumph than if you did nothing at all.
Time Has Stopped for You
The third card is The Chariot, Reversed. Due to the horse imagery of the first and third cards, I see them as intimately connected. You’re going to feel stuck in this chapter of your life. I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing. You’re going to be very focused on your one triumph and how it makes you feel, so you may not be able to invest the same time and effort elsewhere (even if you want to).
It’ll require some discipline to go above and beyond your focus, and it’s up to you if you even want to do it. Know that you’re likely to be afraid of things changing though. Any change may seem to be a threat to your one triumph and you may reject it. But the chariot must move on eventually.
You’ll find yourself in a rut after a while. When things start to become stale, know it’s time to make a change – even if it means the end of your personal glory. That’s okay. You’ve learned a lot from this chapter of your life and you’re bound to take some of that treasure home with you.
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