How to Make Friends: Tarot Pick a Card
The basic formula of friendship is proximity, time, and intensity. Don’t discount traditional advice when it comes to making friends. However, everyone is an individual, including you, which means you have unique circumstances and opportunities.
You were drawn to this tarot pick a card because the universe has a message for you about friendship. All you have to do is select the pile of cards above that sticks out to you the most.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Everyday Tarot and the Moonology oracle decks. Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s figure out how you can make friends.
Pile 1: First Friends

Friendship Is Difficult, But Not Impossible
Your first card is an unfortunate one in this instance, but I think it can explain a lot of your struggles. Here the Nine of Wands, Reversed indicates that you’ve overcome a difficult situation, but you’ve done so alone. To me, this is a friendship card and as a reversal, it’s an indication that no one is standing behind you.
Perhaps you’ve moved or made a transition in life where you’ve naturally lost contact with friends. Or something more unfortunate happened, like a fallout. The result is the same: you don’t feel as engaged with your friend group as you were before.
When I see this card, I see the tendency for a person to distrust others. You either think your friends will betray you or they won’t be able to form as close as an emotional bond as you would like. This causes you not to put in the right amount of effort into new or existing relationships which is necessary to create a lasting friendship.
Don’t feel bad. This is a pretty common phenomenon in the world, especially after the pandemic. That’s actually an important reminder that many people aren’t “taken” by existing friend groups and would be open to forging a new bond. Like you, they’re out of practice when it comes to making friends. So you don’t have to worry about not doing things “perfectly” when it comes to social interaction.
There’s a Friend Out There For You
Fortunately, your second card, when paired with your third, suggests a happy resolution. Here the Nine of Swords, Reversed means that you will overcome your social anxiety.
You’ve probably found yourself worried and maybe even fearful about approaching others. They won’t like me, you think, or, I’m too weird for friends.
Now I’ve met some pretty weird people. Bless an otaku’s heart, but those strange birds never fail to be the oddest people I’ve met and yet so many of them have friend groups or close-knit relationships.
I think what you need is a tribe. Consider how other people would describe you if nothing about you were hidden and then reach out to communities who share those traits. Like books? Join a book club or online forum.
It’s okay to try and make online friends first. You may even want to join local groups on social media related to your interest and slowly work up to meeting your online friends in person.
It may take some time before you’ll be comfortable, but I do think your fears will subside if you put into the effort to find like-minded souls.
Friends for Life
The last card in your spread is the Full Moon in Libra with the wisdom message of “A win-win outcome is forecast.” This card is what leads me to think your friend group or new friend will have a similar background to you when it comes to social isolation.
This is going to create a bond beyond your interests and this could create a friendship that resembles that of family. Even if you’re parted because of something like work, you’ll always be able to reach out to them by phone or chat. Maybe even go on trips together.
I do sense that for you forming this kind of friendship would be could for your mental health. It can take some time, but once you get started, you’ll find the process very rewarding.
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Pile 2: Second Friends

Looking for a Best Friend
With your first card being the King of Cups, it’s possible you already have friends and want more or you’re seeking a more emotional bond than what you currently have. This card is someone who is in command of their social skills in potentially dangerous waters.
Even if you don’t realize it now, you have social traits which make you an excellent friend. That means you can go out into the world and make friends with complete strangers.
However, your spread has a narrower focus. Most kings have a queen, and I sense you’re looking for a partner to share your life with you.
That means you need to look within to see what you have to provide in such a close friendship. You are, in essence, looking for a best friend who would be like family to you.
But this kind of relationship requires a lot of work. I think you can do this work, but it’s something you should be prepared for when you start reaching out. You don’t want a casual friend. You want a friendship that lasts your entire life.
Look Around
The next card in your spread, the Two of Cups, repeats this partnership with some more details. For some of you, this friendship would best be found in a significant other. After all, a significant other is an equal who is likely to move wherever you go throughout life. If you haven’t already, become your significant other’s best friend.
But if you’re single or you’d prefer a more platonic best friend relationship, you need to consider if this partnership will be forged a bit like a business contract. And indeed, if you’re going into business of any variety, it might behoove you to make a best friend of any partner you take on.
The point is that, like the lovers on the card, your lives are intimately entwined. Untangling from each other would be difficult and painful. When I say your best friend should be like family, I mean it: even if you fight with family, you don’t break away from them under most circumstances.
You should share something in common that will bind you, but make sure each of you has their own skills which make them uniquely useful as a partner. Marriages work best based on a common foundation, but both partners tend to specialize in what they manage. Think of the same for your best friend.
Perhaps you’ll be the person who provides the emotional labor and care while your friend is the logical one. That means you don’t want someone exactly like you even if it appears that way on the surface.
Additionally, platonic friendships or business partnerships can be with someone of the opposite sex or someone of the sex you’re attracted to. Just make sure that there’s a clear division between romance and platonic feelings!
Your Friendly Twin
The last card in your spread is the Full Moon in Gemini with the wisdom message of “The answers you need are coming.” I see this card as reiterating the previous meanings of the other cards, so let’s discuss the wisdom message and how it pertains to your future friendship.
Right now, you don’t have all the answers. It’s possible you don’t have the right approach in mind or questions remain about what you should do. In general, there’s an air of confusion.
Gemini as a zodiac sign likes to test the waters. While some consider their actions shallow, Gemini likes to be sure of something before they commit. This broad perspective can result in them delaying action for some time, but once they do make a real decision, they won’t back out of it.
I see the twins here as symbolizing your friendship. Right now you’re feeling like an existing friendship isn’t as deep as you want it to be or you have yet to meet “the one”. However, your future will not be lonely, and you’ll find within the next few months to a year a realization of what you’ll be doing and with whom.
Your commitment to your friendship will then look like this: together you’ll journey and learn new things together. That broad perspective will be something you share, and because of that, you’ll not want to part from such a like-minded soul.
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Pile 3: Third Friends

