Where You’ll Be in Five Years: Tarot Pick a Card
You’ll often hear productivity gurus advise that you create a five-year plan. That’s because you want to have a general direction for your life, but one with enough room to pivot as needed. As a tarot reader, I find it helpful to use tarot to see in what direction I’m trending in without realizing it. This helps me to modify my own five-year plan as needed.
Let’s find out what you need to know about your future life to properly plan ahead. All you need to do is select one of the piles of cards above that sticks out to you the most.
Then, after you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Rider-Waite tarot. Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Be aware that this reading is more of a “tough love” reading to help you prepare for challenges ahead. That doesn’t mean you won’t have a wonderful five years going forward. This is just one aspect the universe wants you to be aware of.
Now it’s time to see your most likely future.
Pile 1: Purple Clock

The Future Is Dark, But You Put Yourself There for a Reason
My first impression of your spread is that, five years from now, you’re going to be in a bad situation. That’s because of the reversed nature of two of your cards and the sometimes difficult quality of The Hanged Man.
But one thing you should be aware of is that this “bad period” is transitory and by design. Your second card, The Hanged Man, gives us important insight into why.
Do you see how the man is hanging from the tree, seemingly at ease? His head is also surrounded by light. This card symbolizes Jesus Christ and Odin, but perhaps Odin is a more apt comparison. This Norse god hung himself for nine days to gain wisdom. Both stories feature someone who essentially sacrificed himself to himself for the salvation of the world.
That same idea applies to you as well. You’re going to put yourself in a difficult situation so you’ll gain the wisdom and perspective you need to improve your life going forward.
Reinventing Yourself is Necessary
Generally speaking, nobody wants to pull the Ten of Swords. That’s because it’s a card of ruin. The man lays prone on the ground with swords sticking out of his back. The River Styx is also in the background which is a river in the Greco-Roman pagan afterlife.
Yes, you’re going to put yourself in a situation where you’ll suffer considerable losses and they’ll be losses you won’t realize until it’s too late.
But you decided to do this.
The reason?
Once everything about your old self is dead, you can rise again with a fresh slate. At some point in the next five years, you’re going to want to make a major change in your life. The problem? Your current life is not conducive to that change.
Shake Things Up
The future is something that you co-write with the universe because of your free will. Now you know that you need to make important changes in your life to gain wisdom… but I don’t think you need to suffer to the same degree the cards indicate.
That’s because of the Knight of Pentacles, Reversed. This card can suggest that you’ll face obstacles in your career or finances, or perhaps you’ll experience monotony, but it also opens up the possibility of spontaneity to compensate.
This card is known for being a stick-in-the-mud who doesn’t like change, but as a reversal, the knight is more willing to try new things.
You need to gain wisdom because you need a fresh perspective in your life. But you don’t have to wait until your life is in ruin to rebuild.
Instead, ask yourself what is something you’ve always wanted to do but stopped yourself because it wasn’t realistic. Perhaps you wanted to visit a foreign country but that it would be a waste of money. Or you wanted to try a new project at work. Likely, you want to try multiple things because you fundamentally want to change your life but are afraid of doing so.
Don’t beat yourself up about this. Change can be hard and it doesn’t always go the way we want. But you have five years and in those years you can make a plan to make gradual changes to broaden the possibilities of your life.
Allow yourself to dream. And then make that dream manifest step-by-step.
Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published.
Pile 2: Green Clock

