Your Worth in Love — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on your worth in love. This is what people find attractive or compelling in a romantic relationship with you. You can do this reading whether you’re single, in a relationship, or choosing to be single. It’s a reading of curiosity, so let’s satiate it.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Star Spinner Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to see what you’re worth in love.
Pile 1: Potted Plant

The Fool Knows Best
You’re very intelligent when it comes to perceiving harmful behaviors in others. This makes you an invaluable partner to someone who is willing to take criticism in search of personal growth.
The first card, The Fool, Reversed, could be a sign that you’re best able to give advice for what you made a mistake on in the past. This means that advice you give is best received when your partner believes you have personal experience in that area.
That means simply reciting a factoid you learned on the internet isn’t sufficient. Keep advice not informed by your own personal experience to yourself. They may be more receptive to things you witnessed in other people you know in real life, though not as well as if you experienced it yourself.
This could be a sign that the best romantic partner for you is someone who shares interests, hobbies, or some sort of important life-affecting experience. You bond over that more than most.
If you’re with someone and you feel you lack this then that’s a sign you should find something difficult to do together.
Down From the Mountain
A lot of your personal experience may seem mysterious to your partner. The Hermit, Reversed shows that you don’t always lore-dump your entire life to the person you love.
That makes you interesting because there’s always more to know, just be aware that advice you give may be initially rejected because your partner doesn’t realize you may have experienced it too. Framing any advice you give through a personal anecdote would be especially helpful.
That said, this hermit energy isn’t about solving someone’s problem for them. Instead, your worth in love is that your loved one would see you as someone to bounce ideas off of and learn more. Being kind, instead of judging, is the best way to impart your sage wisdom. Advice should be a conversation, not a lecture.
It also helps if you don’t expect your partner to do things perfectly the first time after you give advice.
Your Message Set On Fire
The last card in your spread, Knight of Wands, Reversed, is what happens when you’re not matched with the right person. Although your wisdom is invaluable to the right person, not everyone likes advice.
Commonly, some people prefer not to be told how to solve their problems, but to be listened to and hyped up. That means when someone complains about a coworker you shouldn’t tell them how to fix the relationships, but to join in on their gossip as emotional support.
This is likely to be a bewildering and upsetting dynamic in a romantic relationship which is why you want to make sure anyone you’re with isn’t like that and instead loves to solve problems instead of just receiving emotional support.
That said, some people don’t like advice in some areas, but are very open to in others. If you have a current partner, see if that’s true for you and only give advice in the area they’re open to growth. It’ll make your relationship life so much easier.
Your worth matters where it’s welcome. And when it’s welcome, you’ll feel respected and valued. Because you do have wisdom that’s valuable to share.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🔥 emoji or mentioning “fire” that you want to be valued for how amazing your advice can be! What area do you think is your particular expertise?
I loved reading for you! You can leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings. And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Dark Berries

On Top of the World
You have a lot of passion whether it’s in a relationship or in life. The first card, Seven of Wands, is a strong sign that you can withstand anything and succeed.
This makes you worthy in love because your partner can count on you. If you’re interested in business, I see this as a sign of you being able to make money. If you’re less financially focused, I can see this as meaning you have a good reputation or morals.
In essence, you’re a catch for one reason or another and what makes you worthy isn’t a fleeting or temporary value like physical attraction (but maybe you have that too). Beauty is great, but beauty is fleeting. What you have can be used at any point in your life. It’s an attitude that manifests and people like that.
When times get tough, your partner will know that you will survive. No doubt you might attract people who are more dependent or needy, so just be aware that if you’re not attracted to those traits, you need to filter these people out or push existing partners to change and grow. Some dependent people like being pushed to grow as long as they’re led into it. But not all.
Just because you’re a badass doesn’t mean you should have to do everything.
But if you are someone who likes to be a more dominant partner, this is a clear sign you’d do it very well and in a respectful way.
Oh, The Spice!
I see a lot of passionate curiosity in you. The Page of Wands is you using your passion to pursue what you’re excited about. This may cause you to be more independent outside of romantic moments, but it also means that you’re interesting and have an exciting life to pursue.
This is another reason why I’m hesitant to recommend a more dependent partner for you since you’re likely to do your own thing most of the time. If you want to spend more non-romantic time with your partner, make sure you have shared interests. Otherwise, this wonderful passionate trait won’t be respected as it should. Unless of course you get together with an introvert.
In romance itself this curiosity and desire to explore can cause a lot of chemistry. I don’t exactly approve of hookups, but if you use hookups or casual relationships purely for fun, you’d get more out of it than most.
That said, this exploration can be amazing in keeping the spice with a partner you have. Try new things both in and outside the bedroom and you’ll never be bored with each other. Just be aware you might be expected to lead.
Sometimes You Get Tired
Those who burn intensely tend to burn up. The last card is Ten of Swords which is about ruin. I think there are going to be times when you push yourself too far. The good news is that a partner who truly values your passion will support and take care of you when this happens.
Many who like to be led by a dominant partner enjoy the occasional times where they can spoil you with comfort.
Don’t hide when you’re feeling tired or sick because a romantic partner is likely to take care of you and treat you with a lot of nurturing. Maybe it’s bringing you food in bed or cuddling on the couch while you watch movies. Perhaps it’s picking up a few extra shifts so you can take a day off.
Your passion, when properly valued as the worth in love it is, will lead to a romantic relationship where your partner won’t expect you to be at your best all the time. They’ll know that you burn out and need some rest. So be open with how you’re feeling and receptive to their outreach of compassion.
They want to nurture you because you nurture them most of the time. It’s only fair in their mind to pay it back when you need it most. But you have to ask! They’re used to you leading and might need a bit of direction and narration.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🌈 emoji or mentioning “rainbow” that your passion burns brighter than most! What’s something you love to do that you want a romantic partner to see is amazing too?
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Pile 3: Pink Flower

