Who Is Your Twin Flame? — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on who your twin flame is.
That’s your other half. This can be a romantic or platonic relationship. It can also be positive or negative. It’s different from a soulmate that you can grow together with, though sometimes twin flames and soulmates are the same thing in one person.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the True Heart Intuitive Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to learn more about the identity of your twin flame.
Pile 1: Mushrooms

Bad Connection
It seems as if your twin flame is a family member, someone close to you in the community, or a love interest from childhood. However, the Ten of Discs is reversed, indicating that this promising twin flame relationship has somehow been twisted.
You may have started out with the potential to have a positive relationship, but something about your connection is no longer healthy.
While everyone’s specific twin flame relationship will be different, it’s probably going to look like one of these: a toxic family member, a community member you’re feuding with, or a love interest that didn’t work out – probably a first love. Maybe a best friend from childhood.
Everything was set up to make this relationship succeed because you were in the same place at a young age and accessible to each other, but then it went wrong. If you encountered or will encounter this person later in life, then it’s a member of your local community that is probably going to turn sour. That’s just because you’re so different.
I also think for those who belong to traditional cultures and practice arranged marriages or at least consider matchmaking to find someone – be wary. That marriage connection may result in someone who is very wrong for you despite you feeling a connection at first.
Love isn’t built solely on chemistry, and twin flames, romantic or non-romantic, are always drawn to each other. Positive interactions are necessary for it to become something good.
Think Logically
The thing about a twin flame relationship is that them being your other half can lead to you feeling pressured or attracted to them despite them being bad for you. However, the second card, Judgement, Reversed, is a clear sign that pursuing a relationship with them in any form will likely lead to a poor life outcome.
Now there’s a chance you or this person could change in such a way in the future that you’re a happy match. It’s unlikely to be anytime soon and you shouldn’t wait for something that doesn’t seem inevitable given the cards right now.
But what should you do if this person is someone you need to be around like a family member or someone in your community? Interact, but at a distance. You can be cordial, but make it a point not to meet independently of social functions. You’re not friends even if you make it a point to be friendly.
I hope this relationship gets better in the future and there are things you can do to make that happen.
Focus on what you have in common, instead of your differences, and ignore the magnetism that brings you together even when you’re annoyed with each other. Think rationally, instead of emotionally, and if you both reconcile your differences appropriately the relationship will grow into what you hope it will be.
But if this person is abusive or makes you feel like an inferior human being, then you may need to prioritize cutting off contact altogether. The magnetism is not a justification for suffering.
Have Standards for Yourself
Your final card is the Seven of Discs, Reversed. This is about a bad investment of time, effort, money, and other material things. It’s possible your twin flame is so focused on living an advantageous life for themselves that they can’t make room for you.
There’s the potential that they’ll learn the error of their ways because this behavior doesn’t lead to lasting happiness. It can lead to material comfort, but not existential joy. A lot of people tend to awaken to this truth later in life and have a meaningful transformation.
Some in this pile may find that a potential bridge back to your twin flame is through spirituality or traditional cultural activities. So if there’s an option to go do these activities together or in a group, strongly consider it. There’s a good chance it’ll be a transformative experience for them.
Now I want to end this reading for those who hoped their twin flame was romantic. Perhaps your twin flame was, or, after reading this pile, you realized your magnetism is toward someone you don’t have a romantic relationship with.
Twin flames are your other half. They’re usually romantic, but can be other relationships too – most famously actual twins.
Any important and serious romantic or non-romantic relationship you hope to have should be a soulmate relationship. This is someone you grow with. It’s constructive and investing in your future together.
Don’t focus on the present moment. Focus on the future you’ll have together and it’ll help you think clearly. Because that’s the problem with your twin flame – they only think about current pleasures or things focused on themselves.
While you might have positive interactions with them sometimes, without a change in the way they focus on the world, this person is eventually going to sacrifice you for their own personal advantage. So that’s what you want to avoid until (or even if) they transform.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🌳 emoji or mentioning “tree” if this reading resonated with you. Do you feel a magnetic attraction to someone close to you or do you suspect they’re nearby, but someone you haven’t encountered yet?
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Flowers

