How to Become Famous — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how you can become famous. Maybe you’re interested in being a celebrity or don’t actually want that, but you’re curious to see what could lead you down that path.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Energy Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see how you can become famous.
Pile 1: Fox

Imagine Your Success
With two angels in your spread, calling upon and working with angels can boost your chances of becoming famous.
The first card, Sixth Chakra, Archangel Metatron, indicates a need for a personal vision. What do you want to achieve or feel? Be specific. Metatron can and will help you, but activating your intuition and manifesting abilities will get you far.
That means traditional advice like a five-year plan will work, but you should infuse it with spiritual power. Some people do this with a vision board or scripting. This helps you to get clear about what you want so you can more easily attract it into your life.
The Law of Attraction seems to be a key element and many famous people either use this directly or the wording they use to describe their success suggests they did something similar.
However, your intuition comes not from the Law of Attraction, but as an innate gift or through active spiritual practice. You’ll want to make sure you never forget your spirituality in your rise to fame.
Otherwise, you’ll be likely to fail. You could also achieve fame, but feel empty because you did it in a way that doesn’t resonate with you.
Don’t Just Plan, Have an Attitude
Your next card is Strategy, but I don’t sense that this is a type of planning so much as an attitude. Many of the obstacles you’ll face will not be something you can predict and have a detailed plan for.
So having a strategy not just of action, but reaction, will help you to become famous.
For example: what will you do if a powerful person uses their position to oppress or abuse you? Some people either give up or give in because they have no confidence in their ability to think beyond the standard path to fame.
However, there are always multiple ways to get what you want, so having a pivot strategy to address sudden obstacles will help you rise.
Back to that example: imagine an actor locked out of the industry. They could go to another country or create a YouTube channel and act out skits.
Be Original
Creativity is the key to becoming famous. The third card, Sixth Chakra, Archangel Ariel, is about a more artistic or innovative personality. If you don’t know what sort of creativity you can pursue, consider your hobbies and interests.
It could be something traditionally creative, like writing or inventing, but it can also be something you don’t expect. Operation Quicksilver in World War II was where the Allies created a fictional army stationed it in France. They used inflatable tanks and fake radio communication to fool the Axis.
This creative tactic helped disguise the preparation for the invasion of Normandy which helped win the war.
Creativity is about doing things in a novel way. Where are you unique? Perhaps it’s a way you approach something or a particular skill: that is how you’ll become famous.
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Pile 2: Rabbit

Famous in Your Industry
The way you’ll be famous is indirectly. What I mean by this is that you’ll be known, but more for what you do or created than as a household name. This would be kind of like a famous CEO such as Bill Gates instead of a person famous for who they are, like Beyonce.
Your first card, Contract, suggests that your fame will depend on your relationships with others. Specifically, what you agree to do for them. Business is a good fit for this, but don’t just assume big business – smaller businesses like coaching would also work. And obviously, a career in law would work here to.
So I really sense your fame may be limited to your industry rather than you being a household name. The average person doesn’t know who Dean Koontz is, but if you love thrillers, you’ve probably read a few of his books or at least know who he is. That’s the kind of fame I’m talking about in your case.
You’ll be a titan, and because of that, people will try to strike you down. The Angel of Strength card shows your power but also that you’ll be under the protection of a guardian angel. I sense that this angel is assigned to your public persona, meaning their sphere of influence and focus will be in that area.
Be sure that you’re a person of integrity. Don’t take shortcuts and consider quality over everything else. After all, you aren’t merely going to be famous because you’re present, but because you’re respectable.
It’ll be tempting to act out of greed and self-interest, but remember that your fame derives from what you can do for others. So if you screw them over, your star will start to fade.
Now you can be an introvert and famous, so don’t assume the focus on relationships means you need to be out in a crowd. Instead, work on doing a good job at whatever you’re doing in life. Good and bad reputations carry social weight – but people try to exile those who act evilly and invite good people into their lives instead.
Do What You Like
I believe you have a lot of options on how you can become famous. Yes, you need to cultivate relationships and do something for other people, but you should pick something you’re interested in. The Appreciation card suggests something creative or something you’re passionate about.
Yes, someone can become famous by selling stocks and bragging about their wealth. However, you seem more likely to become famous over something like 1-on-1 coaching or in art history (more than this of course, but examples to illustrate).
What you should do is identify three to five interests you have and then consider a way you can be notable in that industry.
Someone who loves Pokémon cards could create a podcast detailing the history of that game and collecting craze.
Focus on what you love and then your service to others will seem like a gift to you.
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Pile 3: Dog

You’re Likable
I see immense optimism in your spread which indicates you’ll have an easier time becoming famous and enjoying fame than others. Your first card, Third Chakra, Archangel Chamuel, is about a lively energy and listening to your heart.
I don’t see a particular area where you can become famous in your spread, so you have options, but I do notice that your personality will be an amazing aid.
Selena Gomez is an average singer and actress, but her fans really resonate with her personality and this has caused her fame to skyrocket. Whatever you do, you need to be yourself because there’s something about your personality that people would be attracted to.
That doesn’t mean you can’t be introverted or “weird.” Emma Watson is famously introverted, but her charm has carried her fame forward even when she’s kind of inactive. And Susan Boyle, who has autism, charmed the world when she got on stage.
Trust that who you are is special. Maybe not everything about you is likable, but something is and that’s what will cause you to become famous.
In essence, there’s a lot of influencer energy in your spread.
It Can Happen
You will succeed with the Victory card in your spread. But, specifically, what I sense is that setting SMART goals in regard to fame will help you achieve it.
SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
Let’s use an example. Say a depressed teenage boy really likes Tiktok and wanted to become an influencer that way. His SMART goal would look something like this: gain 100,000 followers by sophomore year on TikTok by posting three advice videos a week on how to survive high school and heal as a depressed teenage boy.
He doesn’t try to be a charismatic social powerhouse. He simply posts about his experience, responds to questions, and makes related memes about his experience.
Consider that template with your own life. Brainstorm a few possibilities and then pick the one you like best.
Be Who You Are
One thing I want you to focus on is enjoyment. Because fame for you derives from your personality, you’ll want to make sure that you’re doing things you enjoy and that you’re having fun most of the time.
The final card in your spread, The Sun, is a card of happiness and self-expression. It’s about free-flowing energy and abundance.
Perhaps that teenage boy from before can’t imagine creating a dancing video. Maybe he really loves to write poetry. It’s not the standard path to success, but it’s how he wants to do it.
Your goal is to consider how you can be your authentic self on display. Maybe it won’t be the most optimal thing you can do, but it’s what makes sense.
Oprah wasn’t the obvious choice for a talk show host. At the time, a black woman wasn’t the norm in the industry and she introduced novel segments that reflected her interests, such as personal growth and audience participation.
Trust who you are and you’ll find the people who will flock to you and help you rise to fame.
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