Attract Opportunity — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how you can attract more opportunities in your life.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Spellcasting Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what you need to know to be luckier.
Pile 1: Book

The Hard Truth
There appears to be a hard truth you’re ignoring, but if you recognized it, your life would change. The first card, Answers, features a grizzled old man who seems both wise and burdened.
The truth you need to seek is probably not an easy one, but necessary. There appears to be something in your life that is either unsaid or hidden. That’s causing you a lot of pain.
The reason this is happening is that it’s very difficult to live a lie as the lies tend to build on top of each other.
There’s a good chance you already know what this answer is and it’s emotionally difficult for you to accept. The reason you’re reluctant could be that you’ll have to let something toxic, but familiar, go. Or that you’ll need to take action and put in a lot of effort to change your future.
But you deserve the chance to pursue opportunity. Your life can be better than it is now. You don’t have to accept where you are now as sufficient. You deserve to treat yourself like you’re valuable because you are.
Treat Yourself With Kindness
However, you can’t be cruel to yourself during this process. The second card, Compassion, makes it clear you need to honor your emotional wellbeing during this journey to uncover and accept your answer.
People often discount how they feel and what processing time is necessary to maintain wellbeing. Someone who needs to let a toxic person out of their life often can’t do it overnight.
Recognize that just because you know the truth doesn’t mean you need to flip a switch and dramatically change how you’re living immediately. It’s okay to think strategically in the emotional sense to make a plan for how to integrate that truth into your life.
Take however much time you need. Just make progress. Sometimes that progress won’t be visible to others because you’re doing the difficult work emotionally inside.
Let Yourself Say Goodbye
The final card is Grieving. While it’s important to live in the moment and aim for the future, some people reject their past so much that they don’t crystallize memories. If you don’t have a past, it’s difficult to look at future opportunities with a clear head.
That’s why it’s important to both cherish and grieve your past. In this case, the hard truth you need to learn means you’re going to have to say goodbye to some aspect of your life. Not all hard truths are about recognizing something that’s always been bad or that you didn’t have good intentions at the time.
There’s also the psychological reality that not properly grieving means you can’t truly let something go. It lingers in your mind because you didn’t take part in a ritual meant to signal to your mind that the past is no longer something you’ll be living.
So take the time to grieve. Then you’ll truly be able to move on to better things.
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Pile 2: Vial

Someone Wants You to Succeed
For you, opportunity is environmental. There’s probably other ways to attract it, but this spread indicates an exciting possibility.
The first card, Friendship, is a clear sign that networking will be in your favor. Someone with a peer relationship (not a mentor or family member in this case) will open doors for you.
For those with already positive social connections, pay special attention to the friends in your life. An artist may not realize their construction worker friend has a job where a client is looking for someone with creative talents to paint a wall.
Understand that opportunities can come both in expected and unexpected people.
For those who are more introverted, this is a sign that future friendship will lead to an opportunity. Seek out friendship in person or online. You never know when someone will open a door for you.
The Power of Friendship
Friends boost and empower each other. The second card, Confidence, means your friends will hype you up.
Sometimes, it’s difficult to get excited about opportunities or even life in general. People who aren’t your social equals, even if they care about you like family, may not understand your emotional needs when it comes to work or interests.
That’s why it’s important to recognize the power of friendship. Friends are people you have a special connection with that is different from family. It’s a choice, so you tend to make friends with people you have something in common with.
This commonality can encourage friends to push each other to be the best they can be and it’s why you should prioritize seeking out friendship wherever possible. Yes, not all friends last forever because people change and move away, but you’re missing out if you don’t attempt to connect.
You’re a wonderful person and I believe your friends will see that in you and rejoice.
Why Friends Are Good Luck
I see that the last card in your spread is Blessings. No doubt you’re either experiencing a positive karmic friendship now or you will be soon.
This friend or even friends might be someone you knew in a previous life or who you were destined to meet for the first time in this one. They have a positive effect on your purpose and experience in this life, so you’re going to feel attracted to them in an amazing, platonic way.
Friendship is a type of abundance and joy that attracts even more abundance and joy in turn. That’s because you’re often having fun with your friends and that raises your vibration and brings opportunities to you.
So when you’re having fun with your friends, know it’s a spiritual experience.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Planet

Be Brave Because You’re Worthy
Ah, I like your spread! The first card, Courage, indicates a strong emphasis on free will. That’s always a good sign because it means this part of your life is self-directed and can closely match your personal preferences.
Here we see a lion and lions are associated with the astrological sign of Leo. This is a showmanship card and also quite regal and generous. That means choosing to trust in your abilities will take you far.
You may have doubted yourself in the past, but know that this spread is the universe confirming how capable you truly are. What you’re hoping for in life you’ll succeed at in some way if you emphasize more than you are now.
And the good news is that this is a very abundant and joyful card. Even if effort will be involved, you’ll get a sense of fulfillment from doing so. Talk about an ego boost!
Life of Abundance
The next card, New Beginnings, relates to a project. You can continue the next chapter of something you’re working on now or choose to throw yourself into something completely new. It’s your choice.
I see that the magical portal on this card opens to a beautiful waterfall. This is a scene of paradise and abundance, but also the free flow of passion and creativity.
Not only can you use your courage to succeed, but it can be in something you value personally. Leo itself is a creative card, but it’s also associated with having children or falling in love.
So those three things are the most indicated in your spread and I think you’ll find it the most successful, though anything you choose to make a project should benefit from the energy of courage.
This spread is also a sign that you attract opportunity by embracing yourself and your goals. That’s a superpower if I ever saw one.
Find a Penny and Pick It Up
Your last card is Financial Health. Whatever you choose to make a project of, it’ll help you out financially. The line of financial success here is easy to see for the big three: if you’re creative, that project will earn you money. If you have children, you’ll be able to afford it. And if you fall in love, this person will either be wealthy or the partnership will lead to financial wealth.
But other projects can be good for your financial health too. Imagine the person who decides to clean and declutter their home. Perhaps they’ll find some forgotten cash or sell some of their old things for money and be quite financially comfortable because of it.
There’s a great monetary benefit in this spread and I’m really excited for you!
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