September 2021 Tarot Pick a Card
Do you feel drawn to know your future? Let’s use tarot to find out what’s coming your way in the next month.
It’s easy. All you have to do to get started is to select one of the following piles of cards above that stick out to you. Take a moment to meditate and concentrate on each one if needed.
Now you’ll be able to scroll down and read your tarot cards for the month. They’re divided into Pile 1, Pile 2, and Pile 3. Make sure that you have your decision in mind before you look at your readings. That way, you’ll use your intuition.
Keep in mind that this is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You also have free will – use your fortune strategically to your advantage and make changes to improve your life.
Let’s see how we can make your next month better.
Pile 1

It looks to be a promising month of abundance for you, but not without some serious challenges that the universe is calling you to face. To start, the theme of the month is Queen of Pentacles, the “working mother” archetype of the tarot.
She succeeds in her work-life balance, resulting in abundance. However, this isn’t at the expense of her own independent spirit and identity. She “has it all.”
But remember what this archetype also suggests: hard meaningful work. You’ll need to be mindful of your time this month and make sure you aren’t wasting it.
In Week 1, you have the Eight of Pentacles, Reversed. The problem with Queen of Pentacles energy is that it makes someone be a little bit of a perfectionist, and that’s going to manifest in the worst way at the start of the month. You’ll focus so much on the little details, that you’ll fail to prioritize what matters.
You want to improve your life, and you have a lot of ideas on how to do it, but you’re not going to have much success in your first week if you aren’t careful.
Be mindful that you’re probably too unfocused and not putting your energy where it needs to be most. It’s a bit like the working mother who is obsessed with a clean home to the point she’s scrubbing the floorboards every weekend instead of spending quality time with her family.
However, Week 2 marks a nice change. Your card is the Knight of Swords, which is a powerful and energetic card for productivity. This is a month of ambition for you, and you’ll really feel that in the second week because this card gets things done at any cost.
Yet you might be a little impulsive. This will feel good after the first week of failed prioritization and obsessing over the details, but you’re probably swinging too far in the other direction to compensate.
Use the best energy of this card, its direct approach, and sit down to make a plan. Feed the intellectual warrior inside of you to make it the best one possible.
Your Week 3 card is the Six of Wands, Reversed. Your first two weeks were a storm of productivity, and you’re likely to feel a little burnt out. That’s why you’re going to redefine what matters to you this week and care less about external validation.
But you also need to ask yourself if you’re doing this not out of consideration for your mental health, but because you fell flat on your face and now you’re embarrassed.
That’s a recurring problem for the month. You should be accountable to yourself first, but you have so many responsibilities and interests that it can seem like you have dozens of bosses you answer to – including your muse.
In the finale of the month, Week 4, you’re finally going to catch a real break. Your card, Three of Cups, is one of absolute bliss. It symbolizes celebration with the people you love, friendship, and collaboration.
All the work you’ve done is going to be rewarded, but not necessarily in a monetary way. Your heart is going to be healed of the anxieties you’ve experienced as you spend more time with your friends and family.
You’re also going to have the opportunity to work with others. This may not be what you always want to do, but after so many weeks of doing it all yourself, enjoy not having the entire world fall on your shoulders for once.
Pile 2

