Take Back Your Life: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading on how to take back your life. This is perfect if you’re struggling with something right now or you would just like more say with your path forward.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Wisdom of the Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see how you can take control of your destiny.
Pile 1: Crab

Be in the Present
It seems like the universe wants you to be more mindful right now. The first card, Here and Now, means you need to focus on your immediate concerns.
There are two reasons for this. The first is that mindfulness practices will boost your abilities in the future to manifest. This is a skill that needs to be built and improved over time, especially in a short attention span modern world.
Explore different practices such as meditation, journaling, or even a daily walk. I do jigsaw puzzles. Your goal is to disengage from the dopamine-infused modern world and enjoy something at a slower, more deliberate pace.
The second reason is that you need to pay attention to something in your environment because an important realization needs to take place. If you miss it, the universe thinks you’ll be worse off for it.
Changes Made for Good
Your next card is The Fates. A lot is happening in the background right now for your good. Most of the time fate is associated with negative things when referenced in our culture, but this card is clearly positive.
Think of her like your fairy godmother flying in and out of your life to realign you to what matters.
Expect things to change around you even without you realizing it. In some respects, it may feel as if you have no control over it, but some of these things are being changed for your good.
The way to tell the difference between something you should let happen and something you should intervene in is whether or not it will empower you.
For example, finding out that you’re being switched to a different team at work may seem like you’ll lose control, but if the people are more friendly, you’ll feel like you’re in a better situation than before.
Write the Ending of Your Story
One thing you need to know right now is that you’re a work in progress. The final card in your spread, Unfinished Symphony, indicates that the universe has a beautiful plan for you, but it hasn’t fully manifested yet.
I think that’s partly because the universe wants you to co-create that destiny. You’re a composer of the symphony of your life too.
Take some time to consider what it is you’re being drawn to – and then ask yourself how you would like to apply your individuality to it. These are the things you’re good at but aren’t sure if it’s what you want to do in life.
For example, someone may be really good at math but not want to be an accountant. But maybe they realize how much they enjoy creating things and can use that ability as an architect to build amazing buildings.
Combine your interests with your skills and the symphony of your life will be completed.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Sheep

Prepare for Alterations
It seems like you need to witness something to take back your life. The first card, Observer, features a sly fox gazing at the moon with a looking glass.
This symbolism is perhaps one of the most advanced and interesting in this deck. It’s also very relevant to your life right now. You’re more clever than you realize and you can use that wit not only to make strategic changes, but comprehend greater spiritual truths.
Focus on something in a higher plane right now. Meditate, do a special ritual, or converse with spirits. If you want to do something less actively spiritual, you can use this as an opportunity to research something of spiritual interest.
What you learn is going to change your life somehow.
Your Soul Has Changed
I see that your second card, Higher Power, indicates that the universe is going to take a more active role in your life. But I think the way that will be reflected in your reality is your higher self reacting to those changes.
We often confuse our identities as only being physical or intellectual, but we have souls too. Our souls respond to things in higher (and lower) planes. The fuller story of your human experience is comprehended within your soul’s experience too.
Perhaps changes are happening at the soul level. What was once planned for you in this life has changed, for the better, and your physical reality is downstream of that effect. Prepare ahead by getting in touch with your higher self.
Mindfulness activities like meditation, journaling, or even just quiet moments with yourself can be very revealing in this instance.
Shifting Paradigms
The final card is Truth Be Told. This is a complex card, but your spread has some pretty interesting symbolism to begin with!
I think you’re going to glimpse into other realms. This may be through a spiritual experience or through an intellectual knowing of what your higher self is going through.
That glimpse is going to create a depth in your life that didn’t exist before. Terms like “escaping the matrix” apply very well in this situation because you’ll be dropping a mask you didn’t even know you were wearing.
So overall, I sense that your observation of a true reality is going to change your plans and this change is how you’re going to take back your life.
This will be a very freeing, but also frustrating reality for you. That’s because you’re going to understand that past decisions you made weren’t made with full autonomy. But learn to forgive yourself for the past and look forward to the future. You’re in control now.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Turkey

Pay Attention to Your Boundaries
There’s a chance encounter on the way. Your first card, Come to the Edge, is asking you to be brave. You’ve gotten too comfortable with your current life – and perhaps for good reason.
This spread isn’t saying that you need to change your whole life and start taking insane risks, but that there’s a singular risk you should take coming up that will change your life for the better.
Whatever this is will be different for everyone in the pile, but take some time to look at the boundaries in your life. What are your limits? Why are these your limits?
Knowing the whats and the whys here is important because you’re going to see an opportunity to push past these boundaries – but you can only do it if you know exactly what those boundaries are.
However, you won’t be pushing too far over those boundaries. Just enough to see the other side and expand your experiences.
This is a Special Chance
Something unexpected will happen when you do this. Your second card, Serendipity, means that you’ll find something accidentally. It’s not planned for you to enjoy this gift from the universe, but your life has lined up in such a way that something beneficial is yours for the taking. So why not? The universe doesn’t have a problem with it.
This happens sometimes. Your free will and the free will of others sometimes result in serendipitous opportunities. However, this particular gift is just out of normal reach. You can’t receive it by waiting, but by actively seeking it out and accepting it as yours.
This kind of serendipitous energy is quite common and you should always be curious about what’s beyond your boundaries.
Whatever this is will make it easier to live your life going forward and manifest your dreams.
You’re Victorious
I see that the last card in your spread is A Leg Up. There’s a lot of abundance in the universe, but people tend to compete for the same goals without individualizing these opportunities through expansion.
Although you should always try to make your dreams original and not depend on creating a loser you beat, I do think you’re in a situation right now where resources are more limited.
This serendipity you’ll experience will give you a tool to help you outcompete the people in your life. Hopefully, these people are those who aren’t good people, but if not, realize that you’re going to be elevating yourself at the expense of someone else who wants the same thing.
Don’t feel guilty as long as you don’t make someone suffer in the process. However, use this better position going forward to look beyond competition and expand your boundaries. There’s more abundance out there if you’re willing to take risks now and again. And it’s much easier to take back your life if you are competing for scarce resources in the first place!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
You’re my favorite reader! I don’t know if you have any idea how many lives you’re impacting (and maybe saving). This reading just blew something open that has been crushing me for the last 17 years. Maybe it was just time for this message to land, but I somehow feel that the reading was meant for me. (I love your short paragraphs, by the way … that’s just enough for a meditation prompt to open the portal to a life-changing ka-pow from my guides!) Your light is beautiful 😇
Oh my goodness, Rémy! I’m so glad it found you at the right time. I love hearing messages like this so I know my readings are hitting home. 🙂
OMG!!! Emmamarie!!! I just did Take Back your Life. It moved me so much. I picked sheep because I’m partly Irish and when I went to Ireland there was Sheep everywhere. Blocking the Roads, everywhere! The reading was bang on again. It is everything I’m doing!!! Meditating everyday, becoming more spiritual. I have stabilized with my opioid withdrawal and now am at 2 mg every 6 hr 30 min. I got 4 hr 36 min sleep last night but got a hard 2 hour nap the morning of the 16th. That’s 6 hr 36 min total!!! I making progress. Thanks for your advice. I even did 40 min on the elliptical machine listing to high energy dance music this afternoon and was flying from endorphins!!! Tonight I planted a hydroponic garden on miniature petunias in my Living Room to have LIFE growing in my house without soil!! My whole life is changing thanks to your reading. You really are my guardian angel!