Will You Become Famous?: Tarot Pick a Card
More people have the potential to become famous than they realize – especially in the age of the internet. We all have skills and ambitions that could take us to the top. Knowing you have the potential can go a long way in manifesting fame.
With this tarot pick a card, you can find out from the universe if you’re destined for celebrity. All you have to do is select one of the piles of cards above.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
In this reading, I’m using the Everyday Tarot and the Work Your Light oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support my tarot reading). I’ll be drawing at least three cards to determine the celebrity energy in your life.
Now let’s find out if you’re going to become famous.
Pile 1: Yellow Star

Celebrity comes in different forms. In your spread, the fame you’ll have is niche and part of a community.
We see this most strongly in your first two cards, The Hierophant and Awakening. With Awakening, you have the wisdom message of “Energetic upgrades. A new way of being. Integration.” and I sense that your celebrity status will be tied to a subculture or a particular industry. Thus the word integration. You’re part of something larger than yourself. It existed before you and it will exist after you’re gone.
But, like the woman in the card who is being lifted into the sky, you’re going to stand out.
This is an interesting fame because it’s set within the context of the traditional meaning found within The Hierophant. Your fame isn’t tied to traditional Hollywood glamour, but the admiration of your peers for a job well done. It’s possible this fame may even be related to your community and be one of social prestige, such as a charity or local place of worship.
What you’ll find with your fame is that it’s the best one you could have. While in your subculture, you’re admired and respected. However, when you step out, you become a private citizen again.
That means you have the option to step in and out of your fame as you please – something the notoriously famous only dream is possible.
Your final card, the Five of Pentacles, Reversed speaks more on the tension of your celebrity life. I get the sense that you may not be on the right path right currently. Something you’re doing is leaving you out in the cold and blocking you from reaching the heights you’re destined for.
You should ask yourself if the path you’re following is true to your heart. When it comes to fame, you’ll feel most at ease in a smaller and more intimate community. Instead of thinking “big” think “focused.”
The difference is more nuanced than you realize. A good example of this would be someone trying to become an actress. They keep trying for the blockbuster roles, but are having no success because they’re a better fit for indie films. Once they make the transition, they find themselves in the perfect place.
Another example would be a writer. They dwell on the thought of becoming a worldwide bestseller and chase different genres in search of their runaway hit. But really, they should focus on science fiction. The point for you is to narrow down and focus on a single niche.
Examine your skills. Your spread isn’t specific on what you do, but the environment you’re in. I believe “going it alone” and not integrating yourself in a particular community is what’s holding you back when it comes to fame.
Pile 2: Pink Star

There’s a lot of passion and purpose in your cards. This leads me to believe that if you were to become famous, then it would be because of your creativity.
Let’s begin with your two tarot cards, the Ace of Wands and the Queen of Wands. They both belong to the suit of fire which has a lot of energy and inspiration. There is a bit of spirituality imbued in your cards, so I do think you have been divinely inspired and are here to create something of worth in this life.
I should give a word of warning here. Although there’s no indication you won’t be famous in your current lifetime, many artists don’t achieve fame until their later years or well after they’ve died.
That means you can’t seek fame for the celebrity. Rather, you should see your fame as the moment when your work becomes relevant to a lot of people. That may be next year or it could be generations from now.
That said, the Ace of Wands indicates the beginning of a new creative endeavor while the Queen of Wands signifies confidence in that endeavor. I believe that you’re about to make a lot of progress in your passion and it will be seen by others. After all, the Queen of Wands carries with her a social element. She’s no wallflower.
Your two oracle cards provide deeper insight into what your fame would be like. The first, Play, has the wisdom message of “Have fun. Celebrate. Don’t be so serious.” Although you may want to take your life seriously, that doesn’t mean you can’t let loose and enjoy the experience while you do it. When you’re enjoying what you do, you’ll be more likely to attract others who will too.
When it comes to fame, yours seems to be one of joy. Instead of imagining a literary poet who meets in cafes to read their work to other literari, imagine instead the instapoet who shares their work with millions just because they were moved in their heart. Is it fine art? No. Is it amazingly fun and attractive to the general public? Yep.
This gives important depth to when your fame will arise. If you focus on enjoying your craft, you’ll have it now. Maybe it won’t be as “prestigious” generations from now, but it will be something you can think of fondly as it happens.
Your final card is Transformation with the wisdom message of “Things are changing at the cellular level. Deep healing.” I believe that you may have suffered in your creative pursuits in the past and feel as if you can’t make progress anymore. Don’t focus so much on the end result, but on how you feel as you create instead.
If you do that, you’ll feel your mind, body, and soul healed. You need your passion more than you realize. When you pursue it for the experience, an inner fire will glow inside of you until you become brilliant yourself.
Pile 3: Blue Star

With a card like Yes in your spread, it seems like a resounding possibility you’ll be famous. But I read this with a caveat: the wisdom message on the card is “Just say yes” which suggests fame is an option and a choice… not inevitable.
While this is always true, I think we need to look at the rest of your cards to figure out why choice is such a prominent message here. Only one of the cards in this spread has a negative meaning: the Eight of Cups.
Here a man walks away from the cups and into what appears to be the wilderness. He is under the moonlight. There is a somber tone to this card, and that’s because it carries the meaning of abandonment.
But do you see how the man is walking towards the Yes card?
There’s something in your life that isn’t working right now. But like the eight golden cups, it’s an attractive option. You don’t really want to walk away even as the possibility of a better future is in the opposite direction.
However, I do believe that fame is not only possible for you, but good. Your second tarot card, the Eight of Pentacles, is about craftmanship. You won’t get fame by luck, but through hard work. A lot of it. That’s not easy to accept because you’re probably going to have to do a lot of work before you’re ever rewarded.
So why do it? Why make all that sacrifice of your blood, sweat, and tears when you have other, less frustrating options?
Your oracle card, Starseed, gives the final insight. Here the wisdom message is “What lights you up?”
Yes, you have the potential for fame, but only if you follow a certain path. There’s something you’re being called to do and that’s the only way you’re going to achieve fame.
Now, what is a Starseed? This is a person who feels like an alien living in a human body. That’s because their soul reincarnated from a past life elsewhere in the universe. Perhaps you’re a Starseed – but that’s not the point of the card here.
Rather, you have an important mission in this lifetime and you have a unique purpose. Find the part of you that’s distinct from everyone else and lean into it. That is how you’ll be famous – because you take that individuality and you craft it into something great.
This could be a literal skill or even just your personality. Celebrity isn’t just what you do, but also who you are. In your case, who you are is crucial to determining your chance of becoming a celebrity.
You need to raise your fame in this lifetime because it’s deeply connected to your soul’s mission. Choosing not to pursue a path where your life is raised into a spotlight is a choice you can make… but it’s probably one you’ll regret. There’s something you can do only if you become famous. Don’t you want to find out what that is?