Who Secretly Hates You: Tarot Pick a Card
I sense that there is somebody in your life who doesn’t want what’s best for you. You’re either mistaken in their intentions or you aren’t aware of the full extent of their hatred. If you’ve found yourself attracted to this reading, then the universe thinks it’s time that you know about it.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which angry animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Modern Witch Tarot and the Energy Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to uncover who secretly hates you.
Pile 1: Hamster
An Obstacle
Your first card is the Six of Wands. As I look at this card, I sense that the person or people who hate you have a lot of power. This power is either institutional or social. For many who chose this pile, this person may have direct authority over you, or they have some sort of authority in an area you would like to be in.
That makes this person’s hatred for you problematic and an obstacle.
But this person who hates you doesn’t hate you for personal reasons. Their hatred is more attributed to the type of person you are. This could be something you can’t control, like your race, gender, or sexual orientation, or something you can, such as a movie you like. The point is, the person who hates you doesn’t have a good reason and they would hate anyone with a similar trait as you without getting to know you first.
There’s really nothing you can do to make them like you unless this person has a massive change of heart – and that’s unlikely.
They don’t want you to be part of the thing they’re part of. This person may have a lot of support and even glory, so it’s not easy to find allies who will support you over this authority figure.
The Gatekeeper
The second card is The Garden and the Gate. This person who hates you is a literal gatekeeper. They don’t want you in their group, organization, or wherever it is they perceive they have power. This could be for one of two reasons: they don’t want someone like you to be present or they see you as a threat.
This is especially hurtful because you want to be part of this thing that they have control of. Now, for some who chose this pile, it’s rather obvious what I’m talking about because you may be actively trying to seek membership or inclusion in something. However, for others, it may be something you tried to be part of in the past, such as a friend group, a club, or some sort of organization.
I can’t understate how much this person’s hatred is serving as an obstacle to the thing you want. You may have only had a few brief interactions with this person or you may know them well. But what I can say is that this person isn’t showing their true ugliness. Nobody around them understands that they’re unfairly blocking you from being included for petty reasons that don’t matter.
Know this though: there’s no way you’re the only person they’ve done this to. The person is a gatekeeper with a lot of unfair purity tests. They may even choose a scapegoat like you to rise to power.
Sneak In
Your last card is Ace of Swords, Reversed. Tackling this problem isn’t going to be easy. This person who hates you has done everything they can to block you from being part of the same thing they’re part of.
First, ask yourself if there is another group out there similar to this one that you can join instead. Chances are, someone else who was scapegoated by this person will also be there and be someone you can trust.
But if you can’t find another group, you need to ask yourself if this is something you want to walk away from or fight. If you choose to fight, recognize that your power has been taken from you and most of that has been done through purity tests and galvanizing members of the group to outcast you.
See if you can find another way in, even if things are tense, and then look for someone else who isn’t with the “in” crowd. Sometimes, you make allies of other outcasts. With time, the ugliness of the gatekeeper will reveal itself and they’ll be kicked out of their place of power. When that happens, things will get a lot more comfortable.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Bird
Out to Get You
Your first card is the Four of Wands, Reversed. This is a card of disharmony and unhappiness. Upright, this card is often connected to personal celebrations like a wedding. This leads me to interpret the person who hates you as a homewrecker.
There’s someone in your life who personally hates you. They want what you have and they’ll do anything to get it. Their hatred may stem from jealousy over your relationships or possessions. If they can’t steal it from you, they’ll ruin what you have instead. They’re somewhat obsessed, even.
This is a very difficult energy and I don’t envy you in the least. This may be a person you know well, like a family member or friend, but it could also be an acquaintance or someone a person you love knows well, but you don’t.
At least one person who chose this pile has a significant other that the homewrecker is trying to steal away. And you may not even know this person: they could be someone like a spouse’s coworker!