Friends From the Past
Because your first card is the Six of Cups, I sense that you can make friends by looking back. Perhaps you’ve lost contact with old friends. The boy here is giving flowers to the little girl in a safe, walled town.
I take that to mean you need to reach out the olive branch and reconnect. If you still live nearby, this may be easier, but if not, consider making online pen pals with people you used to know.
This can include close friends, but also acquaintances. After all, people grow and change over time, so it’s likely someone you knew only a little bit would be a much better fit for a friend now than they were then. This is especially true for someone who’s a few years younger than you.
I also want to point this out too: if you moved away, find out if someone from your hometown lives nearby. This happens more than you think! And if that’s the case, it may be worthwhile to meet for coffee or drinks and catch up. You’d be surprised how difficult it is for people to make friends as an adult, so this is likely to be welcomed.
Alternatively, if someone reaches out to you, and this is likely if you’re reconnecting with old friends, accept these advances. Once you show yourself open to friendship, it’s likely more people from your past may also want to reconnect too. You don’t have to befriend all of them, but adding them to your social media or having a brief chat can be rewarding.
Be Aware of Who You Befriend
Your second card is the Four of Swords, Reversed. I always see this as the wake-up card and I sense two meanings here. The first is that you shouldn’t sleep on reconnecting. The longer you wait, the more distant you become from old friends. It can take some time to rebuild a friendship that has stalled, but the sooner you start, the better.
The second meaning is that you should be vigilant about who you’re bringing into your life. People can change for the better, but also the worse. This could be something as simple as they’re going to be too busy with their own responsibilities to commit to a friendship, but it’s also possible that previously good people are bad for you now.
Make sure that you share similar life values when it comes to spending time together. If you were once an alcoholic, making friends with someone who only enjoys having a drink would be a mistake. You also want to make sure your new friend isn’t doing crime or anything else unethical.
However, be aware that “bad for you” could also be differences of interest. Friendships early in life are so often formed off of proximity and narrow choices. Children and teenagers especially will pick peer groups they would never have chosen as an adult if they had a choice. But who else was around for them to hang out with?
Make sure that those you choose to befriend again share something you can do together that you’ll both enjoy. But it’s okay to reach out for a casual meeting first if you aren’t sure. In a way, it’s a bit like a first date.
What you don’t want to do is write something off because of religious or political differences. As long as both of you respect each other’s beliefs and choose not to bring it up as a point of argument, shared interests in other areas are probably enough to form a strong and happy friendship.
You Will Have Closure
The last card in your spread, the Full Moon Eclipse, can be both negative and positive. Here the wisdom message is “Conclusions are within reach.”
Overall, I sense an energy of closure. It’s possible for some of you that reaching out to make friends may be something with an end date. Perhaps your time together will be short (but meaningful) or you’ll discover why that friendship is not meant to be.
This could also be a shattering of illusions about your past. It’s likely a friendship or another relationship you experienced was not what you really thought it was, good or bad.
It’s difficult for me to identify the specific energy of closure here, so it may vary for everyone who chooses this pile. However, know this: something will be revealed to you that you don’t expect and it will change the idyllic perspective you had on your past in some form.
The relationships we have when we’re younger tend to be shallower and more fair weather. You’re going to realize by reaching out that adult relationships, including friendships, can have more complexities than you could have ever imagined. Complexity can also be rewarding.
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