What to Focus On — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on what you should immediately focus on to improve your life in some manner. That means you should be able to activate some level of blessings within a few days to a few weeks through your efforts.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Spellcasting Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s learn what you should be focusing on right now.
Pile 1: Car

You Deserve to Be Happy
You have a fun spread and it’s likely clear to you by looking at these cards that you need to prioritize the experience of Happiness.
However, this is not a short-term and fleeting feeling. That means a passive or transitory moment of joy is not what the universe wants you to prioritize.
Instead, the universe would like you to be open to Commitment. This could be interpreted in two ways: the first is a romantic one because of the two birds and the threads of fate. However, this card could also indicate a commitment to a lifestyle of happiness.
I do think because of the Finding card that you’re not 100% sure what would bring you lasting happiness. So let’s problem-solve this undercurrent of an issue.
The Core Problem
This spread isn’t about your hobbies or leisure time. It’s more so a focus on a long-term goal or aspiration. In other words, something you put a lot of energy and expectation into. What fulfills you. Joy = happiness in the moment. Fulfillment = happiness in life in general.
Although we live in a world with many choices, we tend to find ourselves pressured to commit to a future that would please other people. That major commitment is then softened in our personal lives with our hobbies and free time. A compensation. We exchange fulfillment in favor of joy.
But true happiness has both joy and fulfillment and this is what you need to change. You probably can’t do it overnight and may not realize some of your current restlessness is due to you feeling trapped in momentary instead of lasting happiness.
Now obviously there’s the example of someone who wants to be an artist but chooses to be a doctor to please their parents. I want to do something more nuanced here: imagine an artist who believes they need to make political art because that’s what’s trending.
However, that artist dreams of creating fun illustrations for children’s books. In the moment they’re doing art, so that makes them happy, but what they want to achieve just isn’t taking place.
A Simple Exercise
Understand that you may be pursuing most of what you believe would make you feel joy and fulfilled, but could be altering that goal to please a community you’re a part of. And it’s not wrong to want to fit in if these are the people you value.
But not understanding the difference between joy and fulfillment is likely to lead you to dramatically alter your entire life to keep chasing different versions of joy instead of orienting towards fulfillment.
The artist, for example, may decide to teach art to children to avoid being pressured to make political art – and while that is likely to make them somewhat happy, it still doesn’t match what they want for themselves even if it seems closer.
Take some time today to identify goals or hobbies you like. Divide a paper into three columns. The middle column should list your goal or hobby. The left column should have what you think is the momentary joy you gain from that activity. The right should have what you predict is the fulfillment gain. Do you like both sides?
If not, start altering how you approach these activities gradually so you can build the life you want.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🎨 emoji or mentioning “palette” that you’re ready to have both joy and fulfillment in your life. What’s something you like doing? Do you feel you’re getting both joy and fulfillment from that?
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Butterflies

Wearing the Wild
This is an unexpected spread and it’s not a combination I’ve ever gotten close to with this deck before. The first card, Trust, is a clear sign that you need to surrender to the universe and your higher self.
This isn’t easy, so I empathize, but your higher self, the soul version that exists beyond your body, has a greater understanding of the context to your life. It works with the universe to try and improve your circumstances in whatever way is possible.
That’s what happens when your intuition is activated. Everyone has Psychic Abilities, but I think yours is stronger than most or is about to be stronger. That’s because you’re going to feel more united at a soul level with the divine.
The particular way this is going to manifest in the near future is through Animals. A lot of people, perhaps all, seem to have a spirit animal. This either appears as a physical animal in your life (such as an unexpected pet or neighborhood wildlife), symbols in their form that show up constantly it borders on strange, or in the embodiment of that animal’s personality.
Activating the Energy
You may or may not know what your spirit animal is. It’s also possible that the particular form your intuition will manifest this way around, even if you have a spirit animal, is in unrelated animal activity. Think of theriomancy: the divination of animals. Another common word is omen or sign.
Most commonly people see this in the movement of birds or encounters with wildlife. Just know that an animal getting loose from a zoo in your area may not be an individual message to you, but to the community itself.
And if a family or rabbits have always lived in your backyard, seeing them one morning isn’t an omen – though it could indicate that they represent your spirit animal in general or the animal is attracted to the specific energy of the place represented by the animal.
Try keeping a journal for a week to a month and note down any messages you seem to get related to animals. If you’re not encountering animals in any form or you suspect it’s just coincidence in your case, start journaling about your personality and how you react to things.
You can use sympathetic magic, sometimes called homeopathic magic (like effects like) to activate that energy even more. Think of yourself as cunning? Your spirit animal might just be a fox.
Inserting fox symbols into your life or doing a meditation where you visualize yourself living as a fox will be spiritually helpful and make use of the good traits even more.
Why Animals Are Important
But why is any of this particularly useful in your immediate life? Humans tend to corral their behavior according to artificial human expectations in light of civilization. However, we’re also animals and when we connect with animals, we reconnect with an energy we’re ignoring.
I’m homebody so it’s fairly normal for me to not see a lot of nature. I also live in Appalachia so I’m essentially surrounded by a forest. It’s unusual for deer to show up in my neighborhood now, but when they do, I feel a different energy surrounding me. An energy of potential to manifest.
This is because deer, which I consider one of my spirit animals, represent sensitivity. When they’re around, I know I’m going to be more acutely aware of things and that helps me to improve my life.
Whether you identify animal signs in your environment or you use sympathetic magic to embrace their energy, be sure to look up what those animals represent. You might be surprised what sort of messages the universe is sending you that will be helpful to listen to.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🦌 emoji or mentioning “deer” that you’re eager to receive messages from your spirit animal. What do you think or HOPE it might be? I’d love to know!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Suitcase