Witchy Woman
The next card is Woman Holding a Coin, Reversed. I put each card down one by one, and as soon as I got to this card, I couldn’t help but think of a witchy energy. And I don’t mean that in the positive sense. This person is likely a woman or at least someone who uses social power to influence others in an evil way.
Everything they touch is ruined. This person is not effective, but they don’t care. They’ll destroy anything in their path to get what they want and their sincerity isn’t true because they won’t actually want what they get for long. Their heart is barren. Their only real goal is to collect trophies of misery.
But that’s to your advantage. This person can’t hide their disdain and they tend to have a trail of disasters in their wake. It’s much easier to overcome this energy once you identify this person and take action to protect yourself.
All Manner of Evil
The last card is The Magician. As I said before, the person who hates you will do whatever they can to get what they want – even if it’s unethical. I wouldn’t put it past them to lie, cheat, steal, or even use actual curses to get their way.
If you feel spiritually uneasy or oddly unlucky, you may have been hexed. Cleanse your space and put up protective charms.
However, for most, the way that this person will manifest their hatred will be rather normal acts of evil. They’ll try to gaslight, brainwash, and manipulate the affections of the people around you. But eventually, their act will fail and they’ll get bored.
I recommend that you be vigilant and do what you can to prevent this person from getting any closer to you or the people you care about. Their power derives from proximity, but their influence can only wane as their ugly heart is revealed through their actions.
Make sure that you’re being positive and loving to the people in your life so they aren’t charmed by this person’s evil ways and your connection severed from this damage. But if this person has already wormed their way in, you may either need to push away those who betrayed you or learn to forgive.
Remember, this person can only be in your life for a short while. They will get bored and seek another target soon.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Cat
Not Thinking of You
As I look at your spread, I don’t think someone hates you so much as their actions end up feeling that way. Your first card, the Eight of Wands, indicates a lot of fast energy. I’m drawn to the rebel figure here, so I sense that someone or something in your life is acting with so little caution that you’re getting hurt in the process.
This may be why you feel that something is wrong, but you can’t identify what. The person doesn’t actually hate you, but the things they’re doing are making your life a lot harder. They may be so singularly focused on themselves that they can’t see what damage they’re doing.
However, this may or may not be intended. While this person may not hate you, it’s important to consider whether they like you to begin with. Just because a person isn’t trying to personally hurt you, doesn’t mean they should have a presence in your life.
Intense Passion
Now I don’t think this person is evil Their second card, Angel of Love, does indicate they have good intentions. They may be trying to pursue their passion in life or trying to help someone else.
If this is someone you care about, try to figure out if their actions are just hurting you by accident. If so, being upfront about this will help them modify their approach.
But if this is someone who is pursuing their passions or helping someone else… there’s a good chance they just won’t care what you say. Their goal is to manifest their desires and care for their loved ones, so if you get in the way and are hurt in the process… they probably won’t care.
If that’s the case, keeping your distance is all but necessary.
I do think this may be a good time to tell you that hate is different from hurt. Hate is an intentional wounding of someone, while hurting can be unintended. While this person may not hate you, that doesn’t mean they can’t hurt you. That also doesn’t mean they’ll plan to stop hurting you, either, but it should alleviate some of your concerns that their actions are targeted.
If they’re not a bad person, they may modify their approach somewhat, but be prepared to get out of the way if they don’t think it’s possible. Passionate people who think they’re in the right will do whatever it takes to get what they want. And that’s a dangerous ferocity.
Going Off the Edge
Your last card is The Fool. The person here isn’t thinking rationally. Their actions are too unfocused and reckless. While they’re on a good track right now, there’s a very real risk that they could endanger themselves in the future.
I see you as the little dog in the corner barking in a warning. If this is a person you don’t hate yourself, letting them know their actions could lead to disaster may save them a lot of heartaches later.
But if you choose to remain quiet, and I wouldn’t fault you for doing this if this person has hurt you, be prepared to witness a self-implosion. Hopefully, they’ll learn from this mistake and be more careful next time.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.