Your Secret Talent — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading to reveal what your secret talent is. This may be something you’re aware of or this reveal could be news to you.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Energy Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to reveal your secret talent.
Pile 1: Meerkat

A Clever Thinker
You can channel Anxiety into something productive. There’s science behind this and it’s essentially that the right amount of stress applied to a task motivates a person to complete it because it creates urgency. So yes, not all stress is bad and you can use the anxiety around that positive stress in a productive way.
While this is true for everyone, your ability to make use of that anxiety is better than most. But you need to understand why that’s the case: your anxiety leads you to ponder and think clearly.
As long as you’re channeling that stressful thinking towards a project that requires mental intelligence, you’re going to spiral your thoughts again and again so you look at it from every possible angle. It doesn’t work that well if you spiral it against your negative memories because then you circle the drain of your own thoughts. So project, not memories.
You’re ruminating on a project to make it better. That’s deep thinking.
We see this often in creatives or people who need to do tasks that require novel thinking. It’s not enough to simply get something done – you need to think about it first and that’s what you’re good at.
Use Influence to Your Advantage
This talent can lead to someone losing themselves into morose behavior. That’s why it’s important to use Appreciation to apply some of that spiraled thinking to beauty like nature, art, and other things that inspire awe. It’s an important counterbalance to moderate your ponderous thoughts on things outside of yourself so you learn how to channel your thoughts outward into the world too.
However, don’t just focus on your narrow field of interest.
As an example, Taylor Swift started out in country music. However, she transitioned into pop. Yet she didn’t stop there and released an entire folk album. Talk about a wild divergence! She clearly has musical influences different from what she makes and that leads to her work being transformative (while still being clearly pop-aligned).
Personally, I think she’s only an average vocal talent at best – but she knows how to work with what she has and make it original enough through divergent thinking to manifest something that’s very popular and distinct. So you don’t have to be the best to do admirable work. Just let inspiration help you to create something amazing with your spiraled thinking.
The best creatives don’t only appreciate art in their field and I think you should follow that. Being able to appreciate things for what they are will allow you to be inspired and that can turn your anxiety into a very positive spiral thinking pattern.
The Power of Time
The last point the universe wants you to know is Patience. I’ve used the word spiral to describe your thinking and this is related to learning theory. The best way to truly comprehend something is to review it, spend some time away from it, and then spiral back and revisit the same concepts. A related term I’ve seen for this is spaced repetition.
The best way to use your talent is not in a single moment, but in multiple sessions where you can revisit and revise your thinking until you’re really happy with it.
No doubt there’s some part of you who’s a bit of a perfectionist, and that’s okay. Just set aside a time limit for these pondering sessions or a deadline where you’ll accept your work as good enough.
Think of a sculpture. An artist can work it again and again, but eventually, there’s nothing left to do that wouldn’t change the sculpture into something else.
Your talent makes you want to keep working. Instead of falling victim to that desire to work on the same thing for an eternity, see it as an inclination from your heart to start the next thing that excites you. The second it starts to turn into something else is a sign that you’re ready to start something else.
Refine, don’t transform. When you start transforming, start something new.
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Pile 2: Sloth

