Relationship Cords to Cut: Tarot Pick a Card
Not every relationship is meant to be, romantic or platonic. If you were attracted to this tarot pick a card then the universe believes you need to cut the cords tying you to another person.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Thoth Tarot and the Power Thoughts Oracle decks while the animals are from an Acekar Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase).
Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading. Let’s find out which relationship cord you need to cut.
Pile 1: Ladybug

Just Say No
With your first card being Death I believe that a relationship cord you need to cut is primarily emotional as this person is not in your life anymore. Their influence on you was so great that it’s difficult for you to sever ties. You can’t stop thinking about them and comparing your life now to your life then.
This isn’t healthy. For some, this refers to someone who has passed away or left you through no fault of anyone. In that case, you may not have appropriately mourned the end of the relationship and still treat your relationship cord to them as eternal even though there is no way you’ll ever see them again in life.
The dead can’t take the place of the living. This may also refer to those who are still crushing on a first love and can’t pursue romance because of it. You’re comparing your ideal that doesn’t exist to a reality that can if you seek it out instead.
Many who chose this pile will instead have this card referring to an ex or some other relationship that went wrong. You’re actually at grave risk of reigniting this relationship and it wouldn’t be a good idea. It’s destructive to you and will lead you to ruin.
A Dangerous Liasion
The next card is The Devil. This is about self-destruction. Even for those who had a positive relationship in the past, dwelling on a connection that can’t persist because of death or distance will just drive you crazy. You’re bound to miss wonderful opportunities in life simply because you’re trying to live in the past.
As for those of whom this refers to a past relationship but one that could start again, don’t. This person is not right for you. The relationship could turn abusive in some manner or you’ll be very unhappy.
Not every person or personality is meant to be in contact with each other and that’s the case here.
Think Ahead
Your final card has the affirmation of I am not limited by any past thinking. I choose my thoughts with care. I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at my world. I am willing to change and grow.
You must move beyond your past and live in the present so you can make a future. It seems as if you put a wall up when it comes to one of your relationships and you’re boxing yourself in.
This is limiting your potential and possibly hurting your mental health.
Moving beyond this relationship will bring optimism into your life and a more positive mindset than you experience now.
Relationships aren’t meant to be static but to grow throughout life. This relationship is no longer growing and it’s time to cut that weed so the flowers can bloom.
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Pile 2: Dog

Financial Independence
Your first card is the Eight of Discs: Prudence, Reversed. There’s someone in your life who is careless in a materialistic sense. This could be with money, possessions, health, or even their career.
For some of you, this could be someone like a family member or a boss. They’re not actually someone you want to break contact with, but there’s something negative about their relationship with you.
Some of you will choose to cut this person out of your life or change jobs, but others simply need to cut the current relationship cord and replace it with something better. In other words, the issue should be fixable.
But that’s not going to be easy. The lack of care this person has suggests they don’t want to do any work, so the change in the relationship may be in how you approach them or let them in your life so that their materialistic habits can’t affect you.
A really good example of this would be couples having separate bank accounts. When one spouse can’t change their spending habits it may be better for the couple not to combine finances to begin with.
Decisions like that are how you cut the cord without cutting someone out of your life. You need independence from them in some manner.
Let Them Fall
The next card is the Ten of Disks: Wealth, Reversed. This person is heading in the wrong direction and is likely to face serious consequences. That’s why you must disentangle from this person as it’s unlikely they’re going to do anything to prevent it.
In your career, this may mean changing to a different team or department, but if you have concerns that the business may go under – start looking for new employment even if you otherwise like your boss.
Family or friends is a more difficult situation. Even when you disentangle yourself financially or materialistically from them, you’re likely to witness a trainwreck that you couldn’t prevent even if you wanted to.
Some of you may still want to help, but if you do this make sure it’s money or time that you could do without because you’ll probably never get paid back. However, I strongly recommend against this as it would encourage this person to always look to you for a handout when things go wrong. Now may be the time to let them fall and pick themselves back up again.
If it’s not a life or death situation do not intervene.
Put Yourself First Now
Your final card is the affirmation of I say “out” to every negative thought that comes to my mind. No person, place, or thing has any power over me for I am the only thinker in my mind. I create my own reality and everyone in it.
This person has a big influence on your mental health. You’re easily led to do what they want instead of what you want. Because of that, you manifest things for them but not yourself. If you disentangle from this person materialistically it may seem selfish at first… but the other person has been selfish towards your resources and that needs to change.
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Pile 2: Lobster

Evaluate the Relationship
Your spread suggests a fair-weather person. The first card is Fortune and it seems as if this person is great to be around when things are going well, but either disappears or is a detriment when things are going poorly.
For most of you, this is likely to be a family member or friend who is only around you when it benefits them but won’t return your calls when you need something in return. Some will have this relationship with a significant other or coworker, but if that’s the case run.
A significant other needs to give as much as they take and a coworker is an optional relationship that you can avoid at a different job location. Just don’t look back. You’ll be relieved when you finally cut that cord.
But most will find that this relationship is familial or platonic. Somehow I think that type of relationship would be more difficult to deal with under these conditions.
That’s because you’re likely to “wait” for the other person to show as much interest as you show them. This is unlikely. Some people just don’t want a deep connection.
You need to evaluate whether or not this person is someone you want to push out of your life or someone you want to have a more casual relationship with.
Break the Bond
The second card is the Two of Cups: Change, Reversed card. This may surprise some of you, but just because this person is fair weather doesn’t mean you have to kick them out of your life.
Instead, you can use the fair-weather relationship to your advantage. Not every relationship has to be a serious one of depth. Perhaps this person is someone you only meet during family events or for hobbies. If that’s the case, intense emotional connection is simply unnecessary.
Change your current relationship with them to one that is more shallow and based entirely on shared interests. You only meet when it’s beneficial to both of you and you draw the line at something more serious.
I think that some who chose this pile will find that’s exactly the kind of cord-cutting that’s necessary. We don’t have the time and energy to make every person in our lives a close companion. Just make sure that this is mutual.
The good news is that you can then use this time and effort on people you care about more. For example, you may really love to go watch movies but no one else who is close to you does.
However, you could join a club or meet with a casual friend to see movies. They’re not your best friend and that’s okay. Nothing more is required of either of you, but you both get what you want. See how a casual relationship can be meaningful in its own way?
Enjoy Yourself Around Other People
The last card is the affirmation My unique and creative talents and abilities flow through me and are expressed in deeply satisfying ways. My creativity is always in demand.
I think an introvert is more likely to depend on a small group of people to fulfill all their social needs. The problem is that everyone is an individual and may not enjoy all the same things you do.
Having casual friends allows you to meet your social and fun needs without greater expectations of another person. I know that many introverts feel sad that their family members and close friends don’t fully understand them. But expecting your mom to go to an anime convention with you may not always go well.
That’s where casual relationships come in. The gap in your close relationships is resolved and you can enjoy the things you enjoy. Cut the intense emotional cords with these people and you’ll be very pleased with how such a casual relationship can bloom into something satisfying.
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