October 2022: Tarot Pick a Card
It’s October which means autumn and Halloween are upon us in the Northern hemisphere. This is a time when the veil is lifted and spirituality is especially potent. Even those in the Southern hemisphere may be feeling some of that energy. This psychic tarot pick a card will help you use the momentum of this month to your advantage.
All you have to do is select one of the piles of cards above that sticks out to you the most. Which adorable spooky kitty inspires your intuition?
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Celestial Tarot and the Angels and Ancestors Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to peer into your future for October of 2022.
Pile 1: Brown Hat

This month is going to be exciting and challenging for you. Your first card, Fire Guardian, has the wisdom message of “Ignite Your Passions.” This aligns well with the rest of your deck, which means you could have a singular focus for the month or your focus on your passions will be especially prominent.
The second theme card, Medicine Guardian, has the wisdom message of “Be Open to Healing Information.” My impression of this card is that something fated or destined is likely to happen to you. It will cause some sort of foundation principle of yours to be shaken, but it will also reveal some truth that you need to hear.
Your last theme card is Hunter with the wisdom message of “Track Down Your Fears and Desires.” This indicates that you’re going to need to step up and advocate for yourself. This is going to be a bit scary, but you’re going to make a lot of progress on your higher calling and figure out ways to tackle the obstacles in front of you.
Week 1: October 1st to October 9th
The beginning of this month starts out challenging. Here we have the Queen of Pentacles, Reversed. You’re going to struggle to balance your passions with reality. Because of this, you may find it difficult to manifest as you would like.
That said, this is an issue of scheduling and prioritization. Many people call this the “working mother” card and I think that description helps to make the solution to this reversal all the clearer: what good is a spotless house if a parent spends less time with their kids and is exhausted after work because they spend all their time cleaning? Make sure your projects are the ones you care about. Everything else can use a little less of your attention.
Week 2: October 10th to October 16th
Fortunately, the exhaustion of the prior week ceases. Your second card, Four of Swords, suggests you’re going to catch a break. This could be your own decision, but it could also be decided for you by the universe (through burnout).
Regardless of what causes you to stop and take a break this week, really take advantage of it. There’s a lot of passion in October for you and that can be physically and emotionally draining. Pro tip: most people can only get two to three hours of deep or creative work a day. Have patience for yourself if you aren’t on top of things 100% of the time.
Week 3: October 17th to October 23rd
I think in the second half of the month you’re going to feel restless and worried. Here we have the Queen of Cups, Reversed card. I think you’ll be emotionally vulnerable. This is likely because you won’t make as much progress as you would have liked and this will upset you.
Be aware that you may be volatile. However, I do think this emotional sore spot will be revealing to you. The ways in which you’re hurt by your schedule and your tasks should enlighten you on what truly matters. This is the healing information you need: clarity and catharsis. Feel all the feels right now. It’s time to stop lying to yourself about what you want and how it needs to be accomplished.
Week 4: October 24th to October 31st
The end of the month is more positive. Here we have the Queen of Wands. This is a card of inspirational confidence. Even if the application of your passions is still a bit juvenile, your purpose will not be. This spark of life will be powerful and even stately in its effect. What you do will have an exponential effect over time.
This week will be a great time to start a new project or face a personal challenge. Your courage will be stronger as well as your tenacity. But more than that, you’ll feel more emotionally certain!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Purple Hat