Altered States
Your spread is about the unconscious and tapping into it. The conscious is what you’re experiencing right now. The subconscious is that which is within you that you can access at any time. The unconscious is that which is deep within you and can only be accessed through special pathways. It can also be a collective unconscious accessed in a similar way.
Your first card, Dreams, is the specific method you should focus on to access you’re unconscious. Here it can describe your sleeping dreams or an almost hypnotic daydream state.
What you’re meant to accomplish is Healing. You’re going to go into your dreams and you’ll be altered likely on the soul level, but perhaps an emotional, mental, or even physical healing.
The healing that is accomplished will lead to a greater Passion. This will activate your conscious will and tap into the parts of yourself you’ve been repressing and can only experience in a dream state until you unlock it from there.
If You Want to Use Sleep Dreaming
This is the traditional method. A dream journal would be helpful here, but if you’re good at remembering your dreams, a dream dictionary or looking up symbols online would be a good assist.
Before falling asleep, set an intention either by writing it down or saying it to yourself before you shut your eyes. A good affirmation for you might be, “My dream will reveal a truth to me tonight.”
This can take a few days to a few weeks to accomplish depending on how aware you are of your dreams currently. Some of you might also have more metaphorical dreams and need to write down the symbols you see and look them up to analyze the pattern.
You can also try lucid dreaming. This is where you’re aware you’re dreaming when this happens. Not everyone can do this successfully (and I don’t even attempt it since I have a sleep disorder).
However, a common method includes doing reality checks throughout the day when you’re awake so it becomes a habit when you sleep too. Research methods until you find one you like. There are countless.
Once you are lucid dreaming, try asking within your dream what you need to do to heal and pursue what makes you experience passion. One of your spiritual team make even take form in that dream and answer you directly.
If You Want to Use Daydreaming
Not everyone can or even wants to use their sleep dreams to access their unconscious. If that’s you, you can try entering an altered state while awake.
This will be most similar to spiritual mystic experiences you may already be attempting too.
The first thing you should try is to write down where your mind drifts when it daydreams. If you’re constantly dreaming about saving lives instead of falling in love, you might be more passionate about a career helping people, for example, than being a homemaker despite feeling in your waking world that’s where you’re drawn. The unconscious can be revealing.
Another method is to use guided meditations/visualizations on YouTube. Pick one that’s at least ten minutes long and really dive into it.
A third option is to try automatic writing. This is where you let yourself get relaxed and then write down whatever comes to mind without stopping. Doing a meditation beforehand can help.
Now that you have some ideas, try starting one today. Eventually, what you need to know to be healed, or perhaps the dreaming experience itself will be healing, will lead to a change and you activating more passion in your life.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a ❤️ emoji or mentioning “heart” that you’re ready to learn from your dreams. Have you had any recurring dreams lately? Perhaps a dream at some point in your life that still sticks out to you? I used to dream a lot about dinosaurs. What about your dreams?
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Thank you so much for reading, Angeles! Many blessings to you! 🙂
Thank you so much for reading, Lily! 🙂