February 2024 — Tarot Pick a Card (Text)
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on February 2024. Did you know this February is part of a leap year? That means we have February 29th this month! A whole extra day.
To see what is likely to happen to you this month so you can use it to your advantage, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Sacred Rebel Oracle and Wildwood Tarot decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to glimpse into your leap year month!
Pile 1: Tower Island

Oracle Cards
This is a pretty big month for you energetically. That means most of what’s happening is on a spiritual level, though it’s likely to manifest in some areas of your life depending on your individual timeline.
The first card, Faith in the Process, is asking you to be open to the wild turns this month is likely to have. It’ll feel like a rollercoaster of ups and downs, meaning some great things happening, and some bad things.
But the outcome is meant for good, so don’t lose hope.
The next card, Shock of the New, indicates that you’ll be introduced to something unexpected. It’ll be a good thing, but you’re likely not to recognize that at first and be wary. It’s entirely possible that you remain wary for the entirety of the month even if that thing or person is doing good for your life.
What seems to be happening are Spirals of Manifestation. At my teacher college, we covered this educational idea of “spiraling.” Basically, you return back, or spiral, to previously taught concepts throughout the year to help reinforce them. I see that being true for you this month: you’ll end up revisiting things that will create new spirals of manifestation each time.
See these as seeds that you’re checking back on to see how they’re growing.
The card here is an interesting one for your spread and this deck. Here we have The Ancestor, Reversed, indicating a need to step away from ancestor or family influence for some time. This is true on a spiritual level, but also in your life too.
It seems you’re letting influences from your family or culture determine your spiritual life in a way that isn’t going to be healthy this month. So try doing things your own way or pursuing other practices to shake things up. It’ll help create new spirals of manifestation too with that radical (even if temporary) change.
There’s some chaos here, but maybe not all in a bad way. The Balance, Reversed card suggests that relationships may be unexpected or unequal this month. That said, this could be for your good in either making things interesting or exposing the darkness or unfairness of certain connections.
Be prepared for things to be different, but I think you can use this as a way to look at your relationships in a new light.
What a wonderful card this month. The Pole Star is a card of fate and cosmic powers. This is your guiding light and positions you in context to the whole universe. You should expect career, money, or passion hobbies to go well this month and to feel very fulfilled.
But these aren’t temporary boons. Something positive and lasting is shifting here and you may have important realizations about these areas and how to pursue them going into the future.
Personal Development
You’ll find that this month is one of transition given the presence of the Six of Arrows card. There’s a restless, enterprising energy here where you set out on an adventure or journey. You’re either letting something go or trying to shift into something new.
Expect self-help or development resources to hit differently this month, so use that personal development energy to improve yourself in a meaningful way. This isn’t normal energy, but a strong one for transformation.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Cat Astronaut

