Be True to Yourself: Tarot Pick a Card
It’s important that you be yourself. However, that’s not easy with all the influences out there bullying you to conform. This tarot pick a card is to help you get in touch with who you really are.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot and the Power Thought Cards Oracle decks while the animals are from an Acekar Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase).
Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out how you can be true to yourself.
Pile 1: Dog

Wake to the Good
When I first saw your tarot card, the Four of Swords, Reversed, I thought of an awakening. You’re under some sort of illusion that’s misguiding you in life. Because of the rest of your spread, I sense that you may have the wrong idea about where or how you should live.
This isn’t an unusual situation. People often believe they need a bigger house or should reside in a specific location just to be happy. However, this can lead them to ignore the real problems in their life that cause them to be sad or stressed.
The reasons a person is unhappy are usually multifaceted. There is often a single origin point, but that origin then branches out and complicates their life. It then becomes difficult to determine the origin so the person just wants to move away and start over.
However, these patterns will likely persist in a new location and cause the person to feel as if there is no escape.
The awakening for you is the understanding not what is wrong with where you are… but what is right. Instead of clinging onto that which hurts you, try instead to value what makes you happy no matter how small it is. Perhaps that’s your room, a particular path you walk in the neighborhood, or the weather.
List the things you enjoy so you have a better understanding of what uplifts and defines you.
Seek Geographic Inspiration
The second card has the wisdom message of “I see myself living in a wonderful place. It fulfills all my needs and desires. It’s in a beautiful location and at a price I can afford.” Perhaps you can be happy where you are – or perhaps you should move away.
The point behind making a list of what you enjoy about where you are is that being true to yourself isn’t by defining what you’re not. Instead, it’s about defining who you are.
People often define themselves by where they reside or where they wish to reside. However, determining that in contrast to what you hate won’t help you.
Let’s use an example: perhaps you love the sun, but you live in a wintry place. This indicates that being true to yourself isn’t avoiding the snow, but living in a place where you can be kissed by the sun. It’s a different and more positive mindset and it’ll help you to focus not on where you won’t be miserable, but where you’d be happy.
Using that list of things you enjoy and then comparing it to places that inspire you, and perhaps even your current location, will help you to see where you already fit. You’re also far more likely to pick based on your own preferences rather than the social expectations of others.
Resist the Resistance
Your final card has the wisdom message of “I am at peace.” This is a sign from the universe that being true to yourself when it comes to where you live isn’t about being rich or having a high status.
It’s tempting to choose a place because of a high standard of living or because that’s where “culture” is happening. Yet you may not need to live in a big city with luxury apartments and hundreds of theatres if what you truly value is the outdoors and a slower pace of life.
Peace is you existing as yourself without asking for permission from other people. You don’t have to conform to the locals because you already fit in. Perhaps not perfectly, but what you value most is what is valued there. And because of that, you’re welcome as you don’t resist the place you’re in.
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Pile 2: Cat

Be Choosy
Your first card is the Ten of Wands. It seems like you have a lot going on in your life, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Everybody needs responsibilities because it gives their life meaning.
However, not every responsibility is one you should take on. The fact that this card is showing up in your spread is a sign that you should be more discerning in what responsibilities you should accept.
You only have so much energy to use each day and it should be directed to what’s meaningful to you. And it seems like some of what you’re taking on doesn’t have the kind of personal meaning that reflects your values and interests.
One way to check yourself on this is to ask what it feels like you can’t say “no” to. Often we’ll take on responsibilities because we have to, but the fact we feel pressured is usually a sign that our taking on this responsibility isn’t voluntary.
I think some of what you think is required of you is actually optional. You can delegate this task to someone else or simply refuse to do it. You’re bound to face some resistance when this happens, but standing firm and true to yourself will free up your time and energy for what you value instead.
I also get the sense from your spread that you’re somewhat influenced by the external world. Are you studying a field or pursuing a career you don’t care about? Or perhaps dressing a certain way? These are both examples of taking on false responsibilities to please someone else – and it’s usually optional!
Find Your Values
The second card in your spread has the wisdom message of “It is safe to look within.” The universe thinks you have the right and ability to decide for yourself what responsibilities you’ll pursue.
You may think that you don’t have the authority to make this decision or that you could even determine this for yourself. However, the universe and I both have full confidence that you can weigh all the options and your inner inspiration to find what moves you the most.
Take some time to meditate on how you should be structuring your priorities. Speaking out loud or writing things down is especially helpful as people tend to go into an automatic mode once their language processing is activated.
If you ask a question, you’ll get an answer – even if it’s just your subconscious echoing back your innermost feelings. Simple prompts like “This is what I want to take on” or “The responsibility I most value” are good.
Note however that responsibilities can be fun or hard work. The point of this exercise isn’t to professionalize a hobby, but to find out what you can give back to the world. It’s going to be based on your interests and value, so it could be a particular career, a family member you would like to take care of, or an activist cause.
You’re likely to discover that you want to take on multiple responsibilities. That’s okay. Just make sure you’re taking on the burdens you would find fulfilling to carry.
Show Yourself
Your third card has a wisdom message with personality: “I express my creativity.” Whatever responsibilities you take on, you must do it in such a way that your individuality is recognized. For some, this is obvious because they’re an artist or engineer, but for others, you may not know how to be creative in your responsibilities.
Let’s use a simple example: say that one of the responsibilities you choose to take on is caring for an aging family member. Part of your creativity may be to make enjoyable dinners or sit outside in the sun listening to music. Creativity is problem-solving using your individuality. You’re doing more than the minimum. You’re doing things your way.
More than anything, see your creativity as an expression of love for what you do. And if you do that, you’ll find that you’re being true to yourself no matter what responsibilities you take on in life.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Rhino

