Jumpstart Your Career: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic reading on how to jumpstart your career and make more progress. You can also use this reading for any passion or hobby you really care about!
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Moonology Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to jumpstart your career.
Pile 1: Dog

Expect Things to Get Hard
It seems like you’re in for a challenge. The first card, First Quarter Moon, has the wisdom message of “Your commitment is being tested.” The universe wants to verify if your current career truly matters to you.
That may seem strange for some of you, but not every specific career path resonates the way you want it to. Singers, for example, sometimes find that the performance aspect of their job isn’t as interesting as songwriting and production, so they leave their public roles for more private ones.
Not every singer who feels this way makes that change, however. Some are so focused on the ideal they set for themselves that they never waver from it – even though performing makes them terribly unhappy.
The reason your commitment is being tested isn’t an act of cruelty by the universe, but so you can either comprehend the difficulties this career will present or so you can modify your path, even if it’s just slightly, to better resonate with your desires.
You’re either doubting your current direction or you’re out of alignment with your higher purpose in some manner.
You Have a Mission, Not an Achievement
You’re going to get in touch with your higher purpose. The second card in your spread, Full Moon in Pisces, has the wisdom message of “Balance spirituality and practicality.” It’s easy to think that your higher purpose is a specific job, but that’s rarely the case.
A higher purpose is more ambiguous than that because it tends to resonate with your soul across many lifetimes in some manner. Particular industries don’t always persist in the same generation, let alone across centuries.
That means your higher purpose isn’t directly tied to a specific job, but to the thing you will do in that job and how that can be achieved in this lifetime.
If you were meant to be a computer programmer in this lifetime and sent back into the past a thousand years ago, your higher purpose isn’t going to feel at a loss for what to do. Instead, that higher purpose is likely to manifest a tool for others, so you’d probably find yourself working a trade.
Don’t get hung up on a specific job. Ask yourself what you were sent here to do.
Work Hard and Be Rewarded
No matter what happens, it seems like you’ll be rewarded provided you put in the effort. Your third card, New Moon in Capricorn, has the wisdom message of “Your hard work is paying off.”
A lot of discipline will be required and you’re bound to be frustrated and at times disappointed by the revelations you experience. That said, the conclusion to this period will be a catharsis. You’ll be handsomely compensated either monetarily or with the understanding of how to direct your life going forward.
But this does require you to not give up either until you get that financial reward or you have the personal understanding that you need to make a change. There’s no loss here: you’ll win by continuing on a path you’re happy with and feel confident you’ll succeed in.
This is likely to be one of the more stressful chapters of your career, but it will prepare you to handle almost anything else in the future. Your self-confidence will soar because you’ll know your career is in alignment with your higher purpose. And that means success is meant for you on that path.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Monkey

Temporarily Let Go
Passivity is rarely the next course of action in a career, but for you, that’s the case. The first card, Disseminating Moon, has the wisdom message of “Take time to breathe out.”
You’ve done a lot lately and it’s time to take a break. This break isn’t just to give you time to rest, but to allow you to perceive.
I see that your spread is one of analysis rather than action. That’s because your current actions or direction isn’t sufficient for success and that needs to change. If you just keep bravely pushing forward, you’re not going to see a lot of progress.
The temporary break you have with this card is about detaching yourself from your current mindset and opening yourself to another. Take a long weekend, maybe even a vacation if the timing is right, and don’t think about your job at all.
Then, when it’s time to go back, pay attention to the wisdom of the next card.
Use Your Brain
I see that your second card is Third Quarter Moon with the wisdom message of “Adjustments are required.” The good news is that your past efforts weren’t in vain, but something was missing or there’s been a recent change of circumstances that require your attention.
What you’re doing now won’t help you succeed and you need to jolt your career with new action.
When you go back to work, take the opportunity to observe and report what you’re seeing with new eyes. Journaling is good here, but you can also use writing prompts or other career self-help resources to pick apart your situation.
Don’t make a plan just yet. Instead, identify any problems you’re seeing and dig into why those problems exist. Not making a plan right away is important because you may be tempted to look at the problem on a surface level rather than getting to the heart of the matter.
It’s not going to work to make new changes if the changes you make don’t address the core issues at hand.
But know that these adjustments may not always be big. Someone who struggles to finish their work on time might discover that the core issue is they keep getting interrupted by notifications on their phone – so they turn it off.
Be open to big (or small) origins of your problems. It may not be as complicated as you think it is.
Gift from the Universe
The final card in your spread is Full Moon with the wisdom message of “Surrender to the Divine.” It’s not that I don’t think you can create a plan and act on it, but that I don’t want you to get carried away.
There’s an opportunity that you’re not seeing or will be presented to you soon. Your current approach to your career would make you blind to this, so taking a break, and then analyzing the problems, will finally let you see the possibilities ahead of you.
This opportunity will either provide an answer to your problem or an escape route if you discover your current career situation needs a major transformation.
Be prepared to pivot from any plan you create to match this opportunity. Your goal isn’t to create a perfect plan that you never deviate from right now, but to identify your problems so you can be flexible in how you address them when opportunities arise.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Walrus

Go Forward and Prosper
There’s a lot of personal sacrifice in this spread. The first card is North Node with the wisdom message of “Step out of your comfort zone.” Yikes!
But not really. The North Node is the direction you’re being karmically drawn to and an area of personal growth. It’s also in alignment with your higher purpose and will set your career back on track.
It does seem like you’re either heading in the wrong direction or you’ve stalled when it comes to your career. So pushing past that is going to be uncomfortable in the moment even though it will be better for you in the end. Think of this next chapter in your career as medicine you need to take to be healthier.
Your Work Matters
I’m a Virgo, so I understand the difficulty of the next card: New Moon in Virgo with the wisdom message of “A time to give rather than take.” Astrologically, this sign is about service to others and attention to detail. It’s not exactly fun, but it can be incredibly fulfilling and there’s a lot of science to back up helping others making you happier.
That’s something you need to understand about your career: it’s not all fun and games or it wouldn’t be work. You’re providing a service to meet the demands of others. And your job can’t just be about getting a paycheck either (unless that paycheck is to support your family or a charitable cause).
You need your career to matter. For some jobs, that’s easier than others. A firefighter knows that he’s saving lives, but a fast food worker may see their job as meaningless. However, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been sick or having a bad day and getting a quick meal made it so much easier to keep going.
Your job has value to someone otherwise it wouldn’t exist. Find that value and keep hold of that in your mind as you provide service to others.
Let Go of Bad Energy
The last card in your spread is Full Moon in Scorpio with the wisdom message of “It’s time to release negativity.” Not every job is worth staying in, but some are.
If you’re being called to change jobs, know that it’s because you need to jumpstart your career by finding the right career where you can help others. Doing so will help your mental health and make you happier. Just know that the better job for you may not be fun and games.
Those who will be staying in their jobs need to detach and let go of the bad parts. There are always bad parts to any job. Professional singers who love their jobs often have stalkers. Teachers deal with terrible administrative policies. Doctors work long hours. But many people love these jobs any way.
There’s a personal cost to any job if you choose to pursue it. While you can act in a way that reduces these downsides, they’ll likely persist and it’s something you need to accept to do the job you wish to pursue.
That means you need to have a good self-care routine to help you wind down from the normal stressors of your job. It’s okay to leave work, put your feet up, and complain. Release your pent-up negativity in whatever way works for you. You’re allowed to both enjoy and feel frustrated with your job. Even if it is a dream job.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.