Spiritual Lessons of 2024 – Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today we’re going to see how the spiritual realm will affect you in 2024 and what lessons that will have for you.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which image inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Angel Tarot and the Starseed Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you happen to make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to see what your spiritual lessons of 2024 will be.
Pile 1: Bear
This will be a year of momentum in your relationships. Spiritually, this will have karmic consequences and you may have important moments with your soulmates or twin flame.
Deep Cellular Healing
There are some wounds you carry that are going to be healed this year. Although most of this spread details relationships, this is a good sign for physical health too. If you’re in the midst of health issues, expect some improvement likely because of divine intervention.
However, the majority of your spread indicates emotional healing and the reconciliation of relationships. Some of these relationships may be soulmates or a twin flame, but it’s important to know that you have a spiritual relationship with everyone you meet whether you like or hate them.
That’s because everyone has a soul and those souls touch upon social contact. This connection can even be facilitated with someone you know about, but not have met in person.
The wisdom message of your first card, Deep Cellular Healing, is “Arcturus energy. Physical and emotional healing.” This suggests a spiritual awareness and souls acting in ways our bodies cannot.
The divine intervention I see is not by god or the universe, but by the higher selves of you, the other person, or even a third party. Someone’s higher self is determined to make things right in your life through spiritual reconciliation.
This, by the way, is the power of intention: it can superpower your higher self.
Karmic Relationships
You should know that unfinished business in a past life can manifest in your current life. This is why you may find yourself encountering someone you felt you were meant to meet for good or bad reasons.
The second card here, Karmic Relationships, has the wisdom message of “Orion energy. Polarity. Soul growth. Conflict.” This indicates that someone you’ll meet or currently know was an enemy or someone you were at odds with in a past life.
Your relationship with them this year will be about healing that painful connection and resolving that karmic loop. You’ll have a cleaner slate. So someone you have weird friction with that you can’t explain will be healed.
Pay attention to any tense social situations you have. Don’t try to “win” or get even, seek a resolution instead. This may mean forgiveness or it could mean justice. Either way, you aren’t going to act in excess to pay back someone with revenge. It’s not worth it.
Loosen Your Grip
Humans are social creatures and we act in ways to satisfy the tribe instead of the individual. This is usually a good thing, but it can sometimes leave you, the individual, in a worse place.
This card, Loosen Your Grip, has the wisdom message of “Coping mechanisms. Density. Addiction. Let God in.” Some way that you’re acting to please the tribe or another person is harming you beyond what’s necessary for harmony.
Remember that you can choose your tribe, so if there are relationships or attitudes you have that are toxic, you can transition into a different situation for some or all of your life. There’s no reason to let yourself suffer just to appease someone else.
Pick someone else to be around instead. There are good people out there and they want to be around you. This will heal your soul to feel like you truly belong as your true self.
This could mean cutting someone out entirely, but it may also just mean spending less time with someone in favor of another. Some people are better in small doses.
The Chariot
Not only will you heal, but the first tarot card in your spread, The Chariot, promises achievement and recognition. Archangel Metatron will be at work in your life and you should expect greater spiritual transformation and knowledge.
I think that’s because you’ll have more positive relationships and that will grant you access to the arcane knowledge of the higher selves around you.
I want you to practice your psychic abilities this year by meditating on how you feel and what messages you receive when around others. I think you’ve been ignoring some of these messages because you’re so focused on the physical world around you. But the higher selves of those in your life are speaking to you and you can learn a lot more about life and life with the people around you by listening on a spiritual level.
Ten of Water
The final card is one of fulfillment. The Ten of Water indicates you’ll be in a happy social situation. Either existing relationships will improve or you’ll find new people you’ll enjoy being around.
This will have a positive effect on a spiritual level because the mind, body, and soul are intimately connected. When one is suffering, the others suffer in their own ways. So when you heal one, the others are healed to some extent too.
Things will feel easier for you and you should expect it to be easier to manifest when the social friction of your life is improved.