They’re Nearby
This is a very positive spread which is a sign that your twin flame is a good match for you right now – a true soulmate you can grow with.
The first card, Three of Wands, Reversed, is about narrowing the scope of presence. I tend to interpret this as meaning physical proximity and that is a strong indication your twin flame is either a current partner, someone you know, or someone you could meet as soon as tomorrow.
You have access to them and there isn’t any meaningful obstruction to you being together. That means once you feel the magnetism towards them that is inherent in any twin flame relationship, you’re going to be able to start a relationship without a problem.
Not everyone’s twin flame is a romantic partner, but I suspect this is true for the majority of those who picked this particular pile. The reason is the particularspecific cards that show up here (wands is passion, High Priestess is numerologically two, and the Sun is fertility like that of having a child).
That said, for those whose twin flame isn’t a romantic connection, this could mean a current platonic relationship like that of a family or friend is really good – even if it wasn’t previously.
I think you’re going to find that whoever your twin flame is you’ll feel a pull towards them and start spending way more time together. They may become your best friend.
What Your Relationship Means
Your second card, The High Priestess, is about inner knowing. It’s also a card that numerologically means two and we see two pillars here that represent the masculine and feminine or light and darkness.
This is a creative and unifying force, but specifically on a spiritual level. So it makes sense that it would be related to a soulmate or twin flame connection. And honestly – it’s going to be my soulmate and twin flame card from now on for that reason.
Anyway, this is a sign you can trust your intuition in your relationship with your twin flame. Not every twin flame relationship is positive and healthy. Unfortunately, our other halves or ourselves can use our free will to hurt others. And that includes our twin flames.
But that’s not the case for you. Your twin flame is a positive and healthy relationship.
One thing I do want to say though is that not every twin flame relationship is romantic and there’s a possibility that you could be in a negative or normal romantic relationship right now and not feel the magnetism that you do towards a family member or friend.
If you suspect that’s the case, be aware that you may not have the social intimacy with a romantic partner like you’ll have with platonic intimacy with your twin flame. It just happens sometimes.
Some may also have a twin flame who is a friend or family member who is advocating for you to leave your current partner. If that’s true, consider their advice seriously. Their intuition here may be backed by evidence that you’re just not ready to accept right now.
It Continues Well
The Sun is one of the best cards you can draw in tarot and I love to see it in relationship readings. It’s a card of joy, creativity, and in this particular illustration, spiritual culmination.
The three pyramids are pointing towards the Sun which is watching over them. I see this as the universe using your twin flame relationship for a higher purpose. Together, you’re going to generate spiritual energy or manifest something of immense value.
Your relationship with your twin flame isn’t just something to be enjoyed… it’s constructive! If your twin flame is a romantic connection this is a happy sign of children. A platonic or romantic connection could be a shared project or business.
When you’re together, the people around you will feel that happy energy too. Not every day will be perfect, of course, but being close to you or in your presence when you’re together with your twin flame is likely to be a positive experience for everyone. As a duo you light up the room.
Consider hosting get-togethers with the people in your life. They’re likely to go very well and be fun memories. If you or your twin flame are introverted, consider smaller get-togethers rather than massive parties.
This card is also a sign that your twin flame relationship is not likely to fall apart. You both match on a soul level and your free will hasn’t pushed you apart so much that you can’t grow together.
This means you’re soulmates who are somewhat locked in and in sync in a way that I don’t often see in relationship readings.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a ☀️ emoji or mentioning “sun” if this reading resonated with you. Do you think you’ve already met your twin flame? If not, do you suspect it’ll be a romantic or platonic connection when you do encounter reach other?
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Letters

Not Accessible
There’s something ill-fated here. My first impression when seeing these cards is that your twin flame either never existed or they died. I get the sense that I myself don’t have a twin flame – or I don’t have access to them so I can resonate with this pile well.
The first card, The Star, Reversed, is about your stars or destiny not being in alignment. If you don’t have a twin flame, then it could be that your soul hasn’t been split and there’s a wholeness you have that others don’t. Even if you do have a twin flame but you don’t have access to them, I also think you may be learning to be a contained singular soul and that’s a positive thing.
But if you do have a twin flame and you don’t have access to them, I have a few theories. It’s possible they already died. So if you had a passionate relationship and they passed, this spread is a confirmation they were a twin flame. You’ll likely meet each other again in the next life.
It could also mean that they’re very far away from you and in a context that would be difficult for you to encounter. If that’s the case, your longing to live in a different country could be a sign if that’s a true yearning for you.
I also know from my own astrological natal chart and something called astrocartography that the feeling of having no twin flame could be a sign that they live abroad. For example, my seventh house of relationships is empty and its ruler is in the ninth house – the house of foreign travel and foreigners. This is a common astrological placement for falling in love abroad or with a foreigner.
Other possible astrological placements include Jupiter, Uranus, or Neptune in the seventh house, Jupiter being the ruler of your seven house, and Sagittarius or Pisces in the seventh house.
Astrocartography is a more advanced topic, but if you know how to look it up and read it on a basic level, this would be a way to perhaps meet a romantic partner. A venus line is something you would need to see.
In my example, my Venus lines are on the other side of the world and Alaska. Not exactly accessible for someone with a disability. But if I wanted to find love and could move, those places would be an option.
Of course, the above examples assume your twin flame is a romantic partner. Some twin flames are family members or friends. In that case, this would likely mean they either died or you had a fallout so severe you can never talk to them again.
It’s Your Choice
While you’re welcome to use astrology to try and find a potential twin flame if it’s in alignment for you, I’m going to use the rest of your reading to talk about what to do if that’s not a possibility.
Your second card, Two of Swords, Reversed, is about not being able to make a decision or having to accept a difficult decision.
One of the plus sides to not having a twin flame is that you’re liberated from feeling pressured to conform your life to them. A good example of this is actual twins (who are twin flames to each other). They’re pressured to do everything together and sometimes end up in the same college, career, and even married into the same family. Don’t forget the matching outfits!
You don’t have that magnetic pull which means the only person you need to really confer with is yourself. That opens up a lot of possibilities because you can move far away, do something different than your family, and so on.
Awake to the Possibilities
The Four of Swords, Reversed is a waking up card. One thing to realize when you don’t have a twin flame is that any soulmate relationship you have is going to be what you make it.
A soulmate is someone you can grow with and it can be a meaningful connection that lasts an entire lifetime. Especially if it’s romantic. However, a twin flame connection could lead to someone who was perfectly happy in their marriage to a soulmate to leave them and pursue their twin flame – even if it’s going to end in disaster.
But modern society pretty much tells people that if you’re unhappy in your relationship for even a moment you shouldn’t work it out and just break up with the person you’re attracted to. So no wonder twin flames are so toxic right now.
That’s not going to happen to you, though. Any soulmate relationship you pursue, romantic or platonic, can never be challenged by a toxic magnetism of a twin flame. Relationships will be what you make them.
I also think there’s a possibility that a soulmate relationship you form in this life can lead to a twin flame in the next. In other words, you can choose to be so devoted to someone in this like that you’ll reincarnate as two halves of the same soul in the next life. Or something similar metaphysically in future incarnations.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🌈 emoji or mentioning “rainbow” if this reading resonated with you. Do you think you have a twin flame? Have you ever looked at your astrological chart for clues?
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.