The Magick You Need: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading about including magick, supernatural or paranormal power, into your everyday life. Think of spells, rituals, and practices. Although if you’re attracted to this reading, you’ll find things are going to get magickal for you in a different way.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which image inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Santa Muerte Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to get magickal.
Pile 1: Urn

Let’s Get Manifesting
Your spread is interesting because it’s indicating a need for balance and emotional resonance, but in a way that challenges witchy norms.
If you think about it, magick isn’t just stereotypes you’ve heard about in paganism or seen in stories. One definition I really like for magick is that it uses the leftover tools found in the material world to make things happen. Thus all the ingredients you tend to associate with things like spells.
The reason this happens is that there’s a vibration in everything in the world and that vibration will attract like to like. This is why people will use water to spiritually or emotionally cleanse themselves.
Your first card, Queen of Pentacles, is all about balancing your heart and your responsibilities. This is why it’s often compared to the working mother. You need to be pragmatic even in your dreams.
I think that productivity or business is a good illustration of the magick of your spread. The Law of Attraction and manifestation is very popular in these fields because it helps people change their mindset so they become the vibrating object that attracts good things to them.
You change your mindset to raise your vibration and attract good things to you – no spells required.
Backed By Science
The primary goal for you is found in the Ace of Cups card. This is about starting a new emotional journey. It’s time for you to enter into the next chapter of your life and make that a more positive emotional experience.
When I was in grad school, one thing that was talked about time and time again was the concept of the locus of control. This is also your magical key to a better life even if it is based on psychological research.
Children who externalize responsibility by blaming others do worse in school. The reason they scored badly on a test wasn’t because they didn’t do the work, but because the teacher didn’t like them. That’s an external locus of control and it attracts negative outcomes.
Whereas the student who internalizes responsibility will recognize a poor test score is from a lack of studying, so they prepare better next time. This is an internal locus of control and it attracts positive outcomes.
I want you to brainstorm or journal on where you place the blame for things in life. Sometimes that’s true. And sometimes, it’s not. For many of you it’s true, but you still can act responsibly in some way to wrestle back control for yourself.
Once you recognize where you can take control of your life it’s going to feel like a magickal portal because you will no longer live in a passive world. You’re the main character and life is a quest with a happy ending.
You’re Already Magickal
The final card in your spread is the Three of Pentacles, Reversed. This is about not working in harmony with traditional magical stereotypes. As you can see, there isn’t anything super magickal about your spread.
That doesn’t mean the magick isn’t there, but that the magick you need is one that’s very embedded in the human experience already. You don’t need external tools or ingredients – you’re the lighthouse of your destiny.
Simply acting on the natural programming of your human mind will help you to realize so many of your goals. And to do that, you need to focus on changing your locus of control to an internal one so that you attract better outcomes in life in general.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Mushrooms