Manifesting Success
You have a powerful sense of business. The first card, Woman Holding a Coin, is a sign that you have a lot of wonderful ideas for how to make money. Some or all of these ideas may not have escaped your brain yet, though.
It’s a tragedy that so many wonderful business minds never actually get started and I think that’s the case for you. You’ve either not started to manifest on your desire to create or you aren’t meeting your full potential. Something is holding back your secret talent.
In particular, your potential is to brainstorm and then nurture those ideas almost as if they were children. This card evokes the imagery of the Queen of Wands card, so I think it could be a sign you have so many ideas, but you haven’t nurtured them into a true passion.
That’s the secret of yourself: ignore the fact you can brainstorm a thousand ideas and instead brainstorm until you fall in love with one of them. When you do, that’ll be the business idea that makes you money.
Use Your Third Eye
Interestingly, you have two chakra cards and with the cat familiar on the first card, there appears to be a spiritual alignment to your secret talent of business.
The second card, Sixth Chakra, Archangel Metatron, refers to the third eye. You have a wicked good intuition for business. Even if you haven’t started a business, you have the raw talent to learn quickly and then empower a business intuition that’ll make you even more successful.
But I think this also means you can use your spirituality now to tap into that nascent intuition to better nurture a business idea you’ll love.
Since this is a third eye, I want you to not rely on objective divination tools like astrology or numerology, but instead something that requires your active interpretation such as tarot, automatic writing, or even introspective activities like journaling.
You would get a lot out of guided writing prompts, workbooks, or journals that address finding a business idea and then planning for it to succeed.
Just be aware that if you do use those journaling resources, it’s actually your intuition that’s doing all the work. It just prompts your brain to fill in the gap. So anything that prompts or is symbolic (like tarot) is more of a trigger to your own intuition instead of revealing arcane truths you don’t already know.
It’s about revealing what’s within you.
I suspect you can also use this intuition in the future to predict big changes that would destroy any other business. If you’re currently at that stage, learn to trust yourself more. Your intuition is seeing what the news or the numbers can’t tell you yet.
Align and Think Ethically
There’s a lot of big-brain energy in your spread, especially with the Seventh Chakra, Archangel Uriel card. This is the crown chakra which is responsible for thought, but in a spiritual way. Whereas your third eye is intuition, your crown chakra aligns you with the universe.
There’s a lot of mothering energy to your first card and I think you need to nurture your business like it’s going to be a child you introduce into the world. But raising a child isn’t just about feeding them, but making them a good person.
When you tap into your crown chakra in regards to business, you’re making sure that you’re following a higher purpose and then infusing that essence into your business. It can’t just be a way for you to make money. It can’t just be something you’re passionate about.
Think of your business as fulfilling a need and that the need you’re fulfilling is ethical. Jewelers often try to do this by understanding they’re creating beauty and then endeavor to source materials in an ethical way. By providing this service, they’re creating a demand for responsibly sourced jewelry.
You may not know what sort of ethical foundation you want to give your business yet, but know it’s probably going to be in alignment with a value you already cherish. Not sure what values you cherish? That’s a sign to spend more time with the divine in your spirituality.
Don’t be too concerned if you don’t have the answer yet. It’ll come to you if you brainstorm on it when you’ve determined what business idea you want to pursue. Perhaps a bit of divination, journaling, or automatic writing could help if you want to integrate your third eye into that decision-making too.
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Pile 3: Raptor

Take On Part of the World
You’re a good judge of character, and you’re fair. The first card, Healer of the Ages, evokes the image of Jesus. A lot of people misunderstand Jesus. While it’s true that he was a good guy (Christians believe him to be perfect since he’s their God), he wasn’t just doing nice things for people. His eventual purpose was to judge the world and destroy evil.
Your secret talent is an important one because you’ve been entrusted by the universe to make the world a better place. Sometimes that healing comes from acts of kindness – and sometimes it comes from acts of justice.
Lies destroy, but the truth heals. And the truth is a double-edged flaming sword.
That doesn’t mean you’re not merciful and it’s likely you’re rather diplomatic. But may even feel as if others take advantage of you due to your mercy.
My advice to you is this: don’t try to save the entire world, because that is just too much. Instead, focus on one aspect in your life or in your career.
For some, they’ll focus on being the peacemaker in their social circle. Others will become activists, mentors, or literally work in law. There are a lot of options and not all that I’ve listed here.
The point is that you should trust your desire to do good and then limit it to an area of life you feel comfortable feeling the weight of that responsibility as a leader.
You Need to Stand Up
I do think you’ll suffer from some Indecision. What I mean by this is that you’ll want to pass judgment, but not be certain you should. You’ll be indecisive because there won’t be a clear answer or reference point for you to work from.
Your secret talent is using your intuition to determine what’s right and wrong when the answer is otherwise unclear.
That means in relationships you’re going to pick the “winner.” In a professional capacity, you’re going to choose what should be done next.
In essence, you’re going to take the responsibility of a leader or visionary and your judgment may not be initially understood. God only knows why Jesus cursed a fig tree, after all. I kid, but a lot of the actions and parables that Jesus gave to his disciples weren’t easy to understand at the time and they had to have it explained to them. So being misunderstood is part of the game with your talent.
Realize that people are going to look to you for guidance or explanation because they’re going to see it as necessary to understand why you’re setting a specific tone or rule. You may need to justify yourself.
It’s a privilege to have so much responsibility, but it’s also a weight on your shoulders too.
The Universe Trusts You
With the last card being Contract and featuring Lady Justice, it’s clear that part of your secret talent is setting a standard and having others stick to it.
As a boss, I think this is clear and doesn’t really need an explanation. Only that you can do a lot better in a position of power than you think. Don’t limit yourself because of previous experiences. It takes time for any leader who isn’t a sociopath to be okay with power.
But in more solitary positions, this means that you’re an influence on those you come into contact with or inspire. So if you’re creative or work independently, understand that your work speaks for itself and changes minds. This can lead to people have a lot of opinions either for or against it when they discover it.
In relationships, you’re going to develop a skill to push people to be their best selves. That means you can be a really good parent or mentor to a younger family member. In romance, you can make an equal relationship out of a partner with quite a few flaws. Similar skills will also be found in platonic relationships with friends and family.
So you have quite a lot of power and skill, but it may be something you’ve been afraid to use in the past. Know that you should – I think your spread indicates that you’d use it responsibly.
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Thank you so much for reading, Lily! 🙂