The Next Three Years: Tarot Pick a Card
The future is not set in stone, but you’re trending in a specific direction. The universe has brought you to this tarot reading to help you prepare to either manifest or reject what’s coming your way.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Enchanted Map Oracle and while the animal illustrations are from a Benresive Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s co-create your next three years with the universe.
Pile 1: Hedgehog

You Have a Challenge
The second card in your spread, Goblins, describes the conflict you’ll experience over the next few years. This is a malevolent energy and a mythical one. For some of you, this means the paranormal may be intruding into your life, while for others, it’s an indication of some sort of threat that is an illusion and has no real power over you.
The good news is that you can make these next three years amazing. The universe just wants you to know that goblin energy is present so that you can adequately protect yourself.
So how do you protect yourself? Your first card, Talisman, is a clue. Some sort of protective or lucky item will serve to reassure you when times are tough that the problems you’re facing can’t overwhelm you. Yep: it’s that simple!
What You Need
The talisman will take different forms depending on the shade of your goblin energy. If you aren’t sure which energy you’re trending into, carry something lucky with you as a preventive measure. Otherwise, consider the following:
For those encountering paranormal energy, have a blessed or holy item. If you belong to a traditional religion, this would be something like a cross, holy necklace, or charm. If you don’t belong to a traditional religion, find a protective talisman that you’ll believe in.
However, if you’re encountering spirits that are ghosts who followed a particular religion in their life, then that’s probably your better option even if you aren’t a member of that religion. A Buddhist in Europe dealing with a haunted house may want a cross while a European in Japan would probably get a local charm from a temple or shrine.
As for non-paranormal goblins such as a toxic person or situation, a blessed or holy item would work, but anything that serves as an oath or personal reminder that you’re strong would work. For example, a favorite bracelet or a worry stone in your pocket would be effective even if it has no spiritual properties.
The point is to help ground you when times are tough and remind you that you’re more powerful than your circumstances.
Know You’re Strong
Your final card, Making a Choice, represents your free will in this situation. This tells me it may be difficult to prevent the goblin energy from taking place, but that when it does arrive you can quickly divert course and manifest a wonderful life.
I think the goblin energy is going to tempt you to sabotage yourself in some way. Perhaps by losing yourself to paranormal fears or being tempted by everyday drama to not advocate for yourself.
But remember that goblins are illusions. They’re ugly tricksters who have no real power over you if you don’t let them have it. You may not feel that way in the moment, but that’s what the talisman is for: to remind you that you have the tools and personal strength to overcome them.
And if you can overcome that, you can achieve anything in these next three years.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Giraffe

An Era of Novelty
The second card in your spread, Into the Unknown, refers to some sort of adventure or experience you’re going into over these next three years. It could refer to the aftermath of a life event, such as childbirth, divorce, or moving, but it can also refer to an intellectual adventure or starting a new hobby.
The point is that you’re going to start or continue something where you don’t know where you’ll end up. You may have certain hopes or dreams, but the certainty isn’t there either because it’s a risk or there are just so many roads you can go down.
This is likely to be an exciting and frustrating three years for you. But to make it easier, I recommend researching more into that area and having patience with yourself.
Be Somewhat Precise
You must embrace the energy of your first card, Details, Details. You shouldn’t be obsessive about this, but approaching these next few years without caution and mindfulness is bound to make you feel like you’re in peril.
Let’s use an example of having a child. This can be a happy event, but parents who don’t look things up or ask for help on how to raise a child can feel as if they’re overwhelmed and don’t know what to do. Is it safe for two-year-olds to play by themselves without a playpen?
You shouldn’t leave most things to chance. There are happy accidents of course and you should welcome those, but don’t use your blindness of the future as an excuse to be unprepared. Prepare a little to reassure yourself and help activate your intuition. Intuition tends to work best when it has a pragmatic foundation to orient itself.
In addition, being mindful of the details will help you enjoy the next three years more. It’s going to be a complex three years, but in a good way.
Be Your Best
The last card in your spread is Solitude. Now for some of you, this does indicate some sense of being alone. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean loneliness. Not everything you do is done with others. An author, for example, tends to write the first draft of their novel alone.
Understand that you can use solitude to your advantage. Other people are great, but they can be distractions or even overbearing in how they try to influence your life. College students often revel in their sense of independence from their parents when they go off to school. They don’t seek new parents from their peers or professors.
Ask yourself how you can better step into your independence over the next few years. Think that won’t be possible for every life event? Let’s go back to the parent. Even though a good parent will ask for help when they need it, they’ll eventually need to learn how to do things by themselves. This is what will help situate them as the parental figure for their child.
Your solitude is precious. It’s not loneliness. Solitude is personal exceptionalism.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Pelican

Good Times Ahead
I see that your second card is Peaks of Joy, meaning these next few years will have many happy events that you’ll remember for the rest of your life.
That said, these are peaks, which means there’s a geography to your life with a variety of experiences. For some of you, these peaks will also have valleys. Expect some negative or depressing events.
I think of dopamine here. The more you elevate your dopamine, the greater the fall to baseline after the fact. So when something really good happens, allow yourself the time and space to process it. And try not to compare your best days with your ordinary ones.
So it’s possible that the valleys aren’t tragedies, but rather comparing your every day with your best days.
However, if you do encounter true valleys, know that good times will be coming too – and those will be the ones you’ll fixate on in your mind.
Weigh Your Options
I think this fear of valleys will cause you to activate the third card’s energy: Protecting Treasure. Here we see a woman covering her treasure chest to protect it from the rain.
You’ll be so happy with your peaks that you’ll do anything to protect them. I don’t think this is a bad thing, but this is a habit of yours you need to be aware of so you use it effectively. Some of you may be so obsessive over protecting something that you let something negative in elsewhere in your life or reject an opportunity.
Let’s use an example: say you plan to have a summer vacation where you visit Greece. But then you learn that your sibling is getting married in Hawaii. You could skip the destination wedding and go to Greece since that was your plan… but you’d probably value the Hawaii trip more in the end.
This is what I meant about protecting your treasure. Only do so in ways that make long-term sense.
Look Within for Guidance
The first card in your spread, Compass, tells me you need to consider your values more. You make become preoccupied with good things that don’t matter, such as materialism, instead of family or friends.
You’re likely to encounter a lot of abundance over the next few years in many different forms. Enjoy the abundance you receive, even the material ones, but make sure that you’re prioritizing your life according to personal values.
I sense a lot of greatness and prosperity ahead of you, but it’s easy to get sidetracked by these gifts from the universe and not value the intangible, personal areas of your life.
Consider a simple journal exercise after this reading where you answer this prompt: what are your top three to five values in life? List them. Making it clear what your priorities are will help you to navigate these next three years of abundance and joy effectively.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.