Three tarot pick a card piles

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  1. I’m trying to figure out my life path so I can come to agreement with everything around me.i need help with my points and I can’t get there until I have been studying.

    1. Hi David,

      Always remember you have free will, but if you want some divine insight from the universe, you can try a few different things. I’ve created a few different tarot pick a cards that might be relevant, but this is the most on topic:

      You can also try astrology and numerology. I like astrology, but it’s really complex. Numerology is easier to start with and gives insight into the “fixed” parts of your destiny that are harder to change. I really like the tools at Affinity Numerology for this:

      The first tool on that page is really good, but they have so many tools on a variety of topics that you’ll find it worthwhile to browse.

      Generally, I view divination as useful in the following circumstances:
      * Astrology has the most complex and nuanced meanings. However, it requires a lot of background knowledge or rather expensive readings.
      * Numerology provides summarized insight. There are often many tools and calculators online that can do this for you for free.
      * Tarot is more “in the moment” and respects free will. This is where I problem-solve aspects of my destiny that I want to be able to change. You can buy tarot readings or find free readings online.

      There are some other methods, like palmistry and runes, but astrology, numerology, and tarot I think are the easiest to find information about online for free.

      Emmarie Hodge