March 2025 — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on the next month. Find out what is likely to take place in your spiritual life, relationships, career, and more.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Spirit Animal Oracle and the Angel Tarot decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Are you ready to see your tarot reading? Let’s go!
Pile 1: Glorious Fern

Oracle Cards
You’re meant to be in a receptive energy this month. The first oracle card, Sandpiper Spirit, has the wisdom message of “Be playful.” Part of that receptivity is about laying low on productivity and tending to your leisure needs.
Yes, leisure is a need and it’s something you should prioritize. It is rarely a person’s top priority and perhaps that’s true for you this month too, but it needs to take up more space this month. Increase it by at least ten percent. Maybe more.
The second oracle card, Seahorse Spirit, has the wisdom message of “Watch and wait.” It appears as if something is going to take place, perhaps mid-month to the end of the month, and it could pass you by if you aren’t perceptive.
By being in a receptive state, and prioritizing leisure, you’re going to be more open to opportunities that come your way. You won’t be too stressed out or focused on your current projects that you’re blind to possibility.
Why is that the case? People who are overly productive are focused and have a narrowly narrower perspective. Having fun opens that perspective because your focus is now more broad.
Your final oracle card, Hawk Spirit, has the wisdom message of “Let Spirit be your guide.” This is a sign from the universe that your receptivity is a month-long ritual in which you invite a higher power into your life.
Receptivity is absolutely crucial to be united with the divine and to work with the universe in the future. There are some activities that may be of interest to you that echo receptive energy: meditation, channeling, divination, low to moderate exercise, mindfulness, and introspection.
Don’t overcomplicate this. Simply taking three deep breaths once an hour will do a lot if you’re unfortunately very busy.
I sense with the Queen of Air card that either a witty, female spirit will arrive to aid you or you’re going to enjoy spiritual study as part of your leisure this month.
One of the great things about being in a receptive energy this month is that, spiritually, it opens a lot of doors you previously ignored. Even if you don’t plan to embark on a major study project this month, allow your curiosity to lead you to new spiritual places even if it’s just for a moment.
There’s a lot to learn and that learning comes from being open to divine inspiration.
You may be surprised where your curiosity can lead you. Don’t deny that curiosity.
I just love to see a Ten of Water in any relationship reading. This is about emotional or relationship fulfillment and it’s one of the most positive cards that could have been pulled here.
Expect social ease, especially in your family, friendships, or community relationships this month. It could also be a sign of a social achievement such as finding love or securing commitment, making a new friend, or having a baby.
This could also reflect that the material life surrounding your family or household is good and you feel stable. Just a lot of happiness here and that’s going to make it a lot easier to be in a receptive state.
Consider enjoying a lazy day with your loved ones or going on an outing.
These happy moments increase receptivity because they reduce stress.
If there is someone in your life who you find it stressful to be around… this card doesn’t apply to them.
With The Lovers here, I suspect that one of your career, financial, or hobby relationships is especially fruitful. In particular, this is a card of partnership.
But more than anything in this reading, this is a card where you’re being watched over by the divine. It’s possible that the universe is divinely orchestrating some sort of union that will help create something wonderful in your life.
This may be where your opportunity is coming so keep an eye out here. Don’t start or continue any major projects unless you feel divine inspiration. Maintain what’s required, but nothing extra until you get that inspiration.
That inspiration may manifest in that partnership instead of a still, small voice that the universe speaks to you with. Just be aware.
Personal Development/Miscellaneous
There’s a lot of powerful energy in your spread and this final, miscellaneous card is no exception. Awakening is symbolized by the Archangel Gabriel and you’re going to be called to action.
This goes back to The Lovers card and the oracle cards in this spread. So really, I see this card as a confirmation that you should focus on leisure until you feel yourself called to act. That just frees up your time and mental energy in preparation for whatever you’re going to be called to do.
