Your Alternate Reality: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading about your alternate reality. This is your life in a parallel universe that you can shift to if you raise your vibration. Like attracts like and we’re going to find a way to attract a beautiful alternate reality into being.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Sacred Destiny Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s travel the multiverse and enter into your alternate reality.
Pile 1: Panda

All Good Things
The first card in your spread is Pleasure. Your alternate reality is one of immense joy. You’re doing things you love and you’re in a relationship with a lot of chemistry.
Notice that this card appears to have a doorway. There’s a series of steps leading up to this door and a deer guards the way.
I see this as representing a challenging, but not impossible ascent into this alternate reality. There’s also a bit of a scenic route. You’ll find that relying on a motherly energy or animal spirit guide like a deer is especially helpful. So be on the lookout for them.
In some sense, there’s a childlike innocence to this card and a sense of play.
But how do you raise your energy to attract this alternate reality into your life? Pay attention to nature or lunar rituals. There’s something here about grounded routines that provide a safe foundation to ease your spirit.
Honesty Is Best
Your next card is Truth. This alternate reality is one of clarity. Lies, mistrust, or secrets have no place.
Pay attention to the image on the card. Here we see a tree on a savannah and a godly figure in the sky blowing a gust of wind. That breath symbolizes both spirit and truth through that breath and also through the words that are spoken.
To transition into this alternate reality in your current life you need to accept that truth is sharp. If you need to tell the truth, you must be willing to offend others and accept the consequences. But if you need to accept the truth, then you need to invite it into your life. Truth is a double-edged sword and you’re going to at least get a papercut.
There’s a storm that comes before this truth and it isn’t easy to deal with. Even in your alternate reality, this storm is present because the wind cleanses the sky of storm clouds. But the pain doesn’t last forever, and just like a gust of wind, the truth can be refreshing.
Fate Is On Your Side
The last card in your spread is Openness. This is about curiosity and exploration. Your alternate reality is one of adventure, either physically or intellectually. You may also be more receptive to events.
Embracing this energy is relatively easy and it’s probably the one aspect of your spread that you’re already transitioning into or have achieved. But if not, look at the card: here we see the Moon surrounded by constellations in the night sky (specifically zodiac signs).
You need to be open to what fate has to offer you. Don’t use divination for this, but instead allow your eagerness to accept opportunities or options to come your way and encourage you to try new things.
The universe has good plans for you. Open the door to that abundance when it arrives.
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Pile 2: Sea Lion

Introspect for Ambition
You have a very stoic spread. The first card here is Opportunity. Your alternate reality is one where your wildest dreams, and then dreams you hadn’t even thought of but would think are cool, is possible.
The only thing left to do is make a choice. You don’t have to accept every opportunity, but you do have options.
Now I did use the word stoic and stoicism is a philosophy of accepting the good and bad that fate has to offer you. Look at the card here and see how the crescent moon is brightly set in the sky.
What’s interesting about this particular moon is that it’s a waning crescent, meaning it’s a phase transitioning into a New Moon. This is a time of introspection.
To bring the alternate reality to you what you need to do is have a traditionally stoic and introspective practice. Journaling, meditation, and mindfulness are all key. This will help you embody the stoic, opportunistic energy you deserve and exists in an alternate reality you live in.
Dare to Plan Bravely
The second card in your spread is Courage. One of the aspects of stoicism is virtue and a highly regarded virtue is courage. Your alternate reality is one in which you’re a morally upright person who never fails to advocate for yourself and other people.
Hopefully, you’re already in this energy somewhat, but if not, let’s take some cues from the image on the card to help you shift into that alternate reality. Here we see a seascape with some tumultuous waves crashing onto shore. In the background is a faded image superimposed on the sky of a map.
It’s not always easy to react courageously and effectively. One of the reasons schools and large buildings have fire drills is to make the courageous attitude of staying calm in a life-or-death situation routine. Similarly, first responders and the military are also drilled to be courageous even if it’s not their natural personality.
Virtue isn’t something you’re born with, but something you craft within yourself. Make it a plan to prepare for upcoming or likely challenges in your life. What do you need to do to be ready?
Make Your Life Easy
Your third card is Simplicity. Don’t make the mistake of assuming your alternate reality is one of austerity. Simplicity is about not having complications.
One of the reasons people find themselves depressed is that their life is too complex for them to handle. Someone may find the idea of cleaning their house overwhelming because they haven’t simplified the process with a routine or achievable steps. It just seems impossible.
Your alternate reality is a life without complications. To enter into that energy and make your current life more like that you need to simplify your life in some manner.
Where is physical or mental clutter existing in your life? It’s time to clean it up and creates some routines so it remains spic and span. Don’t want to feel like you’re programming yourself? Devise 2-3 options for routines. That’ll give you room to live. Sometimes you can have multiple plans and use the one that seems best at the time.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Dog

You Have Special Abilities
Your alternate reality is a very magical one. The first card in your spread is Gateway. Interestingly, there’s no door or physical gate here, just a path between two trees.
This reminds me of the High Priestess tarot card which features two pillars, Boaz and Jachin. Symbolically these stand for feminine and masculine. It’s about balance and is a gateway into the secret knowledge the card suggests.
Here the High Priestess is replaced by a unicorn. This is about magic, innocence, and uniqueness. Altogether, your alternate reality is a distinct fantasy very unlike the modern world.
To transition into this energy you need to understand that your higher self is tapped into the divine consciousness and you can manifest spiritual powers. By pursuing and tending to these gifts, you’ll find that your life improves drastically and will even seem to be purified.
Get a Pet Rock
The next card in your spread is Wonders and I can’t help but focus on the crystal in the card. We already know that your alternate reality features magic and spiritual abilities, but I want you to know that this life is also a witness to miracles.
Miracles are both gifts to individuals and signs of something greater. These wonders may be done by you, but I primarily see this as you witnessing them and being aware of some innate truth of the universe.
There’s a good chance that you already sense what’s in this card to be present in your life, but I think it could be a lot stronger than it is now. You need to work on being more perceptive to raise your vibrations and bring a fuller understanding of these miracles into being. Signs and synchronicities should be more important than you realize.
However, something in particular that will help you manifest this awareness is crystals. Find at least one crystal you resonate with (for most people it seems to be amethyst) and keep it close to you every day. You may also incorporate it into your spiritual practice.
These crystals will bring positive energy into your environment so you don’t have to do all the work yourself.
Your Own Mandela Effect
The final card in your spread is Change. Your alternate reality is very different from this one. There are infinite universes in the multiverse, but we seem to be connected only to the ones closest to our own in similarity.
Pretty much everyone is connected to either the Berenstain or Berenstein Bears universe. You can usually tell where your higher self has shifted to an alternate reality when you suffer from the Mandela effect in some area of life.
But the alternate reality I’m speaking about in your spread is very different from the alternate realities I spoke about in the other spreads and this is important for you to know. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to completely shift into their alternate reality, but I do think you can incorporate some of that energy into this one.
At times you may find yourself having weird dreams or visions of a fantasy world. That’s probably the alternate reality I’m speaking about in your spread.
And no matter how crazy it seems, some part of that can manifest in this life even if it all can’t.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Yes thank you very much for your help and support. I highly believe your prediction. I will try to put them into practice
Thanks for reading, Otwikende! I hope that you’re very blessed. 🙂