One thing I see popping up again and again in your reading is intuition. This puts the theme card of the month, Three of Wands, Reversed into an important context.
You’re going to feel spiritually blocked a lot this month and I think that’s going to affect many areas of your life. There will be opportunities for you, but you won’t realize that they’re there and miss them.
Take things slowly and be careful. What you see may not be all there is.
This is especially true in Week 1. This card is The Moon, Reversed which is a powerful indication that something is blocking your third eye. Even if you don’t use spiritual gifts, this will likely still be reflected in your creativity, emotions, and relationships with others.
You may feel very frustrated by this and not understand why everything is going wrong. Have patience with yourself and try not to strike out against others, such as the creeping scorpion in the card.
But if you do spend some time with self-care, you’ll likely be able to release a lot of tension which should help you get back your intuition.
Week 2 brings the energy of The Hierophant, Reversed. All that time you spent being spiritually frustrated is going to cause you to rebel. You’ll ask, “why does any of this matter, anyway?” and challenge what’s known.
This can often be a very negative experience for the people around you, but I think this is necessary after your spiritual crisis so you can learn to follow your intuition better. Just make sure that your personal revolution doesn’t turn into a dictatorship for the people around you. You’re not the only person with ideas.
That rebellious energy is channeled into something more positive and potentially less effective in Week 3. The Page of Swords card is one with a youthful, friendly energy. You’ll feel more comfortable expressing yourself because you’re able to explore your interests with more freedom.
This promotes new ideas and new opportunities – something you struggle with this month – so enjoy and take advantage of this change in fortune.
The end of the month, Week 4, transitions into a more mature and nuanced intuitive energy. The Queen of Cups is a personal champion of intuitive ability, but in a gentler way. Think of her ability like that of the flow state – everything comes easy and joyfully.
This makes it easier for you to give to others, so even though you had all these spiritual blocks and aggressive energy, you’re now a cheerful giver. This card is one of compassion because that compassion comes from a place of inner security.
You’re in for an emotional roller coaster this month, but it ends not just on a positive note, but perhaps one of the best possible conclusions you could have. Understand, however, that you’re going to have to work with the universe instead of against it.
Consider taking up a journaling practice this month, even if it’s just temporary. That way you can casually express yourself and really let loose to practice your flow state from day one.
Pile 3

No doubt about it – this is going to be a challenging month for you. Your theme card is Justice, and while this can be a positive card for some, it also indicates that you may be on the receiving end of judgment.
However, don’t despair, as cold as this card can be, it’s also fair, and you can put whatever you encounter this month behind you as a life experience.
In Week 1, your card is the Eight of Cups. I suspect whatever judgment you receive is likely to occur early on, and in response, you’re going to leave behind what no longer serves you so you can move on as a new person.
This won’t be comfortable. Notice that the person in the card appears to be leaving behind riches. However, even though the card appears sad the person doesn’t look defeated. You will accept what has befallen you and start over. Your greatest resource will always be yourself.
This decision will lead you into Week 2 where your card is the Ten of Wands. After you face justice, there’s normally a price to be paid. For you, that’s taking on a new burden. This may be more time at work or even a financial cost.
But this card also marks the end of a project, and in the case of your reading, the judgment you face won’t have a lasting effect on you. You’ll face the consequences, pay them, and be freed from the burden you face at its peak in Week 2.
The last two are more positive, but they come with a few caveats, and I think it’s important that you do some soul searching during this time. I believe that the reason you faced that misfortune at the beginning of the month may be due to decisions you made that could have been prevented. Make sure you aren’t making the same mistakes in the second half of the month.
During Week 3, your card is the Seven of Pentacles. Now you’re working towards a brighter future and laying down the groundwork. It has a lot of potential to change your life, but just potential.
You will need to persevere to make the most of your investments. That said, I have faith you can do so. Despite all the issues this month, I get a strong sense from the universe that you can handle anything you put your mind to. Your problem isn’t strength, but overlooking what’s important.
The Knight of Cups, Reversed is your card representing Week 4. This is really when you’re going to fall into your worst behavioral traits, and you need to start asking how much of your misfortune is brought upon yourself.
A lot of people don’t like to blame themselves when things go wrong, but they miss something crucial when they do: if you’re responsible, then you have the power to change your circumstances.
The card for this week suggests you aren’t being realistic and potentially living in a fantasy. No matter how hard you work, if you fall into your own illusions, then you can never pick yourself back up. But why do you do this?
You’re an emotional person and you don’t want to accept that you don’t have the life you want. But instead of channeling it effectively, you spend all your energy doing the same wrong thing over and over again. Do you overvalue the person you think you are instead of the person you can grow to become?
Time to make a change.