Past Life Insights — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on your past lives. We’re going to look into at least one life today to see what you can learn and use in this one.
All you must do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Santa Muerte Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s go back in time.
Pile 1: Lantern

Loner? Maybe.
There is no major arcana in your spread, so these cards represent your past lives in general, specifically a recurring karmic theme. The first of these cards is the Three of Cups, Reversed. I sense a karmic desire to shy away from social situations.
You may have either been in a situation in your past lives where being alone was attractive or you were deeply hurt. Either way, both possibilities left innate wounds or marks on your soul.
Even if you have social opportunities and desires in this life, your higher self feels drawn to more hermit-like activities. It may seem as if your inner self continually sabotages your chance to make social connections.
If you like alone time, this may not bother you in this life, but if you want to connect with others even some of the time then this will need to be something you work on.
You Need Purpose
Humans are social creatures and a lot of the responsibilities they take on are usually attributed to some social need or obligation. The Ten of Wands, Reversed suggests you don’t take on as many responsibilities as you could or you take on the wrong ones.
In your past lives, you may have been overburdened or never given a chance to step up. This may have been because of your hermit-like personality.
Give the quiet one who complains all the annoying work… but also don’t give them any meaningful responsibility that helps them emotionally connect with someone else. That sort of past life.
This could also be a sign for some in this spread that your past lives were childless or without romance, so it feels weird when you try to reach for these things in this life.
As you can see, this kind of karmic pattern can lead to an unfulfilled life where you hide away. In the modern era of technology, it could even lead to a shut-in life of social media doomscrolling and addiction to things like video games.
Scheme For Yourself
Although you definitely have this karmic pattern lingering in your reincarnation cycle, your last card, the Two of Wands, suggests how you can break that cycle.
You have an innate power to really analyze and think deeply. This will help you to create a good plan from which to act.
Of course, a plan does not equal action, but I think you can use your karmic attraction to a hermit mode to spend time preparing a great plan to work from. Read about how to socialize, take responsibility, and find your purpose. Then create an action plan. Pretty standard advice actually.
This is a frustrating karmic cycle, but also one that’s completely in your control to break. Some in this pile may have already broken it. But if not, the prescription to do so is simple: learn, make a plan, and then act.
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Pile 2: Planet

Life on Repeat
There’s some major energy in this spread and it indicates you’re reliving a past life. What that means is that your current life mirrors a past one very closely either in the way you live or the people you encounter.
The first card, The Moon, Reversed, indicates that this life is about revealing a secret. We see a woman in this card peering into the water and seeing her dead self gazing back at her.
To some degree, your higher self or past life is trying to influence this life in some manner. You may feel frustrated by fated events you don’t understand keep happening to you.
But the point isn’t to repeat that life in its entirety, but for you to comprehend a mystery your past life was unable to solve. You will be able to solve it in this life and you’re likely very close or getting on the right path for the universe to be telling you about it now.
Whatever this is, it’s likely to be something you’re mysteriously frustrated or triggered by. Someone triggered by a cruel boss may have been oppressed by someone in a past life. And their current boss may even be the person responsible for that in their past life.
Reborn for a Reason
The current incarnation of you was reborn into this life for a purpose. The Santa Muerte, Reversed card indicates that you have unfinished business and were unable to fulfill a past life purpose.
The secret you’re going to uncover will be spiritually fulfilling to do so. You’ll feel a sense of completion and transform in a way that’s both liberating and empowering.
Going back to the previous example, the person triggered by a cruel boss may not realize that they let themselves be pushed around until its too late – and that the cruel boss is setting them up to take the fall for something that went wrong.
But if this person did uncover it, not only would they escape harm, but they’d see how they’re fooled and manipulated by others. That would help them to break away from that pattern.
It’s not exactly clear in your spread what unfinished business you have and that’s why you need to consider what you’re triggered by in life. Know that’s the area you need to pay the most attention to right now.
Suddenly the New You
I don’t want to say your current life is on hold, but the Ace of Cups, Reversed does suggest that your past life is taking up a lot of real estate in your soul. It’s a bit greedy in its desire to fulfill its soul mission in your current life.
That means you may feel as if you can’t pay attention to your current goals until you uncover this mystery. But, once you do, realize that things are going to be different pretty much overnight. You’ll feel a karmic boomerang or a spiritual awakening that will unsettle you.
That’s because once you address your past life karma, the mission for this life will take center stage in a way it hasn’t before. You’ll likely receive a lot of intuitive downloads or sudden desires to change your life to match your new goals.
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Pile 3: Book

Time for Fairness
I think you’re going to be very aware of a past life soon. And when I say aware, I mean memories or a strong sense of what happened in that life.
The first card, The Hierophant, Reversed, suggests that life was one of disorder or suffering from the despotic desires of someone in control. The word anarcho-tyranny comes to mind and that’s when there is a rule of law, but it’s selectively enforced. And it seemed like your past life self was on the bad end of that selective enforcement.
You may find yourself inspired to pursue social justice. This could manifest in helping people out in modern times, but it may also be you telling others about the injustices the people faced in your past life. You may be interested in a specific period of history that reflects this past life.
For example: someone in this pile might have past life memories of a slave in Joseon Korea before abolition in 1894. They decide to let people know about this injustice by writing an English novel inspired by that time as most people in the Western world don’t realize slavery even existed in Asia.
You will be motivated to set things right in some way in this life even if your current life has no problems. You won’t let injustice stand.
You’ll Want to Act
I see that your second card is the Four of Swords, Reversed. This is my spiritual awakening card or sudden realization card. In your spread, I think there are even more nuances to your situation because this card is present.
There was no guarantee that you would become aware of this past life. However, something in this life will trigger that memory and whatever that trigger is will cause you to deeply empathize with the past life struggle you experienced.
Expect to be emotionally affected in a way that can’t adequately be explained and only felt. That’s because few people remember their past lives so it’s likely the people around you may not appreciate what you’re going through.
This, I think, is why you’ll be driven to act on a social justice path. Just don’t be the person who helps with something like racism and then tell them, “Yeah, I suffered racism in a past life.” Even if that person believes in past lives, they may not be enthused with your reasoning for empathizing with them now.
Stay in Control
There are two meanings I sense in your third card, the Ace of Pentacles, Reversed. The first is that it indicates your past life was one of financial or health turmoil.
This could mean enslavement, famine, plague, destitution, and et cetera. A sincerely bad time unlike anything someone in the modern world is likely to experience now.
The second meaning is that you’ll struggle to manifest your empathy in a meaningful way. What I mean is that past lives can be interesting to know about, but difficult to take that knowledge and make it useful.
If you’re deeply affected by a past life, don’t make it your entire personality. Instead, take what you learn and add it to what you’re already doing. Someone who discovers that they died of starvation in a past life and is currently an accountant in this one may find that donating to a food pantry every few months brings them a sense of peace.
You will be emotionally affected by this memory, but don’t let this past life take over this one. You can’t undo the suffering of your past life. Focus on the your current one.
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