What’s Ambiguous in Your Relationships: Tarot Pick a Card
There’s something that you don’t know the definitive answer to in one of your relationships. You may be aware of this or you may not, but it’s causing tension in your life that doesn’t have to be there. You can find out what that is with this tarot pick a card.
Want to find out yours? All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
Be aware that this reading is a bit more biting than normal. So if you want the brutally honest truth, this is the reading for you! I guess the universe is feeling sassy today.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the True Heart Intuitive Tarot and the Fin de Siècle Kipper Oracle decks while the animals are from an Acekar sticker pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase).
Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s make your relationships clearer.
Pile 1: Bear
No Power
It seems like judgment is what is ambiguous in your relationships according to your first card, Court House. I’m drawn to the masculine figure holding documents here, so it could be that a male figure in your life or someone with a lot of ambitious energy holds all the cards.
In a court case, there’s a winner and a loser. While for some of you this card could indicate a legal issue such as a divorce or inheritance, it’s most likely to refer to an important decision that needs to be made. Problem? You don’t have any say in it.
So what I’m seeing as ambiguous in your relationship (or relationships if this is a trait carried throughout all your connections) is whether or not you have any autonomy.
A relationship isn’t real if it’s one-sided. And affection isn’t the only thing that could be one-sided. People need to have negotiating power in a relationship. Even children gain more control over their child-parent relationships as they age.
I think this lack of power may even be something the people in your life don’t realize is a problem. The more you give in, the more permission you appear to grant them to make decisions for you.
Repressed Emotions
The next card is King of Cups, Reversed. I see this card as representing you. Sometimes the people in your life will make amazing decisions on your behalf. And sometimes their choices aren’t so great.
But whether or not this person or people in your life are good at making decisions, you feel powerless and upset. It seems like your relationships don’t value your opinion and perspective on things. You aren’t making decisions for yourself.
I think this can create a repressed rage or despair within you. Some who chose this pile may express it, but the majority are likely to bottle up their feelings. At times you may explode and take everyone by surprise: and they’ll blame you! Why are you only upset now? They simply don’t understand you felt this way all along.
The reality is quite different, however. You lack the authority you should have in your relationships and need to start advocating for your perspective. Sometimes you may even be wrong – but you must start making decisions for yourself otherwise you’re going to end up living a life you don’t enjoy (if you aren’t already).
Respect and Partings
Your final card is the Nine of Wands, Reversed. Eventually, the conflict you’re facing will ease. Chances are, you’re embodying a lot of stress you don’t even realize.
That’s because you’re repressing your true feelings to be more agreeable to your connections. But you must be willing to say no or advocate for what you want instead of to be respected as you are instead of an illusion your connection wishes you to be. Because that’s how you appear when you don’t make decisions for yourself: a doll without no will of its own.
Your good relationships will eventually respect your position, but negative relationships may result in these bad people leaving your life. Why? If you start advocating for yourself, they won’t want to be around you because all they want is control.
And really, do you want to be around someone who doesn’t actually like you and just wants to possess you? No! You’re worth so much more than that.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Cat
Someone Wants What You Have
I see that your first card is Thief. A lot is going on here. A boy is preparing to swipe a watch of a man who seems to be distracted by a woman in the card. When it comes to your relationships, you’re not seeing a threat in your midst, perhaps because you’re distracted by someone else.
Human relationships are complex webs. Some connections require more time and attention than others. Or, if we’re attracted to someone, we may be blind to the world around us.
It seems like there’s a stillness to your spread, so I don’t sense that the problem is urgent. Rather, it seems as if someone is trying to steal your future and is willing to take as much time as possible to achieve it.
You need to look around and critically analyze the people in your life. Your antagonist is most likely to be a superficial connection, such as a coworker or acquaintance. They want something you have and they’re going to sneak around your life until they get it.
So what’s ambiguous is which person is the threat. It’s not immediately clear and may even surprise you. But that’s because they’re hiding in plain sight.
The Problem With Flow
Your second card, the Eight of Wands, Reversed, basically reads as “time is coming to a stop.” Because of your previous card, I sense that something you like about your life or that you’re hopeful for is either manifesting or looking very promising.