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Pile 2: Octopus
Expect good fortune this year. It seems as if you’ll be at a high vibration and attract many good things to you, especially that of your higher purpose.
Trust the Timing
It’s going to seem like nothing is manifesting at first, but have faith that it will. The first oracle card in your spread, Trust the Timing, has the wisdom message of “Trust the wave you came in on. Time is not running out.”
There’s something you’ll want to manifest this year that you’re going to manifest. Perhaps not 100%, but you’re going to be thrilled with what you do manage to manifest.
I don’t think you fully comprehend how grand the thing you wish to manifest is and that’s why the timing isn’t instant. That said, it seems like the universe is doing all it can to attract as much of it to you as quickly as possible.
Don’t give up just because things aren’t going perfectly. Remember the famous idiom “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.”
You may feel as if there’s a deadline to what you wish to manifest but know that you may have longer than you think. I imagine women here who hope to get pregnant. Some reach their forties and assume the chance has passed them by – only to get a surprise baby!
Your manifestation goal may not be a child but hold onto even the unlikely manifestations you seek. You’ll be pleased by this year.
You Got the Love
Don’t read the next card romantically even if what you seek to manifest is a relationship. You Got the Love has the wisdom message of “Hadarian energy. Codependency. Boundaries.”
Hadar is a binary star system and its energy will be present in your life this year. Know that responsibility for what you seek to manifest is divided between you and the universe. It’s not all on you – and it’s not all on the universe to deliver either.
What this means is that you need to lean on and trust the universe, but you also need to understand when it’s time to act. To attract, you must accept and choose by pursuing the opportunities that come your way. If you reject opportunities, you won’t attract what you wish to manifest. Never trust what someone says they want. Look at their behavior. That’s true for you this year.
Let’s use an example: a person wishes to manifest a relationship. The universe sends their soulmate their way, but the person doesn’t respond to flirting or flirting themselves. Will the relationship manifest? Nope.
Don’t reject your opportunities. Accept them.
All Paths Lead Home
So much of the spiritual realm is invisible to us. The next card in your spread, All Paths Lead Home, has the wisdom message of “Inner authority. Intuition. Turn your gaze within.”
You are a conduit for the universe. One way you can receive messages and do the will of the divine is to accept spiritual pathways by tapping into your higher self.
Any spiritual practice will do, so you have a lot of options here. But to get started, I recommend meditation, going out into nature to experience awe, or some sort of communication practice.
These communication practices might be journaling, automatic writing, or the creation of art. It’s difficult for us to transfer the messages we receive from the universe without practice, and the previously mentioned is a good way to practice that translation.
Your creativity is often a symbolic representation of what the universe wishes to tell you. Create and see what that message is. Sometimes having someone else interpret what you create can be useful too.
The Wheel
Not every year of life is a good one, but this tarot card, The Wheel, suggests that this year will be generally good for you on a spiritual level. Archangel Michael is at work and he’s a very protective spirit. You may have a lot of close calls and be aware of those close calls.
I think you’re in a liminal space. “Liminal” is a word that means on the border and I want you to understand this as a crossroads on your life journey and also on your spiritual journey. You’ll be making a lot of important decisions because they will change or uphold your destiny.
The universe has a plan for you, but you also can co-create that destiny with your preferences. It’s okay to be opinionated and say no.
Be mindful of any fortune-telling practices this year. Even though I frequently tell my readers you can change your destiny once you know it, it’s easy to feel like knowing a potential future locks you in. It doesn’t.
Embrace your preferences strongly this year.
Ten of Earth
Your final card is my favorite in the entire tarot deck: Ten of Earth. It’s a very positive card and it indicates you’ll have an abundant life.
Things are likely to go well financially, but this card can also suggest good outcomes for health, family life, or hobbies.