You may also be under the extra protection of angels or other spiritual beings this month. So things could go crazy around you, but not affect you personally as much.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🎺 emoji or mentioning “trumpet” that you’re excited to have the universe pay special attention to you this month. What do you hope (or suspect) you’ll be called to do? It’s okay to be general here since you may not know what it’s going to be yet exactly!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Beautiful Bouquet

Oracle Cards
You need to pull back socially this month. The Brown Bear Spirit card has the Take time out wisdom message. These animals are generally loners, yet powerful parts of the natural system.
You may choose to be solitary this month or you could be more reserved in conversation. This will be an excellent time to listen more and perceive how people are acting around you.
The second oracle card, Parrot Spirit, has the wisdom message of Watch your words. I think you’re being unduly influenced by the people around you and parroting what they say and believe. At some point, you began to lose parts of your identity.
This month is about reclaiming that. For some who chose this pile, it could also refer to politics, spirituality, or cultural groups (including group culture like work) that have taken over your perspective of the world in a negative way.
The Bee Spirit card has the wisdom message of Sweet results await. There’s an interesting phenomenon in conversation where you can ask a question or be silent and the other person will fill the void with their true thoughts and feelings.
People have been using this phenomenon against you either intentionally or unintentionally. But they are pushing you to speak either through questions or silence and you’ve felt compelled to echo what you’re thinking.
The problem? Not everything you’re thinking comes from you, and what does is probably being used as evidence to control your behavior to reflect what these people want you to believe instead.
March is about taking back your power of individual distinction.
I think your value system is at a crossroads. The Two of Air is being indecisive. On the surface, the values you see seem to have almost equal validity. But that’s a fiction – not all decisions should be made using your rational thoughts… especially since your rational thoughts have been manipulated by another person or group thinking.
Instead, you need to get in touch with your intuition. An exercise you may find especially is automatic writing, or in this case, freewriting. Don’t be so concerned if you channel spirits. Instead, get out a piece of paper or open a word document and set a time for five to ten minutes and write down what you believe are the morals you should follow.
Do not set down your pencil or take your hands off the keyboard until the timer is up. Even if you have nonsense, intrusive thoughts, write them down. It may be a thread to something that has meaning. At the end of the timer, you’ll reread what you wrote and list what you think are the most important values in your life and why.
I don’t use this tarot deck with reversals, but I can tell from the oracle cards above that this card needs to be read that way. The Knight of Air is a manipulative, cunning person who is using their wit against you.
Sometimes this person is truly a bad guy, but oftentimes, this is a person you care about who is getting pushy. Think of a family member, a romantic partner, or a friend.
Regardless, you need to be assertive in your relationships when it comes to the integrity of your own thoughts. If you don’t, you’re teaching people to walk all over you.
Now, hear me out: you probably don’t want to lash out suddenly and burn bridges. Ease these people into the realization you think differently from them. And if this is a person you care about, make sure that you give the impression you still care about them… while also caring about being an independent thinker. Both things can exist at the same time.
It’s possible that your career and money could be doing well this month, but the Four of Fire card is focused more on personal enjoyment and passions. For this reason, I see this month as being a highlight of your interests.
Perhaps this is due to you reasserting your personal identity and pursuing things that you care about. You probably can’t change up your responsibilities at work or make major financial decisions so easily, but you can prioritize your free time to do what you enjoy.
I think there’s the potential that other people in your life will see you at your best here and rejoice over that. Hopefully it’s the Knight of Air realizing they were wrong and accepting you, but if not, you’re going to get social support for what you’re interested in elsewhere in life.
Personal Development/Miscellaneous
I do think by the end of the month you’re going to be in a much better place with the Knight of Air figure, whether it’s an individual or a group energy. The Two of Water is about pairing up with someone, partnerships, and in this deck, forgiveness and the resolution of a conflict.