A True Romantic
You have an innate skill in rescuing romance from the clutches of disaster. The first card, Page of Cups, Reversed, is you when life throws your relationship a curveball.
It’s not a secret that relationships sometimes hit a bump in the road or couples get complacent. Sometimes a major life event causes a lot of stress. The good news is that you know how to take a deep breath and breathe life back into your relationship.
This is because you nurture it through small actions that can prevent resentment (the death of any relationship). These are likely acts of service or acts of affirmation that show, outside of romantic moments, that you care.
So when it is time to nurture actual chemistry again, your partner will know that you aren’t seeking physical touch just to please yourself. It’s part of a natural pattern of true love.
Be very open to your intuition pushing you to do little things in love. It goes a long way in keeping your love in the honeymoon stage long after you get together.
Keeping a journal or document on your phone or computer can help. Write down reminders for when to give gifts or acts of compassion, either during holidays or randomly throughout the year.
Trying New Things
The Ace of Wands in particular is about how you initiate romance. You’re not afraid to be youthful in your approach. Going on dates, flirting, and acting as if you just fell in love with your partner will be well-received.
Everyone has a different preference for how they receive it, but keep exploring until you find the fun new love things they enjoy the most. Maybe it’s a love letter, perhaps it’s a dinner date, or maybe it’s a bashful kiss.
Asking someone about their hopes and dreams in romance is especially helpful. Perhaps they say they want to do something ridiculous one day like riding a hot air balloon with you – talk about a perfect surprise anniversary date!
The point is that your partner can perceive you’re excited to love them all over again and that you’re open to seeing them as a person capable of being interesting even years after getting together.
Long conservations as if you just met can be especially encouraging to them.
The reason you’re so worthy in love is that it seems as if you love the idea of love in the first place. You aren’t complacent and expect your partner to just accept being together without chemistry. You want your relationship to be fun and surprising!
Let the Feelings Bloom
With the Strength card, I see a clear indication that you’re in control of the relationship in subtle ways. Even if your partner seems to be the dominant person, they’re just the beast you’ve tamed. The tone is set by you.
This means your emotional state is very important. In modern spirituality, this is often called vibration or law of attraction. Try to hype yourself up or moderate your emotions. Feeling down as you’re commuting home from work? Listen to your favorite happy song so you’ll be in a better mood when you see your partner.
But you can also reflect their energy powerfully too. Did your partner come home from work upset over something that happened? If they want to commiserate, you can watch a sad movie with them and be moody together.
You control the palette of your relationship. That means you can direct the feelings you want the both of you to experience together.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🍿 emoji or mentioning “popcorn” that you’re ready to be cherished in love like you cherish other people. What’s a first day you’ve always wanted to try?
I loved reading for you! You can leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings. And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Love your readings! Thank you…chose the 2nd option!
Thank you so much! I’m glad that they resonate with you, Kelly! 🙂