You Need People
You need to step outside of yourself to get the magick you need. The first card in your spread, the Six of Wands, Reversed, indicates the benefit of not focusing on yourself and what you’re trying to manifest.
If you observe a lot of people who do magick or something like the Law of Attraction and you’ll notice it’s pretty self-centered. That’s not really to say the person is egocentric, just that most people see the supernatural as a spiritual experience that can only be personal and individual.
That’s not true. We live in a society that is increasingly isolated from other people. Except for passive entertainment like music, movies, and sports, you probably aren’t engaging with entire communities of people very often.
Traditional communities would have people come together for spiritual rituals or cultural events. These were moments in which the personal ego fell away from the communal experience.
Fun fact: dancing and music, especially as a group, can induce an altered state of consciousness. We also tend to find people doing these things infectious and want to join in (like yawning). There’s magick in communal events because it further empowers and strengthens spiritual expression.
Your Spiritual Domain
The second card, King of Cups, can have a few meanings in light of this spread. But, in general, it’s about absorbing the spiritual energy that a group can provide.
If you’re an extrovert, orchestrating these events or engaging in an upfront way could be beneficial. So hosting or organizing something like a dance party would be beneficial. It doesn’t have to be an expensive event: simply inviting some friends over for dinner and music is sufficient.
As for the introverts among us, you can benefit from pre-planned events where you don’t have to directly engage. Going to a festival and enjoying the sights without talking to strangers could help you absorb the spiritual energy people are giving off.
Let’s use a religious example to illustrate: an extroverted Christian might enjoy leading a choir at their church while an introverted Christian might sing along in the pews or just listen. Both can engage with the spiritual energy of the event.
The point is that, like a king, you oversee the spiritual domain like it’s yours. It’s an external thing happening around you, but it becomes your identity and part of your altered state of consciousness by participating in whatever way you choose.
You Need People for This to Work
The last card is the Page of Pentacles. My impression here is that you can’t try to manifest something spiritual into the physical world. Everything that I talk about previously is experienced at the consciousness level.
Yes, there’s a social element that exists in the world around you, but even their experience is an invisible one that is felt. You can’t enjoy the magick of a communal event if you try to manifest it.
Here’s an infuriating example: why do people spend a whole music concert recording the event on their phone instead of being in the moment and enjoying the experience as it happens? That’s what you want to avoid.
This altered state of consciousness can’t be mimicked away from the social event it occurs and it’s why you need to engage socially for it to happen.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Compass

Seek Eternal Enlightenment
Judging from your spread, I can’t promise what the magick you’ll use will do for you, but I can make a recommendation: this is a spread of divination (or fortune-telling).
The first card, The Hermit, Reversed is about coming out of enlightenment. Since it’s not upright, I see this as enlightenment you learn from another source – perhaps even from spirits.
It can be surprising how accurate divination can be, though I do find it works best when used in moderation. Anytime I do a reading for myself on a topic it tends to only last until the next reading. So if I do a career reading every few days, it’s only going to cover matters from those few days.
That’s why I think you need to use astrology, numerology, or something that you can’t repeat more than once on the same topic (so tarot isn’t appropriate since you’d be too tempted to do another reading on the issue).
If one of the above is already something you’re familiar with, try the one you’re not. Both astrology and numerology, since it’s based on things already set into motion when the universe started, can be identified at an amateur level through calculators and generators.
Know Your Options
The second card in your spread, The Star, is about fate and that’s where I get the recommendation for astrology and numerology.
An astrological natal chart generator I see mentioned often is Cafe Astrology while my favorite numerology website is Affinity Numerology.
It’s not that I don’t think you shouldn’t learn these two divination methods if you’re interested in them, but that you’ll benefit from objective analysis. The free tools are great for those on a budget or just interested in a quick reading.
However, professional astrologers and numerologists exist and could address any advanced questions you have.
Remember that the more fated elements of divination don’t mean you don’t have free will, but it does indicate areas where fate has a much stronger influence that’s difficult to fight against. It’s much better to work with fate instead of against it.
For example: a person who is indicated in their astrological chart that they would do well in a career that serves others may wrongly assume they’re doomed to a service industry job or a job with the public (like medicine).
However, this person may find that they can serve others through a remote job or by pursuing an artistic interest.
Understand that even with fate, you have options.
The Whole Universe is Ahead of You
Your final card is the Three of Wands. This is about broadening your horizons and embarking on a passionate journey. Why divination can be magick to you is because it lets you see what is possible.
A person may be fated to be an artist, but a childhood where they didn’t have the opportunity to practice or where parents discouraged them could lead them to believe it’s not possible.
However, your fate, as evidenced by divination methods such as astrology and divination, can help see where you’ll find hope and expansion once you apply yourself sincerely.
For example, my numerology destiny number is eight, meaning material accomplishment is key to my character. Starting a business was the best thing I ever did for myself. I enjoy the entrepreneurial spirit despite being indoctrinated as a child, teenager, and college student to think that I would be a bad person if I didn’t stay in academia, work in government, or become a starving artist.
Once you receive your divination reading see it for the opportunity it is to be yourself to the fullest extent of who you are. That is the magick you need.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.