That doesn’t mean serious conflicts are resolved perfectly, but you should expect feeling more at ease with your identity in context with other people. So either these people reconcile with you or you’re able to move on and forgive yourself for staying too long.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🐻 emoji or mentioning “bear” that you’re eager to be fully yourself this month. What’s something about yourself you’ve been hiding or holding back?
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Pink Flower

Oracle Cards
This is a month about finding your community. Those who chose this pile may be at varying stages of manifesting that, but you’re going to feel in communion with those you share something important with on a soul level.
The first card, Electric Eel Spirit, has the wisdom message of Bring your ideas to life. Imagine placing your hand into a dark, muddy river only to be shocked by an eel. Your inspiration this month is going to be like that. You’ll put your hand into something that doesn’t seem promising and then shock.
I think you don’t realize that other people have similar ideas to you. Not identical, because you’re an individual, but similar and you can bond over these ideas. Consider writing down three to five interests you think are important and then begin searching for online or in person groups related to these things.
The next card, Cat Spirit, has the wisdom message of Claim your independence. I see this card as primarily about identity. While cats can be loners, they’re known for bonding with other cats in the home or in the wild if they’re left to be feral.
Being independent isn’t about being alone, it’s about feeling distinct and recognizing that you can be an individual in a group of other individuals.
The Otter Spirit has the wisdom message of You’re never alone. You’ll get a reminder this month that you can have powerful bonds with other people. Perhaps you’ll meet someone new or you’ll enjoy a greater commitment with another person romantically or platonically.
You don’t have to be 100% like the other people in your life. You just need to value something similar and bond over that.
You’re going to feel challenged spiritually this month. I’m getting the sense that the Seven of Fire card is going to manifest in a spiritual being way.
When you feel anything intensely you can attract negative or positive spirits. Your recognition of these spirits may be casual or subtle. Perhaps while you’re in a store you feel a strange and malevolent energy from another customer. Or you’re walking in your garden and feel a powerful sense of peace.
You should pay special attention to waves of emotions that come over you without an identifying origin in the actions you take or the actions of others. This is your intuition letting you know spiritual beings are at work instead of just the material world around you. If you don’t like their work, ignore them or walk away. And if you do? Let their energy inspire you. Stand in their presence.
This month is also about asserting your individuality on an emotional level in the spiritual world. That means you should be choosing who and what affects you.
Not surprised to see the Three of Cups here this month for you. This is a card of community and celebration. For some, that’s going to manifest in finding a community and looking at it from afar. But for others, it’ll be active involvement.
What I want you to focus on though is recognizing the joy that’s in the community you wish to be a part of. That joy is what you want to integrate yourself with because communities are at their best when they’re uplifting. See the potential for you there and be prepared to bring some of that wonderful energy from within you when interacting with others.
You actually have a lot of potential happiness inside that can help you bond with others.
I see The Empress card either representing a nurturing mentor, perhaps a woman or feminine energy. For most, you’re going to recognize this figure within the community you want to be a part of, and some may see that potential within themselves.
Everyone has a role within a community and understanding what your role is can help you integrate and grow. You might start out as someone who needs nurturing but then develop into someone that can nurture others. That means the lifespan of your community involvement can last your whole life if you want it to as you enter different stages.
Personal Development/Miscellaneous
Your final card is The Sun. This is a card of happiness, creativity, vitality – all good things. I just sense this month will have a lot of joy in it. Even if you expect some challenges ahead (like in the presence of spiritual beings), it’s going to be overshadowed by the light that’s coming your way.
Consider a simple practice of gratitude when you go to bed at night. Think of one thing you were happy that you experienced during the day whether it was a simple pleasure or a major life event.
It’s quite possible due to the major arcana cards in your spread that something extremely positive and memorable is going to take place this month.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🐈 emoji or mentioning “cat” that you’re ready to find your people and participate in a community. What’s one thing you enjoy? I love puzzles. As you can imagine I participate in and enjoy puzzle communities!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.