10 Years From Now — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on your life ten years from now and how you can use that information in your current life.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Mystical Manga Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to peek into your future.
Pile 1: Mixture

Your Future
It seems as if you’re going to be temporarily unhappy or upset over something given the Queen of Cups, Reversed. However, you’re going to have a very healthy and productive response to this personal misfortune and actively work to improve your life.
This tells me a few things: either the unhappy event isn’t a huge thing or you have hope that things will be even better than before it happened. There will be some evidence suggesting that possibility to you. Not every setback is defeat. Sometimes, it’s just a door to another opportunity and that seems to be true in your case.
The Nine of Wands indicates you being overwhelmed by this situation, but that you have the ability and support system to tackle what you perceive to be lack.
Your final card, The Empress, is a manifestation of abundance and personal competition – everything is likely to resolve in your favor by the ten-year deadline. Relax: you’ve got this.
How to Manifest or Reject It
I don’t see any indication in your spread of a negative future. Yes, there appears to be a negative event, but since the card I pulled was a minor arcana for this it’s likely a normal event that is easily rectified.
Therefore, I want you to lean into manifesting your willpower in the face of personal struggles (whatever form those take). Know that you’re on track for a wonderful life and a life that you’ll be in control of.
Getting there requires you to recognize that not everything in your life is perfect or will be perfect, but that you have the power to make life worth living for yourself through your actions and reactions to things that happen to you.
There’s also a possibility that the event was a misfortune not because you didn’t get what you wanted, but that what you successfully got didn’t meet expectations.
Why You Need to Know This Today
You’re more capable than you realize. Although misfortunate things take place in everyone’s life including yours, I think you have the ability and good luck to turn things around. Even if you don’t feel like that’s true now, processing your emotions and setting reasonable, practical goals will help you to improve your life.
You also have more resources than you think. These include tangible resources, a social network, and even your spiritual team. The resources you should lean on will differ depending on the situation, but feel confident that you aren’t alone or that you aren’t going into situations naked.
You’re doing something right even if there might be some missteps along the way.
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Pile 2: Explosion

Your Future
The environment you’ll be in will be more challenging. The World, Reversed indicates issues external to you that are difficult to deal with. The good news is that you will deal with it, suggesting you’ll either survive just fine through perilous circumstances or rise above it.
There also seems to be some manner of conflict or fiery relations given the Five of Wands card. You may participate in this in some way, so I lean towards difficult economic or political circumstances. But, even though that is likely to be true, your personal circumstances are probably going to be more fortunate than most.
Finally, the last card, Eight of Coins, means you’ll take a practical and deliberate approach to fixing your circumstances. It’ll require effort, but you’ll be generously rewarded for it and have stability in an environment where that’s rare.
How to Manifest or Reject It
Ten years is a long time and many countries or regions have recessions or fraught political realities in that timespan. I wouldn’t be too alarmed about yourself given the general positivity in your spread.
That said, I don’t see you going on an epic quest to resolve big issues in the world. Don’t assume that’s your responsibility. People often get very invested in the economics and current events of their environment, not realizing they’re just one part of a bigger whole. The way you make your life better isn’t by changing the world, but by changing your own life.
Look into internal and external locus of control and focus only on what you have direct power over. It’ll help you to feel empowered instead of powerless over the news you hear.
Why You Need to Know This Today
Realistically, because of the doomsaying of the news, you’re probably already experiencing the first card. You may want to distance yourself from making news your hobby if it’s draining your mental health. Some people find this fun, but most feel despair.
To figure out which one you are, write in your journal for two weeks short entries on how you feel about the news you learned. Then go two weeks where you either listen to no news or limit it to 15 minutes per day. Write how you feel. Then compare the two.
If your mental health is identical, you can make news your hobby, but if not, start limiting your exposure so you’ll be focused on your life rather than the lives of others. At some point, following the news is like following a gossip tabloid. It’s not beneficial or relevant.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Mountain

Your Future
Something in your future doesn’t go as planned. You didn’t suffer because of it, but ten years from now, you’re not completely fulfilled or done. The first card, Two of Wands, indicates you’ll be creating a plan of action.
Now this could be because you did achieve what you wanted, but now want to achieve something new. However, for some of you, what you intended to achieve didn’t work out. Either way, you’re going to be productively planning to manifest more than you have.
Your manner wasn’t consistent. The Knight of Coins, Reversed suggests a poor work ethic or one that didn’t match the needs of what you’re trying to achieve. Just because someone drives every day doesn’t mean they’re getting better – you need to deliberately practice or try to improve.
The final card, The Tower, Reversed, suggests calmness and a lack of manifestation. On one hand, it means you avoid a catastrophe, but on the other, you didn’t learn important lessons to make your life better. That’s why you’re working to learn the lesson you missed.
How to Manifest or Reject It
The lesson you need to learn that can help you make your next ten years better is to not assume you know everything you need to. Whatever it is you’re hoping to achieve right now, know that you have a blind spot.
Reading books, watching videos, taking classes, asking someone who’s done it before… all of these things will help you to improve and manifest what you want.
Instead of waiting for ten years to pass to create your learning/action plan, create one now within the next few months. Be deliberate in your approach instead of waiting for things to just go right.
Intuition grounded in practicality is better than intuition alone.
Why You Need to Know This Today
I don’t see anything truly negative happening to you, just frustration over missed opportunities because of blind spots. This is something entirely within your control so it’s also something you can turn totally in your favor.
The universe wants you to know that you can achieve your dreams – it’s just your current approach lacks something crucial for success. Do a little research or outreach to people who have done something similar and you’ll probably figure out what it is.
However, you also need to pay attention to the messages the universe is sending to you. There are likely signs or synchronicities you’re encountering that are trying to point out your blind spots, but you’re choosing to assume they’re a coincidence.
It’s not a coincidence. Use that inspiration to spark a survey for what you need to discover when it comes to manifesting your goals.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.