Soulmate vs. Twin Flame — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading for those in a relationship wondering if their current partner is a soulmate or a twin flame.
A soulmate is a person who you can grow with through your relationship. There are multiple soulmates in a lifetime and not all are romantic. Twin flames are your other half – the mirror version of your soul with powerful karmic triggers. Often romantic, but not always, though you just have one.
Want to know if your relationship is one of these two spiritual types? You can by selecting one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Tarot of the Divine (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to find out if this person is a soulmate or a twin flame.
Pile 1: Pink Flowers
Is This Person a Soulmate?
The first two cards in your spread analyze this relationship’s potential as a soulmate. The first card is Seven of Wands and the second is Queen of Coins, Reversed. This suggests your current relationship is on the edge of being or not being a soulmate.
That’s because the first card, Seven of Wands, suggests that your relationship faces serious external threats. These threats can currently be overcome, but it’s going to require a lot of work to manage them.
The second card, Queen of Coins, Reversed, indicates that this is very overwhelming and you can’t manifest more than you have now.
So yes, this person is a soulmate, but at the same time, the situation is so precarious that another stressor will cause one or both of you to just give up on trying to grow together.
If you want this relationship to work, you’re going to need to do something to make both of your lives easier. Discuss with your partner if there are things you could do for each other, how to delegate things to other people, or how to get out of your current environment entirely.
Is This Person a Twin Flame?
I don’t think so. The third card, King of Cups, Reversed, shows that a deep heart and soul connection doesn’t exist here. It’s possible due to the Eight of Wands as the fourth card that this particular soulmate was very close to you in other lifetimes, so it’s difficult for you to perceive them as an ordinary soulmate relationship over a twin flame relationship.
That doesn’t mean your current relationship can’t become a thriving, lifelong romance, but you’re unlikely to feel that this person is “the one.” However, the Eight of Wands does suggest some sort of descent or speed that is itself difficult.
I think you’re at risk of being wooed by your actual twin flame even if your twin flame is bad for you. If you encounter your Twin Flame while your current relationship is struggling, you’ll abandon that relationship in hopes your Twin Flame will be better.
You can probably see how this could turn out: the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
My Advice
This person isn’t your twin flame, but there’s the potential to make this love a meaningful one. If you can work through your issues, then consider your commitment something that matters even if you see your Twin Flame later in life.
But if you suspect you can’t make your issues work, know that another soulmate or even your Twin Flame is out there. They may be the person who will make your heart flutter.
Focus on what you have right now though and make a decision only when you’re certain how your current struggles compare to your willingness to overcome them.
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Pile 2: Purple Flowers
Is This Person a Soulmate?
No. The cards are pretty clear about it (but stay tuned for the Twin Flame section). There isn’t a productive or positive energy here. The first card, Seven of Cups, Reversed, suggests making a poor decision among many. The Empress, Reversed indicates a lack of care and the ability for this relationship to be fertile in its commitment.
Let’s get into the details here. The first card, Seven of Cups, Reversed, could indicate that your relationship was, at one point, a soulmate possibility. This may have been why you were attracted to each other. It was an option and you took it.
Unfortunately, you disregarded much better options. Perhaps you settled or you only focused on the shallower aspects of attraction or status. Hey, we all have our material preferences.
But The Empress, Reversed suggests there’s a lack of common goals or understanding of what this relationship could be. You can’t grow together because you’re going in opposite directions even if you started out at the same place.
Is This Person a Twin Flame?
Yes! Are you surprised? The reality is that a Twin Flame is your mirror and someone who triggers you across lifetimes. But you and this person have free will and can set yourselves on the path to go in opposite directions with love.
Your third card, Three of Coins, shows that there’s some relationship noise. Perhaps this person is your Twin Flame, but they’re not meant to be your romantic partner. It could also be a sign of divine intervention.
Don’t look at your relationship as a sign you did anything wrong in trying to make it work. Maybe there’s something about this relationship that is meaningful and you can become soulmates again. However, your attraction to them as a Twin Flame may be leading you to ignore their flaws as a romantic partner.
The fourth card, Seven of Coins, is about investment. Just like a person can stray away from being your soulmate… they can come back into the fold. The reality is that if you do a lot of work, you both may have the soul desire to be one again. It’ll require letting your egos die and compromising though.
My Advice
The reality is that you’re probably going to ignore my advice. That’s because you feel an intense connection to your twin flame and probably won’t think rationally.
Find one person in your life, either someone you trust or a therapist, who can provide objective advice about your relationship with your Twin Flame. This person will provide a sounding board for your intuition and your soul obsession with a more rational perspective.
Pursue this relationship, but know you’re going to be a bit delusional about how it can work without someone in your life to confirm or deny your thoughts. However, if you can make it work, it’ll be like no other relationship you could ever possibly have.
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Pile 3: Red Flowers
Is This Person a Soulmate?
True commitment seems likely with this relationship, but it’ll be fraught with challenges – at least in the near future. The first card, The Hierophant, is about order and sometimes marriage. That’s a good sign for this person being someone you can grow with. But The Wheel of Fortune, Reversed does indicate that misfortune is on the horizon.
Because of this, your commitment will be tested. I think that, initially, it’ll survive this confrontation but it will be weakened because of it. There are many couples who say “I do” and “Until death do us part” completely meaning it – and then divorce later.
The Hierophant is a powerful card, but The Wheel of Fortune, Reversed is also powerful despite being a temporary turn of the wheel. You can turn that misfortune into an advantage by realizing every couple faces challenges and some use that as a lesson to grow together.
But if you hold onto the resentment that you’re bound to feel at the beginning after the misfortune, it will spell the death of your relationship.
Note your misfortune may be something standard for all couples, like moving in together.
Is This Person a Twin Flame?
It doesn’t appear that way given the cards. The Ace of Cups, Reversed suggests that this lacks the emotional resonance a twin flame relationship would have. It could also be a sign that your Twin Flame could be a romantic partner in this life if you found them.
That said, we can’t ignore the fact a strong, divinely sanctioned commitment is present with your current soulmate. Something about this soulmate is worthy enough for the universe to say, “Hey, try to work through your differences.” Perhaps your Twin Flame isn’t as close as they could be and you would spend many years alone if you waited for them.
The King of Coins, Reversed does suggest your current soulmate doesn’t know how to build a legacy with you. What that means is that your soulmate may have different ideas about where to live, how to manage the household, or even children.
These are things you need to hash out because such beliefs are usually closely held by individuals and they expect to match with their partner or come to an amicable compromise. The lack of a compromise could be what spells doom when you encounter your first bad luck as a couple.
My Advice
Your twin flame is out there, but your soulmate is here now. I don’t know how long this relationship will last (there’s a chance it won’t last the rest of your life), but the universe sanctions it. They believe if you work through your problems, you’ll be good partners.
That said, there is something very temporary about this connection that may be difficult to overcome. Not impossible, but difficult, and you may sense and feel that deeply in your intuition each time things don’t go as expected when misfortune strikes.
You need to ask yourself if the commitment you have today is a commitment that can be forged for a lifetime. It’s going to require both of you to put in the effort.
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