Konmari Your Life
The first card in your spread is the Two of Pentacles, Reversed. The universe is telling you to abandon something you’re doing. It seems to be because you’re trying to please other people.
In a lot of ways, your spread is similar to the second pile, but there’s a definitive difference: you don’t need to find yourself because you’re already present.
That’s not to say that who you are isn’t covered up or burdened by clutter. Instead, it’s a sign that part of your anxiety over being yourself is being pulled away from what you value rather than being completely lost. Even if you’ve forgotten what that is, once you start letting go of the clutter it’s going to be pretty obvious.
There’s also a strong sense of materialism in your spread. Practicing minimalism or Marie Kondo’s konmari method may be a good activity for you primarily because you can see the tangible effect that clutter has on your life.
No doubt you’re directing some sense of your personality and value as a human being based on the things you own. That’s because it’s easier to feel and express yourself through objects in your possession than in actions you do.
But just as you’ve taken on cluttered habits, I think it has manifested in the clutter in your life which reflects a personality that is not your own. Think of the person who is given a hand-me-down from a family member and feels pressured to use it even though it’s not their style.
You need to get rid of the habit and object clutter in your life to find yourself.
Be Open to Different Styles
The next card in your spread has the wisdom message of “I do not have to earn love. I am lovable because I exist. Others reflect the love I have for myself.” I see the material world around you as a token proof of your relationships with other people.
You feel like you need tangible representations because the relationship is too ambiguous otherwise. I also think this is why you’re taking on too many things and clutter is affecting your habits and possessions: you’re desperately trying to find the value of intangible things yet it’s all immeasurable. Love is meant to be limitless.
There’s a lot of vagueness in your spread and it’s probably frustrating and even confusing to read here. That’s because it’s hard for you to get at clear proof that you’re valued by other people, and I think you determine who you are by that value.
But instead of measuring that immeasurable through objects you own or the actions you take to please other people, consider cataloging the actions of other people. Some people act more subtly than others: a gruff, introverted father may not shower you with physical affection or kind words, but he may rush to help you when you need it or defend you when times are tough.
Thinking about what each person you care about has done for you in the past is a great way to collect a library of social proofs that you’re loved in return.
The reason why you’re struggling to be yourself around other people is that you’re trying to earn the love you already have from them. You just don’t recognize it because they don’t fit the stereotypical mold of how love should be expressed.
You’re Willfull and That’s a Good Thing
Your final card has the wisdom of “I prosper wherever I turn.” Although some of the materialism in your spread is bad, I don’t think your desire for the tangibles is a bad thing. You have an inherent ability to make your life more abundant in many different ways.
What you need to do is be an optimistic dreamer. Yes, you need to work hard and have a plan, but you must have ideals for yourself. These ideals will motivate you to pursue opportunities.
Ideals are also something you can make a reality: you do have the ability to make the intangibles manifest in the world. The fact that you can dream or even want something is a sign from the universe that there’s a way to make it happen. You’re more powerful than you realize.
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