Stay Focused: Tarot Pick a Card
You were drawn to this reading because the universe believes you need some help staying strong. Things are getting difficult or confusing in your life right now. But with this tarot pick a card, you can receive some divine guidance that will help clear things up.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which rose stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Crow Tarot and the Chakra Wisdom Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to learn how you can stay focused.
Pile 1: Blue Rose

Emotionally Distracted
Your first card is the Queen of Cups, Reversed. There’s some emotional turmoil in your life right now. This could be volatility from a bad relationship or experience. However, your negative feelings could be more subtle or numb, such as anxiety or depression.
When you’re not in a good emotional place, it can be difficult to stay focused on what matters. This can result in poor grades in school or performance at work. It could also cause you to act erratically in a relationship. But again, just as some who picked this card may have more subtle emotional resonances, the effect could be too.
For example, you may not feel as enthusiastic about your hobbies or find that tasks that were once enjoyable now bore you.
In short, your attention is compromised and this is because your heart is unsettled. Never doubt the importance of your emotional health. It’s normal in our current era to push it aside, but it’s one of the most important facets of our lives. Our emotional health is our spiritual regulator and our personal fuel tank.
It’s Not Your Fault
It may be difficult for you to believe right now, but you’re going to overcome this difficult time. Your next card, Perseverance, is the universe telling you that your struggles will eventually come to an end.
That said, I get the distinct impression from your spread that your own effort may not be the cause of your recovery. That may sound disappointing, but I want you to know this: it’s not your fault that you’re struggling to stay focused right now. Sometimes, life really is hard and there’s little you can do to prevent forces greater than you from overwhelming your life.
However, what the universe does want you to do is to hold on. Don’t allow yourself to fade away or give up. Go easy on yourself, maybe take some time off or lower expectations during this time of healing, but persevere just a little longer. This is a waiting game for things in your life to change.
Divine Gift
Your final card is Miracle. This is a sign from the universe that an opportunity to change your circumstances will come your way. It won’t be something you earn through hard work or struggle. Instead, it will seem like divine assistance.
For some of you, this could be that your emotional upset just clears away one day. For others, the cause of that emotional upset will be removed from your life or you’ll receive something that makes life easier. Someone who is unhappily single may meet someone they love while another who has a missing cat will find them.
I don’t know the exact quality of your miracle. It may be supernatural in its presentation or it may be ordinary. However, what all these miracles have in common is that it removes the difficulty from your life and helps you to shine again. It’s coming. You’re just waiting for it to be delivered.
And when it does, you’ll be able to focus better. Just do what you can until then.
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Pile 2: Pink Rose

Going in the Right Direction
With your first card being The Moon, Reversed, it seems like you’re coming out of a difficult time. Things are looking up, but you’re still on a road of self-improvement. This means you may be expecting perfection from yourself even though you’ve already made so much admirable progress.
One thing the universe wants you to know is that you’re already successful to some degree. That’s not to say that you can’t improve your focus, but the steps you’ve already taken can be considered proof that you’re going in the right direction.
Ask yourself how you’ve made positive changes in your life, especially when it comes to bad habits or destructive lifestyles. Perhaps some who chose this pile are still a work in progress, but they shouldn’t discount the progress they have made (however small).
So yes, you’re staying focused. The question is how to lean into the success you’ve already managed so you can leverage it even more.
You’re Worthy
The second card in your spread is Renewal. Part of your improvement and learning to stay focused means letting go of what no longer serves you. However, there’s something in your life that had value even before the change and you’re starting to rediscover that.
For you, staying focused isn’t just about adopting new habits and letting go of old ones, but recognizing the seeds of good in your life that already existed. You don’t need to wipe your slate completely clean.
This may be a hobby you had as a child that you’re rediscovering, a relationship with someone you’ve learned to cherish, or a personal trait you’ve come to appreciate.
The way for you to identify this is nostalgia. What not only lights you up but reminds you of “the good old days” when things were simpler or life didn’t seem so confusing.
That part of your life is going to be renewed going forward and transform. It will integrate your past self and your future self into a harmonious unity. In a way, it’s your identity transcending the linear narrative of your life. Your personal, holistic meaning.
Things Are Changing
The third card in your spread is Completion. This refers not to the last card, but something else in your life. It may be something from your past or it may be something you adopted recently. Either way, it’s going to end.
At first, looking at this card may cause you to consider that completion sad. After all, isn’t this a funeral? However, this card calls upon the Death card in tarot, which is about endings and then rebirth.
Something in your life is coming to its natural conclusion so it can make way for something amazing. Perhaps you’re changing majors in college or you’re leaving a job for something better. Not everything about it was bad, but you’re ready to move on.
That’s how you should see your self-improvement. Sometimes, we have chapters in our life which are meaningful at the time and remain meaningful, but as we change, we close the page on that chapter and proceed to what’s next.
You need to get comfortable with change as not all change is bad. Who you are is constantly transforming, so changing your life to match that is just honoring who you’ve become. And that’s how you stay focused: recognize what has been completed in your life so you can start something new.
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Pile 3: Green Rose

Detach Yourself
I see that your first card is the Eight of Cups. For you, staying focused means leaving something behind – perhaps everything behind. You need to make a drastic change in your life and maybe be a bit ascetic in your approach to focus.
Now cups represent emotional resonances, like relationships, a spiritual connection, or creativity. So when I say to leave something behind, it’s really an emotional state. You need to disconnect or, as Buddhists would say, not be so attached.
The attachment you’re facing is somehow toxic and cyclical. No matter how you respond to that attachment, nothing is changing. So you need to disengage and step away.
There are a lot of practices that would be helpful here. While some would benefit from moving away, breaking up with someone who is toxic, or living a more stoic lifestyle… that’s not strictly necessary in every case.
Instead, figure out where your emotional connections have trapped you, even the good ones (hello, parents who need a day off), and find emotional autonomy. Meditation and mindfulness practices are key in breaking these attachments by helping you to become aware of how you’ve been chained in.
Instinct on Overdrive
Your next card is Instinct. Although it may take some of you time to work through your attachments to discover how and why they’re becoming toxic, instinct is a good guide. Within you is this inkling of doubt that your life is how it should be. Deep in your gut, you know something is wrong and that things could be better.
One of the reasons why you may struggle to focus in life is that your attachments demand your attention. Your focus is constantly circling on them instead of what you need to be working on in the present.
This is where your instinct can be helpful. What can’t you stop thinking about when you’re trying to relax? This is where your attachments are crowding your life in a harmful way. Your instinct is likely using anxiety to let you know that something is wrong in your relationship with that attachment.
Of course, detaching doesn’t mean letting go of what’s important. For some of you, detaching does mean leaving someone who hurts you, but for others, like an exhausted parent, it may mean using mindfulness to train your mind to focus on happy activities when you’re trying to relax.
When your instinct is activated through your attachments, it creates a bodily response through anxiety. When you’re no longer attached in a harmful way, that anxiety will fade.
Not Easy At First
Freeing yourself from harmful attachments is liberating, but not easy as indicated by your last card, Despondence. At first, you’re going to feel uneasy. After all, any attachment can be painful to break away from similar to pulling off a bandaid. It needs to be done, but it’s not a pleasant experience.
This period should only be a short while and will be lessened if you do mindfulness practices. However, you may find it helpful to replace harmful attachments with positive attachments. Consider picking up a hobby or engaging more positively with what you were previously attached to.
Breaking attachments isn’t about isolating yourself but breaking down negative cycles. And if you do that, your mind will finally be free to focus on what truly matters instead.
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