What You Need in Your Life: Tarot Pick a Card
Something is missing in your life, and the universe knows what it is. If you’re here, that means you’re ready to find out what that may be and how to claim what’s meant to be yours. It’s easy with this psychic tarot pick a card.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal sticks out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Modern Witch Tarot and the Animal Spirit Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to find out what you need in your life.
Pile 1: Sloth

Your Inner Creation
Your first card is the Queen of Cups. There are two possible meanings here. The first is that you need a caring, feminine person in your life. But the second, more complex meaning is that you need to embrace your own inner emotions.
See how the ocean waves are softly turbulent here? Although water is symbolized as chaos in the West, that chaos doesn’t always have a negative connotation. It’s linked to femininity and creation. In the depths of that watery abyss is something unexpected.
There’s a lot of emotional or social potential in your life. Because this is a queen card, the expression of this is internal. This means accepting your own emotional well-being. See how the woman holds a chalice and seems to be peering inside? That needs to be you: see what inner, chaotic potential you have which can be used for good.
It’s Messy, But That’s Okay
The second card in your spread is Elk. This is masculine earth energy. When paired with your previous card, think about this as the outward way you ground yourself in the world. It’s a very materialistic way of living, but don’t confuse it with a lack of warmth.
You need to translate your inner emotions into a physical manifestation in your life. This card represents fatherly energy. That’s supportive and strong. Even if you may be emotionally sensitive at times, you can still form that inner chaos into a gentle wave that laps on the beach of your life pleasantly.
In a way, I think about mud here: the combination of water and earth. Your manifestations may seem messy at times, but mud and other wet soil are the very symbol of fertility and thus your potential to connect and create.
Life Is Always Moving Forward
Your last card is Fish. We’re back to water here, so I think it’s important you realize how strong the watery theme is in your spread. This is why this last card is so illustrative of what your life can be like sometimes and how to make the most of it.
This card represents a marine animal that lives in the current of the water. In other words, it exists in chaos. However, existing in a chaotic state doesn’t have to be a bad thing. At times your environment may seem overwhelming and that your fate is out of your control, but that wouldn’t be the right way to look at it.
Instead, see the movement the fish represents: it’s never settled and keeps on swimming. Embrace your chaos and allow yourself to feel your emotions, even the negative ones, because it’s going to give you room to live at your fullest potential.
You may have allowed yourself to be emotionally dead at times. Even if you’re stable and grounded in how you express yourself in the world (and some who choose this card may do so with the Elk energy here), don’t let that mean you feel nothing inside. You feel intensely.
That feeling you have is a superpower. It helps power your intuition and give life depth.
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Pile 2: Panda

Return to Form
It appears you’ve made a decision or gone on a journey that had important consequences for your life. With your first card being the Six of Swords, Reversed, it’s likely for most who chose this pile that it wasn’t a good consequence. Either way, what you need in your life is some sort of return to the past.
Know that this return is likely to be painful or frustrating. After all, you made the previous decision or move on for a reason. But sometimes things in our life change in ways no one could have anticipated.
That does mean that your decision to return may not be as clear as you would like. Be aware that part of what you need is unclear to you. Returning may be an act of trying to find personal clarity.
This may be a mental journey as much as it is a physical one for some.
Smart, But Distracted
Your next card, Octopus, suggests that you will make the right decision in the end. This is an animal known for its intelligence and ability to use tools. To some degree, it also indicates that you should be the primary source for your own decision-making.
If you relied on someone else or something else in the past, reconsider if that advice was worthwhile in your situation. Sometimes, people give good advice, but it doesn’t work in your situation. You need to know how to translate general advice into specific advice. And for you, that requires a personal revision to cater to your needs.
However, Octopus energy is diffuse. You have so many arms that you lack personal boundaries. You’re always grasping and clinging. It serves you well most of the time but may cause you to be a little frazzled.
Always make sure you’re focusing on the task at hand.
Don’t Be Hasty Now
The final card is Fire Ant. See all the little ants seemingly going everywhere? Here again, I think of the Octopus:one being, many extensions. In a way, ants are a hive mind with many bodies.
This card represents the potential for order, but the tendency to get agitated and blow up. While I think your issue could be one of anger, I’m not sensing that for most of you. Instead, I see an indication that impulsiveness may be in play.
What you need in your life is more deliberate and intentional decision-making. When you’re returning to your past, you’re revising a previous decision you made to improve on it. Perhaps the improvement is small, or perhaps it’s large, but I think you were too hasty when you jumped in at first.
It may be helpful for you to revisit past decisions. Journaling is good for this. However, try not to live in regret if you can’t change things. The universe is allowing you to make either personal changes to your life or the way you make decisions in the future. If right now is the latter, you may not be able to make an immediate change and what you’re learning is a new method to do things.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Red Panda

Pour Love Into the World
The first card in your spread is Ace of Cups. Here the artist has chosen to represent a heart in place of an image of communion. This gives the card a heavy, romantic flair.
What you need in your life is the start of a new romance or something close to your heart. It needs to pour out of you and fill the world. If you do that then you’ll have the sun behind you. See how rain is pouring down from the sky? I interpret this to be the water cycle of weather. What you pour out into the world will come back to you.
It can seem that starting a new relationship or personal project will only cost you instead of giving back. But that’s not the case. When you act in love, either with another person or with a passion project, you create possibilities and expand the world around you.
Seek a Personal Mentor
Your next card is Cobra. This animal represents inner wisdom that has spiritual elements. Perhaps the fire energy of the last card is at work here: without the passion of fire, there’s no love. Without the heat of the sun, there’s no water cycle.
This card is about embracing what life means and living to your fullest. Sometimes, we think that wisdom is only in areas of academic education or “street smarts.” But wisdom is also something in relationships and hobbies.
Ask yourself what you care about in your life and what you would need to feel like an expert in that area. Know then that becoming an expert in these areas is often only through experience: you must live them out.
That’s not to say you can’t rely on the wisdom of others, but their wisdom isn’t something you read in the book, but which they experienced and can help share their experience with you. Seek out mentors, whether it is someone who shares your hobby or a family or friend you trust. But mentors aren’t educators: they guide those who are learning for themselves.
Loyal and True
Ah, with the last card of the Fox, you probably have a few ideas about what this card could mean. This is one of the animals in this deck in which the meaning is well known because “clever or sly as a fox” is a common English idiom.
However, there are a few more mystical meanings to this animal spirit as well. While foxes are sly, they are also seen as magical. Know that embracing this new romantic possibility will bring magic into your life. What was once impossible or unimaginable will be very real for you.
Another meaning is that foxes are monogamous creatures who are loyal to their mates and children. This is a good sign if you want to start a new relationship or project because it indicates that you’re likely to commit to it for the long term.
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