Oracle Cards
It seems like you’re going to be forged through challenge this month, but in a way that’s uplifting. Sort of like when someone takes on a difficult project and is energized by it.
The first card, What is Already With You, features two hands letting go of butterflies. Butterflies have spiritual significance and I see this as saying you have an innate power or purpose that you’re going to manifest this month.
It’s also not going to be something you need to learn to do or prepare for: you’re already ready and it’s going to naturally happen over the course of the month.
With the second card, Legacy of Light, we see a generation of women (Maiden, Mother, Crone) which fits well with the Celtic-inspired deck I happened to use. This synchronicity is a sign that you have a spiritual purpose, perhaps as a lightworker, to do good in the world.
This transcends lifetimes but also transcends the phases of your life. This month you are going to identify with what someone of your age is capable of achieving in a way you haven’t previously. It’s almost like a coming of age for you.
It may be hard to believe, but the third oracle card, The Perfection of Your Life, indicates a wholeness or completion of purpose. This could be a sign that during this month, you’ll feel fully embedded in your higher purpose no matter what progress you made.
Why you’re here will be fully emotionally experienced by you.
There may have been some doubts or uncertainty about spirituality within you. The Seven of Arrows, Reversed card points out this insecurity and that it’s fading away. Doubt is normal in a spiritual life because you aren’t only spirit.
Your embodied self experiences the joys and struggles of life, so not being able to initially reconcile your higher self with your embodied self can be difficult. That said, you’re going to feel more aligned in your mind-body-spirit connection this month, perhaps because of some spiritual practice you’re doing or some sort of epiphany.
Have you ever noticed that reflections in the water are eerie in how similar, yet different they are? This card, The Moon on the Water, Reversed, suggests you’re going to look past the trees and see the whole forest when it comes to your relationships. You will see people for all they are and not just the tiny aspects they show you.
One exercise that might be helpful and interesting is to consider your intimacy circles. Sometimes we give too much of ourselves to people we shouldn’t. Write down who are your top five and top fifteen social connections and ask yourself if they should be there or if you should look for others.
There’s a lot of productive, but frustrating energy here. The Five of Bows is about pushing you to be passionate and fight for what you want in work, money, or your hobbies. This month isn’t about doing things just because you need to do them: the universe wants you to desire more in these areas. Perhaps because you’ll eventually manifest them so setting the intention is crucial.
Expect to feel a sense of wanting more and choosing to fight for it – even if it means coming into conflict with others.
Personal Development
I think you’re going to struggle to juggle everything this month. The Queen of Bows, Reversed shows that you don’t know how to prioritize. Sometimes, relationships require more energy and other times, you can pay less attention in favor of your career.
Learn to ask yourself this question throughout the day: “Should I be putting so much energy into this right now, or does something else matter more in this moment?”
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Autumn Tree

Oracle Cards
This is an excellent month for a powerful spiritual experience that will redefine your life. Some may not be willing to take that on, but if not, expect the universe to be at work in the background nudging you for spiritual growth.
The first card, Diving for Light, indicates you using spiritual activities to find meaning in dark places. Some of you are not only willing to learn, but willing to learn from non-traditional sources. This requires a lot of effort though, so don’t push yourself too hard this month.
Remember the saying: when you look into the abyss, sometimes it looks into you.
The second card, Collaborative Dreaming, suggests you’ll either be working closely with your spirit guides or a human partner in a spiritual ritual. One fun thing you can try is astral projection or lucid dreaming with the intention to try and show up in the dreams of someone you know and they doing the same for you.
If that sounds too hard, try to manifest something with another person. When I was a kid, girls would pass back journals and write in them with their friends. Perhaps you could do something similar with Law of Attraction scripting.
The final oracle card, Visions of Life Beyond Death, means you’ll likely have a spiritual revelation in your dreams, through your intuition, or some other ritualistic experience. This may be a glimpse into your higher self, a potential future life, and so on.
This will give you a perspective you didn’t previously have.
A wonderful card for spiritual growth. The Six of Bows is one of glory and social abundance. It can also mean status or financial abundance. But here it’s a sign that you are going to manifest something in reality because of all the efforts you put into your spiritual practice.
It may also be a sign that you meet with your spirit guides or they make themselves known in a new way.
There appears to be a passionate person in your life this February. The King of Arrows can be exciting and charismatic. Their energy is likely to inspire and motivate you. There’s a good chance this person is a romantic partner or a new love interest showing up on the scene.
It could be a more platonic relationship, but if it is (and I favor romantic relationships more in your spread), then this is an extrovert who will get you out of your shell and push you to have fun.
There’s something very dreamy about this card, Six of Vessels, and calls upon the collaboration energy from your earlier oracle cards. You’re going to get an idea from your spiritual experiences this month that will cause you to revisit what you know about work, money, and hobbies.
This will be a positive realization and bring the potential for joy and ease back into those areas.
Personal Development
Expect some level of personal fulfillment of extreme happiness with the Ten of Vessels showing up in your spread this month. This is a card of happiness in areas of home, family, and relationships.
This positive emotional boon will cause you to be more optimistic about how other people in your life can contribute to your growth and happiness. Expect relationships to be more positive or, after some initial struggle, to become positive.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.