Your Career Blueprint: Tarot Pick a Card
The universe has directed you to this reading because your career (or passion) has a specific momentum you need to be aware of. Once you know this blueprint, you can happily accept this momentum or change direction.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which unicorn stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Osho Zen Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out what your career blueprint is.
Pile 1: Cake

Not Like Other Careers
Your first card is The Outsider. See how the child is standing outside of a fenced area? It’s locked. When it comes to your career, you aren’t going to do things the traditional way.
In some sense, you may not even have a choice. There are obstacles in your way that make it impossible to do things in the way other people have.
But I don’t see this card as a negative in your spread. The child here is full of untapped potential and creativity. Even though you may long to be like everyone else, the universe doesn’t think you’ll be happiest that way.
For you, your career needs to be fun and unique. Even if you were to do something traditional, like accounting, you may find yourself an accountant for Hollywood or an unusual type of industry.
Your career will always have the most success when you think outside the box: and that’s because you’re already outside the box!
Your Career Matters
The second card is Healing. There’s some aspect of your career that is meant to heal you and the world. It’s necessary, even though it may not always seem to be that way, so you should feel confident that it has a higher purpose.
One reason this may be the case is that your career fulfills a need that nobody else can accomplish in the way that you can do it. The fact that you’re an outsider means the traditions everyone else follows are already attended to, and what you do is unique.
For some of you, it may seem like your career is meaningless or even selfish. An artist may think that their work is just an extension of their ego, but their art speaks to their viewer’s soul.
Similarly, someone who is an investor may simply believe they’re earning money for themselves. But their investments help build and grow companies that can change the world!
Look at what your career accomplishes and you’ll find its higher meaning. That meaning is important and will motivate you in ways you don’t yet understand.
Avoiding Scarcity Mindset
The final card in your spread is The Miser. This is an interesting card because I see it as the universe telling you this: your career is the point, not philanthropy or volunteer work.
That’s not to say that either of those things is bad, but most people spend a large majority of their time at work or on some important hobby. It can sustain them and even provide for their needs.
The reason you need to look at your career as giving back is that simply pursuing your career prevents you from experiencing a scarcity mindset.
A great example of this is a doctor: sure, they could donate part of their high salary to philanthropic causes or volunteer time at an animal shelter, but the single best thing they can do is their job. They save lives. Earning money by doing that isn’t something to be ashamed of.
Your focus when it comes to giving back to the world is your career or hobby. That is where you’ll be able to use your skills and time to the greatest benefit of yourself and others. Don’t worry so much about doing things beyond that if it makes you tired or anxious.
The higher purpose of your job is enough.
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Pile 2: Moon

Seek Spiritual Help
I see that the first card in your spread is Guidance. See how the woman appears to be spiritually guided by an angelic being? I see that as you. Your career or hobby is going to receive a significant boost from the spiritual realm.
Expect your guardian angels, spirit guides, ancestors, or other members of your spiritual team to step up and provide assistance. This is necessary in your case for a particular reason: your career is more reactive than others. It’s always changing or somehow dynamic.
Perhaps you’re the type of person who likes to do different jobs every few years or your particular job is impossible to plan ahead for. There are just too many factors outside of your control.
That’s where your spiritual team comes in: when you check in with them, they’ll look at the momentum of where you’re going to help you make more beneficial adjustments because they can see the universe from a higher perspective than you on the ground.
Amazing Potential
The next card in your spread is Moment to Moment. This is an indication that you can’t design your career to be a particular way. It’s not that you can’t create plans entirely, but that your plans are going to be greatly affected and changed by the moment itself.
This means you need to get comfortable with uncertainty. See how the man is jumping from stone to stone amidst waves? The ocean symbolizes chaos. But chaos isn’t always a bad thing and learning how to navigate those waters can lead you in interesting directions.
There’s a lot of untapped potential in your career. Instead of looking for the best option, look for a good option at the time that you would be happy with. Of course, not every direction you go in will turn out for good, but many will.
This is why leaning on your spiritual team is so important. Use what you know at the time, but allow your spiritual team to fill in the rest of the blanks. Together, you’ll make career decisions that you’ll be happier with.
See Beyond the Obvious
The third card in your spread is Success! Even though there’s a lot of randomness in your spread, it does seem like your career will be a generally successful one. This could mean a good income and/or immense fulfillment from what you do.
This card and your spread remind me of the famous poem by William Blake, “The Tyger.” Despite the twists and turns your career has for you, there’s some greater design in place. Not so much a plan, but a purpose.
What may seem unpleasant at the time may lead to a wonderful door of opportunity. This will always seem mysterious, as the ferocity of a tiger in a lamb’s world, but there’s a reason your career lacks boundaries: you aren’t meant to have boundaries either.
Don’t see your career as one with limits. You can do and achieve more than you even realize.
This is one reason why you can’t plan for your career to hit certain milestones. Simply put, you’re more than any career milestone and you shouldn’t see your career or hobby as only able to achieve the standards you set for it. You can and will do more.
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Pile 3: Ice Cream

Creating Something Wonderful
The first card in your spread is Patience. As I look at this card, I think of nurturing. There’s something within you that’s growing and about to be born into the world. It’s been gestating either in the back of your mind or it’s something you’ve been working on for a long time.
What you’re being called to do right now is to wait for that to manifest. Just as the moon above the woman in this card goes through cycles, your career or hobby is also going through cycles. And right now that cycle is gestation.
But know this: when what you’re nurturing finally manifests, it will be amazing and you’re going to truly love it.
Your career is meant to be something you value and tend to throughout your life. It’ll grow and mature, and likely have different life stages, but it will always be dear to you. See your career as a lifetime investment even if it’s one you retire from or step away from after a few years.
A Life of Its Own
Your next card is Compromise. I thought of marriage and parenting here, likely because of the last card. Even though your career is yours, it exists within the context of the world. It provides some sort of need or desire for other people.
That means you need to compromise on some aspect of your creation. What you’re nurturing when it comes to your career is very personal and you’ll likely want it to go completely your way. But just like marriage and parenting, that’s never the case. There’s another “being” involved.
Your career will take a life of its own and require you to compromise on some of your wishes to meet the wishes of others. It may be helpful for you not to see your career as a thing in this case, but as a living being with its own life force.
That will help you to treat it with respect for its inherent power.
A Career That Lasts
Your last card is Existence. I see this as a reminder from the universe about the nature of your career itself.
Your career may be a bit willful at times. There is bound to be a moment where you feel as if it’s gotten away from you. However, like the woman on this card, there’s a meditative quality to your career.
What you do in your career or hobby provides a divine connection to the universe. What you’re gestating and patiently waiting for now will not entirely disconnect from you once it manifests. Just like a parent and child, a relationship will always remain.
No matter how your career transforms, know that your relationship with it persists. An example of this is an artist: even after they create a painting, the relationship between the creator and created remains.
I see your career as a legacy. It’s going to do something in this universe that lasts in some way separate from your actions in the moment. So even though you’re going to have to compromise on what form that legacy will take, your signature will remain.
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