You’re Going to Feel Stuck
When I look at your spread, I feel as if you’re trapped. The reason you’re trapped is because of decisions you made and this affects your material future.
The heart of this comes down to your first card, the Page of Swords, Reversed. Here, the youth picks up a sword and bravely wields it under a powerful wind. But as a reversal, this suggests you aren’t making an important decision in your life because of external circumstances.
It makes sense. This card features someone who is unarmed and heading into battle. You’re likely going to face a circumstance that doesn’t favor you. So you’ll play it safe.
At first, it’s going to seem like the right decision, but over time it will be one you come to regret – even though the chance that you could lose was high.
And maybe you would have lost.
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fight. Why? Because now you know something powerful is on the horizon. Let’s get ready.
You Need to Go on a Journey
Your third card is the Six of Swords, Reversed. This is a card of journeys and movement, but also a spiritual experience. Be aware that this spiritual experience is more rational than emotional, so it’s likely the intellectual acceptance of a spiritual revelation.
Why is this so important to you?
I think you’re going to be given an opportunity to pursue your life purpose. However, the circumstances won’t favor you. Because of that, you won’t jump at the opportunity and let it pass you by. But once that happens, you may not get such a chance again.
What could this look like? You could get a job offer that requires you to move or you could be making some sort of investment in your future. The point is that it’s going to cost you something more than you’ll be willing to give. The time isn’t right, so you turn away from the opportunity. You stay stuck in your current place in life because of this.
And that’s a mistake.
But what you need to do is begin to anticipate the possible opportunities that come your way and figure out how to capitalize on them.
Make sure you have an emergency fund set up so you can move or make a sudden investment if needed. I also think you should look into the typical opportunities for your career or hobbies and make a list. What do you need to have prepared to capitalize on those opportunities?
Embracing Generational Wealth
The last card I’m going to talk about is the Ten of Pentacles, Reversed. If you don’t take the opportunity that comes your way, then it’s likely you’ll lose out on something like a promising career advancement. But it goes deeper than that: I think you’ll miss out on the healing of karma too.
This generational wealth is more spiritual than physical, but it will manifest in your current life. If you pursue the opportunity that comes your way, then you’ll heal a past life wound and feel more certain of yourself. It will also allow you to evolve and work on something else in your next life. Maybe even in this one.
When your soul is at ease, your soul has room to grow into new directions.
Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published.
Pile 3: Yellow Clock

A Transitory Period of Misfortune
You have one major arcana card, the Wheel of Fortune, Reversed. This indicates that fortune isn’t likely to favor you five years from now. However, I don’t think you’ll be able to accept that this misfortune is temporary and you’ll likely put yourself into a worse situation.
This happens sometimes and you shouldn’t be ashamed. Nor should you worry about it: because you know this is the direction you’re trending in, you can prevent it to some degree or even entirely.
But how?
I see the Wheel of Fortune, Reversed as a misfortune in multiple areas of your life. That’s because the wheel is surrounded by the four fixed signs of the zodiac: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. This is, respectively, your wealth, your fame, the wealth you share with others, and your connection to the community.
You’ll likely feel shamed and suffer financial loss. This could be major, such as a home foreclosure, but it could also be something like being bullied on social media. The point is, you will feel it acutely and as if there’s no escape.
But there is. Try not to focus so much on these areas of life and instead work on turning that wheel with the cardinal signs of the zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Start something new, look towards your family for support, invest in your love life, and work hard at your job. Focus on improving yourself even if it doesn’t seem like you’ll be rewarded right now. Get back to the basics and don’t think materialistically.
Why This Happened
Although I could interpret this misfortune as being caused by yourself, I’m more likely to interpret the King of Swords, Reversed as a major breakdown of logic and decisions when paired with the Wheel of Fortune, Reversed card. Something unexpected happened. You may not have been able to anticipate it under normal circumstances.
I think you’re going to be manipulated by someone or something in your life. I can’t promise that you can avoid this because of the blind spot, so I can only suggest that you look at your life critically and ask yourself where you feel like you’re losing control. The economy is a big one, and while that may not be true for everyone who picked this pile, it’s an excellent example of being manipulated by external forces more powerful than you.
So what should you anticipate will cause the breakdown in your life? Figure out where you’re the least secure against external threats and then build up defenses. It’s better to take over authority in this area as much as you can to prevent the worst. That way, even if something major is likely to happen to people like you, it won’t happen to you.
It’s Time to Wake Up
Your last card is the Four of Swords, Reversed. I like the read this card as someone who is being awakened spiritually. That’s because it’s someone lying in their tomb at rest, and as a reversal, it’s almost like they’re waking up and being reborn.
You should spend more time on your spirituality in whatever form that may be. The reason why this is so necessary for you is that it will give you perspective and perhaps even a divine connection that will empower your intuition. How often have you heard someone say they knew something bad was about to happen before it did? That’s because they were spiritually in tune with their environment.
And you can also be spiritually in tune with your environment. Meditate. Pray. Do rituals. Listen to music. Write down your dreams. Spend the next few years finding your spiritual practice that fills your spirit and do it frequently.
Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published.