I sense that this month will be an intellectual and spiritual journey for you. Your first card, Air Guardian, has the wisdom message of “Shift Your Perception.” Something about the way you live life, especially your biggest goals, needs to change. It’s no longer serving you as it once did.
Note: that doesn’t mean your efforts until now have been in vain or the shift will be a major life change. But there will be some sort of change.
The next theme card, Star Ancestor, has the wisdom message of “Follow the Voice of Your Soul.” I don’t actually feel any linkage to your ancestors here and it seems like the universe is pushing me towards the wisdom message for the interpretation: you need to follow your higher calling and there’s something more about that calling that you need to recognize using your intuition. You already know deep within what you need to do or how to do it.
The third theme card here is Winter with the wisdom message of “Take Care of Your Needs,” While I think some people who chose this pile will have successes and revelations this month, I do think most who chose this pile will still be on the journey phase of shifting their perception about their higher calling.
This will be a long journey, so be sure to pace yourself and look toward your needs and health. Don’t give 100%. 80% is good enough because it’s going to help you maintain consistency. You don’t want to burn out before you reach your destination.
Now is a slower time. Consider looking up the slow movement lifestyle to get some inspiration on how to apply those principles to your life.
Week 1: October 1st to October 9th
Your first week card starts as a bit of a relief. Here we have the Seven of Wands, Reversed. If you’ve been feeling under attack lately or as if you’re under a lot of pressure, that’s going to cease. You no longer will need to defend yourself.
Be aware, however, that you no longer have the high ground. This could be because it’s after the storm of a defeat or because you’ve retreated to lick your wounds. However, now that you’re able to rest and in a position of greater safety, that does mean your anxiety will release and you won’t be in survival mode.
Week 2: October 10th to October 16th
Your second week is likely to be the time this month when you feel the most in control. That’s because your card here, King of Swords, indicates that you’re going to experience mental clarity and know how to make the right decisions.
This is likely to be when you either shift your perception successfully or decide to embark on a personal journey to achieve it. You’re likely to be optimistic and make really important decisions to invest in your future.
Week 3: October 17th to October 23rd
However, the second half of your month is more difficult. Here we have the Six of Wands, Reversed. There are a few meanings here. The first is that you’re simply out of the public eye and enjoying your privacy. But I lean slightly more towards feeling humbled or that you aren’t being recognized for your worth.
This may be a time when you feel very self-conscious. That’s why I want you to look towards self-care and cherishing yourself. You’re worthy even when others aren’t singing your praises. Don’t forget that.
Week 4: October 24th to October 31st
Your month ends with the Two of Swords, Reversed. Although you had some clarity in the first half of the month, you’re likely to feel more indecisive by the end. I think this is because you’ll learn more about your higher calling and realize that you need to investigate further to make a more informed decision.
You may feel like you can’t trust your intuition right now, and that’s okay. If you don’t have to make a major decision – don’t. Wait as long as you need.
But if you must, do what seems to make you happiest. Perhaps you can make a change later on. The future is still uncertain. However, sometimes, a decision must be made even when you aren’t sure it’s the right one. Trust that you will make a good enough decision in the moment so you aren’t paralyzed.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Pink Hat

This is a good month for you even though you have a lot of work to do. Your first theme card, Earth Guardian, has the wisdom message of “Stay Rooted and Grounded.” This is a reminder from the universe that you need to get back to basics. This can be many things, from simple spiritual rituals like grounding, or more pragmatic approaches to living. Think minimally and with priority on what matters most right now.
The next theme card is Animal Guardian with the wisdom message of “Trust Your Instincts.” Here I got the distinct sense that this isn’t your intuition, but rather your sensory perception. Trust what can be objectively measured with your five senses. Then build a perception off that. This will aid you in staying grounded and putting all your holistic feelings into a tangible reality.
Your last theme card is Stargazer with the wisdom message of “Set Your Sights Higher.” Even though this is a month of grounding for you, it serves a higher purpose. You need to create a good, stable foundation for your life (or at least as much as you can during this month) so you can either aim toward your higher purpose or begin working towards it.
Week 1: October 1st to October 9th
The month starts well for you. Here we have the Nine of Swords, Reversed. If you’ve been feeling anxious or worried lately, something during this week is going to come as a relief. Something about your past that has been weighing on you will either be healed or no longer be an issue that you need to dwell upon.
Use this mental freedom to pursue new things or enjoy something you like, but make sure you’re still working on stabilizing your life. I just sense a lot of room for you this week and I think you should take advantage of that.
Week 2: October 10th to October 16th
Your second week card is Judgement, Reversed. I got the distinct sense this is a personal awareness of a mistake you made or being aware of how you’ve been victimized. I don’t get the sense this refers to a new bad event, but rather a greater understanding of what happened previously in life.
Perhaps the previous week gave you time and space to think about other things so that what is weighing on you can come back with a more objective analysis. It’ll be okay. Although this may be a painful understanding, it’ll also help you to usher in a new foundation for yourself that you can rely upon. The truth is a better foundation than a lie.
Week 3: October 17th to October 23rd
As your month progresses, you will feel the effect of the Page of Cups, Reversed card. Unhappy surprises are bound to show up. I think this is because you’re doing the hard work of stabilizing your life. This naturally causes you to face daunting obstacles or annoying habits.
Have confidence that you will overcome them, but it may cause you to feel emotionally raw. Make sure that you’re giving yourself leisure and healing time. This isn’t the week, or the month, to expect to follow a schedule 100% without any deviations. You’re human. Have human expectations of yourself.
Week 4: October 24th to October 31st
Smile! Yes, this month has been a challenge, but it ends on a happy note. Here we have the Two of Cups. I sense a few different meanings here, so be aware of the possibilities. The first is that you commit yourself to a higher purpose that emotionally resonates with you. This is the most likely meaning.
However, some of you are likely to meet a new friend or significant other. Those in a relationship may find themselves with a stronger commitment or more quality time.
Regardless of how this card manifests for you, I sense more positivity and joy. Likely because you created a foundation and are now more secure. Security breeds happiness.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.