Model for Your Life: Tarot Pick a Card
If you’ve been drawn to this reading, then the universe thinks you need some guidance on how to frame your life. Everybody needs a higher ideal to aim for. This is yours.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Tarot of the Divine and the Moonology Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what guidance you need in your life.
Pile 1: Squirrel

The True Creative
Your first card is The Empress. She represents fertility, but especially a creativity that comes from within. This can take many forms, from being a parent to being an artist. But no matter the form, the model for your life is one of nurtured abundance.
You have the power to create and seemingly out of nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have a “natural” talent, especially in a creative or spiritual field. You also put a lot of individuality into that expression which makes your relationship to that nurtured abundance unique even if there are other people “like you” out there.
Because you were directed to this reading, you may not fully understand or appreciate this model for your life. No doubt there are people around you who discourage what you like to pay attention to or who want to take and give you nothing in return. Some who chose this pile may even be scratching their head wondering what their “natural talent” is. But you definitely have one. Look towards your hobbies for a clue.
But this creativity is very exhausting for you. Because your creative power comes from within, it can be draining and you may find yourself easily overwhelmed. This is why it’s so important that you have positive relationships in your life. You already spend so much energy in creation that if people bring you down, it’s like you’re being drained from within and without.
Soul Need
The second card is Waxing Moon with the wisdom message of “The energy is gaining momentum.” Right now, something in your life is growing and the abundance you’re nurturing is about to expand in grandeur.
When it arrives, this will be a very illuminating moment for you. Think of enlightenment or a eureka moment.
This isn’t just a new idea, but a new way of life. Creatives tend to have radical adjustments and transformations while they’re alive, so I doubt this will be the only one you’ll have. One is coming soon and it’s going to cause a positive shift in your life. You’ll be very inspired. Whatever catches your interest is something you must pursue. Your soul needs it.
New Opportunities
Your final card is the New Moon in Leo with the wisdom message of “Confidence is your key to success.” When your eureka moment comes, it’s not going to come with complete competence. Rather, your idea will inspire you to pursue a particular path. That path will still be new to you.
An example of how this would function would be a writer. They suddenly get a new idea for a book that they want to write and should write it.
For some of you, this new path is something you can do in addition to what you’re doing right now, but for others, you’re going to need to change course and focus on this shiny new object.
It’ll be frustrating starting over, but you’ll be very excited about the journey. Something is amazing for you on the other side.
And remember: something like this is bound to happen multiple times in your life. Don’t push it away – it’s a natural part of your soul and worth pursuing. You tend to discover amazing new opportunities. Don’t waste them!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Rabbit

Look to the Past
Judging by your first card, the Eight of Cups, Reversed, you need to return to something of your past. An idea or value that you abandoned is actually what you need to re-integrate into your life.
This doesn’t mean you will re-integrate it without some changes, but you do need to take a hard look at the way you’ve been living. What are your regrets?
For this pile, there’s no specific idea or value indicated, so this is going to be vastly different for those who chose it. What you need to do to identify yours is pull out a piece of paper or open a blank document on your computer and answer this writing prompt: “I regret this BLANK because…”
Let the words flow. Some of your regrets won’t be relevant, but one or more regrets will stick out to you the most. You’ll feel deep emotional pain and understand that there was something you turned away from which would have helped you and would help you in the future.
The good news is you can still put that idea or value back into your life.
Avoiding Regrets
Your next card is Fixed Moon with the wisdom message of “Hold your vision.” There’s going to be a lot about your current life which will make reintegrating your idea or value challenging. For many of you, reintegration won’t be instant and will take some time.
An example of this would be someone who decided to turn away from the value of art to pursue a more reasonable career. However, they turned out to be vastly unhappy in their current job. But becoming an artist doesn’t happen overnight. Instead, they would dedicate some of their free time to learning some advanced skills and then looking for opportunities to sell art online. With time, it will replace their current income.
Whatever your idea or value is, it needs to be somehow static despite the obstacles you’ll face in the reintegration of it into your life. You may need to create a five or ten-year plan and then stick to it (with adjustments as necessary).
Eventually, you’ll succeed. Because this idea or value matters so much to you that there’s no other option. If it takes finding the ninety-nine ways it won’t work to find the one that does, you’ll do it. Because it’s what you truly want. It’s how to end your regrets.
Be Patient With Yourself
The third card is the New Moon in Aquarius with the wisdom message of “Bring love into the situation.” At first, you’ll be really excited to pursue this reintegration. However, not everything will be roses. You will have obstacles and bad days.
You’ll need to learn how to reintegrate this idea and value with love and understanding of who you are as a person. Someone who regretted not going to college may feel like they’re stupid and unable to pass entrance exams to be admitted. However, if you focus on what matters, and try to find a way to pursue it at a pace you’re comfortable with, you’ll start to see incremental gains.
Celebrate those gains, even if they’re small, because it means you’re one step closer to the life you want to live. And that will be worth everything to you.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Raccoon

Live More Freely
Wow, have you ever thought that your life was too oppressive or unfair? Your first card is The Hierophant, Reversed. This indicates that the model you need for your life requires you to follow fewer “rules” than you do now.
That doesn’t mean abandoning morality or living with no structure. However, your current approach to life doesn’t give you any room to breathe. Something is closing in on you and is suffocating.
Right now, you need to loosen the restrictions you have on yourself. This may mean looking towards the areas of your life to find where there’s the most friction. That’s an indication that something isn’t going right.
When you pull back, be mindful that you don’t break a good thing. For instance, I often draw this card when it comes to scheduling. It’s physically impossible for me to wake up at the same time every day due to my sleep disorder. Naturally, my schedule needs fewer rules. But I still have some semblance of a routine so I still get things done.
So identify the friction, try to pull back, and stop when the friction ceases. Otherwise, you’ll just have chaos because you’ll go too far in the other direction.
Prepare for Direct Impact
Your spread is the most active one I pulled today. The next card is Full Moon in Aries with the wisdom message of “A fiery climax approaches!” This is a warning from the universe that you’re on the verge of suffering from burnout or an emotional breakdown.
You’re being pushed too far to the edge. That’s precisely why you need to pull back with whatever power you have and loosen things up.
But what happens if you can’t pull back in time? While I hope this doesn’t happen to you, at least a few who choose this pile will face this. Too many things may have been set into motion that you can no longer avoid. If that occurs, you’ll need to ride the storm, take a long rest afterward, and then restructure your life with fewer restrictions.
There’s one bright side to burnout in this case: it’ll be very clear what doesn’t work for you and what needs to be abandoned in favor of a freer lifestyle.
Curb Your Time Quantity
The last card is Full Moon in Leo with the wisdom message of “Don’t let pride get in your way.” Some of the oppressive qualities of your life aren’t your fault. But I get the strong impression that there’s at least one thing in your life, perhaps your expectations for your productivity, that you do have some control over.
You want to be successful. You want to do what’s right. But everyone has a limit and because of productivity culture, there’s this idea that you can work without stopping. Very few people can do this. Elon Musk is famously one of them and you can’t tell me he’s an emotionally healthy human being. He’s Mars or bust, but most of the time, it looks like he’s going to bust!
Be kinder to yourself and instead of trying to do all the things, prioritize and appreciate the value of deep work. This is the idea that most people only get a few hours of intense work done a day. Use this as a model for what you’ll put the most time towards. You’ll be pleased with how relaxed and motivated you’ll be for what truly matters to you.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.