For some of you, this is obviously romance, but it could be anything you care about, like a family relationship or a personal dream.
When you’re doing something that matters, you tend to enter a “flow” state where you even forget about time. All you can focus on is what you’re doing or who you’re with.
But this makes you blind to everything else in life. And the thief that’s trying to take that good feeling away from you is very aware of your optimism and using it against you.
Some of you may even sense there’s a threat around you… but you can’t quite identify it exactly.
This person is very fake. Think of a coworker who is trying to sabotage you, a friend who is trying to steal another friend away, or someone trying to start an affair with your partner. You think things are so perfect, but a jealous person will do whatever they can to take what’s yours and blame and gaslight you and everyone in your life.
When things are good, bad people come out of the woodwork to steal what you have. And they don’t make it obvious who they are or how they’re doing it until it’s too late.
The Snake at the Door
The thing about your last card, Seven of Wands, Reversed, is that the ambiguity continues. It’s not yet clear whether or not this thief will succeed. They’re investing a lot of time and effort into succeeding. That means all they’re waiting for is for you to slip up and take advantage of the situation.
This is a frustrating reality, but not one that’s unique or you haven’t avoided before. We’ve all had times in our lives when people just try to screw us over for no good reason. This is one of those times. I see your spread as a reminder from the universe to prune your relationships throughout your life of the dead weight.
I get a strong sense that the majority of those who chose this pile have a thief on the periphery. It’s not someone close to you, but someone on the outside looking in. Be wary of anyone trying to butt their way into your life. Not everyone is sincere.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Sloth
When There’s No Escape
Your first card is Imprisonment. You feel trapped, though you don’t know why. Relationships are strange things. It requires commitment, but sometimes, you don’t quite know what commitment is required.
This spread is more likely to refer to platonic rather than romantic relationships, but I will briefly describe the romantic aspect. If you’re in a relationship where it’s not clear what stage you’re in, this can be very confusing.
Most people expect their partners to be on the same page, such as with monogamy, marriage, children, quality time, and where you should live. But sometimes people end up in relationships where the big things aren’t addressed because the only thing the couple dares to talk about is their chemistry. It’s not romantic to talk about the mundane details of life.
But you need to talk about the big things. Otherwise, that chemistry may not last, but you’ll feel like you can’t leave the relationship because you’re “so in love” with someone who doesn’t want the same things as you do.
As for platonic relationships, this is harder to deal with. You may have a friend, family member, or coworker who has expectations for you, but those expectations may be mysterious or unreasonable. This makes continuing the relationship seem like a prison sentence. And sometimes, one you can’t escape from.
What do they want? You just don’t know. It’s not clear what they want you to do or how you should do it.
Rising From the Ashes
The next card is Ten of Swords. Let’s get this right out of the way: you’ve hit rock bottom in one of your relationships. It’s either dead or you need to resurrect it from the dead. It can’t keep going on as it is because it will ruin your life.
But there’s something magical about this card too. When you’re already at the bottom, the only way to go is up. If you address your issues, you can either move on from that relationship and find someone better or it can actually be fixed.
The idea that there’s no escape from your sense of imprisonment is an illusion. You do have power in this situation, but it does require recognizing the necessity of making a big decision to leave or start over with the same person.
For those starting over, be prepared to compromise. But every relationship is built on compromise and you’re just making a relationship work the way it should.
You Deserve Happiness
Your final card is Nine of Swords. I think you’re ruminating right now. This is the card of anxiety and toxic thoughts. Although you may think it’s appropriate to be complacent and accept things as they are, it’s not going to make you happy.
I think this is derived from a misunderstanding of what compromise is. Every relationship requires compromise. You won’t get a hundred percent of what you want – and neither should the other person. I suppose it happens in some relationships, but not most.
Compromise isn’t giving in. It’s a mutual decision of acceptance and negotiation. That’s true for platonic or romantic relationships. Both parties should feel like they’re walking away with a good deal even if they had to make concessions.
It seems like in your relationship or relationships you’re making concessions that are unfair to you just to make the other person happy.
But I do believe that you can turn this situation around and relieve your anxiety. Relationships aren’t meant to cause that just so you won’t be alone. You should find joy in your relationships. And you can – by either leaving or starting fresh with the same person.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.