Enjoy the little things too. There’s a lot of major energy in your spread this year, but know that part of abundance is enjoying the details and side quests that are presented in your life. Remember your preferences: you won’t just have two forks in the road to choose from. There will be many options and you may even get to go down many different roads in the same year.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Dog
There’s an interesting polarity in your spread between the physical and spiritual realms. This is a good chance to develop spiritual gifts and bonds with spiritual beings.
Activated Earth
There’s magic and spiritual energy all around you – it’s not just a thing of higher planes of existence. The first card in your spread, Activated Earth, has the wisdom message of “Power places. Ley lines. Trust where you’re led.”
This is an indication that you’ll have an intimate relationship with a material place at a spiritual level. You’ll feel a divine connection through spiritual beings or spiritual residue.
If you have access, places related to your cultural heritage or genetic ancestry would be good to visit. Asian Americans, for example, might feel connected to cultural heritage sites like Stonehenge or Salem. But they might also feel connected to Buddhist and folk temples in countries of their genetic heritage too.
However, spiritual connection doesn’t just come through human connection. I’m Appalachian, so I feel a strong pull to the mountains in my area. I also feel a kindred connection to deer.
Open your eyes to the world around you and let yourself be motivated by what brings you awe.
The Void
I’m drawn to the seasonal reference in this card. The Void has the wisdom message of “Stop. Embrace winter. Great cosmic womb.” Nature comes in cycles, and the more you’re aware of that, the better.
This is easier to see in places with four seasons, but everywhere on Earth has some sort of change, including their skies. I want you to observe these changes and meditate on them because it’s a reminder that your soul is part of a greater spiritual cycle.
If you can’t go outside or struggle to see the changes in your area, consider raising a house plant, something like a butterfly, or doing some amateur astrology. If you don’t have a telescope, paying attention and looking at the Moon is a good alternative.
Your goal this year is to witness a full revolution of changes, be it the change of seasons, the growth of a plant, or the cycle of the Moon.
The Golden Children
There’s a spiritual gift you have that you’ve either lost touch with or didn’t recognize for what it was. The third oracle card in your spread, The Golden Children, has the wisdom message of “Inner child. Tenderness. Innocence. Rare gifts.”
Children often express their spiritual gifts in juvenile, but clear ways. Empaths may be the emotional rock of their friends growing up but learn to push those traits aside to not be taken advantage of.
You likely have a similar story and I want you to journal on your experiences as a child. What were you known to do very well? How might it be related to the spiritual realm?
It may be helpful to take a weekend or even a few weekends to just pursue leisure and get in touch with your spirit when it’s not overburdened with responsibilities and jadedness.
Understand that this gift, even if underdeveloped, is not absent from your toolkit. You can begin to revitalize that ability and incorporate it into your life with the maturity of an adult.
Queen of Water
I believe that the more you become aware of your environment or a place you have a connection to, the better able you’ll be to connect to others. The Queen of Water tarot card has a “Tenderhearted, Empathetic, Patient, Loving” energy.
That’s because your higher self will recognize that other people share that same connection. They’re part of that environment, but you’re part of each other too. You have something in common.
A famous example from where I live is a song you may know: Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver. The song reminds West Virginians of what it’s like to go home and we’re known to start singing it whenever a large crowd of us are together in one place.
It’s a good song to listen to for anyone who chose this pile to understand the spiritual power of place. There are thousands of videos on YouTube of West Virginians and people all over the world singing this song in massive impromptu choirs because of how spiritually powerful and uniting it is. You can forge that kind of connection in your life too.
Page of Earth
The final card in your spread is Page of Earth and it has a “Scholarly, Dependable, Patient, and Successful” energy. I see you embracing this energy and being able to find success in your life as well as discover new areas of interest.
This year has a spiritual lesson of place, but that spiritual lesson is an inspirational one. You’re meant to feel awed and connected so you’ll see more opportunities in your life.
These opportunities will serve as a bridge between this world and the spiritual world that will last longer than the year itself. See this as just the beginning of a greater understanding of how you, individually, fit into a bigger picture.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.